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Cheerleaders suspended for hazing, smeared peanut butter on student w/ peanut allergy

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I don't get the point of hazing.

Well no I get the point (bonding exercise) I just find it mindblowing that such shit actually works, and that people continue to perpetuate it.
lol nice, they missed senior prom. That is probably the most vicious possible punishment for these jerks.

Personally I'd be OK with them getting worse, like not being able to graduate. Granted, they're dumb teenage kids, but that was pretty reckless of them considering peanut allergies aren't exactly small potatoes.


No, I mean scientifically what is it about peanuts that causes the reaction?

Just like most allergies it's an immune system hypersensitivity to an otherwise harmless substance. White blood cells start activating. Why that happens is not completely understood.
I don't get the point of hazing.

Well no I get the point (bonding exercise) I just find it mindblowing that such shit actually works, and that people continue to perpetuate it.

Cognitive Dissonance.


"Why am I participating in these degrading tasks if I don't enjoy them? Oh, it must be because I really like the group!"

It's why hazing is so popular among fraternities/sororities, sports teams, and cheerleading squads. It cements loyalty.

Hari Seldon

I don't have any problem with what they did honestly. Pushups and situps? Have ketchup squirted on them? That is pretty mild and harmless fun.


No, I mean scientifically what is it about peanuts that causes the reaction?

Essentially your immune system develops in a way that it should recognize anything foreign (e.g microbes, but food is the same) and react to it. For food however, mechanisms take place to prevent it. That's called tolerance. If it doesn't work properly, you get an allergic reaction.
Delaying the exposure to such things quite dramatically increases the risk of allergies.
So basically, you should have your kids eat everything at a young age.


So basically, you should have your kids eat everything at a young age.

I thought the usual recommendation is that kids should avoid certain foods until they reach a particular age? Such as avoiding things like nuts and seafood until 3. Unless you mean the 3-5 range.


I thought the usual recommendation is that kids should avoid certain foods until they reach a particular age? Such as avoiding things like nuts and seafood until 3. Unless you mean the 3-5 range.

Seafood might be due to other reasons, such as risk of infection by some nasty virus they sometimes carry. But for nuts, there's actually no good reason for that. There's a bunch of studies around, including one comparing the incidence of peanut allergy in Israel and the UK. It's 10 times higher in the latter. In that study no kids below age 3 in the UK ever had peanuts, while consumption was frequent in Israel for kids <1yo.

How is this not posted


I thought the usual recommendation is that kids should avoid certain foods until they reach a particular age? Such as avoiding things like nuts and seafood until 3. Unless you mean the 3-5 range.

Yeah, as Raist noted, it turns out this makes people way more likely to have allergies. Medical establishment FTW. This also explains why babies putting whatever shit they find on the ground in their mouths is actually an evolutionary adaptation.
I have nothing against this type of hazing except spreading peanut butter on a person with a peanut allergy. It's reckless and dangerous. They should have made an exception for the allergy by doing something else.
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