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Chess game for DS

Sorry if old, and sorry if I'm not supposed to link to others forums:

The main concept of Ikhánja is, as I said before, a glorified Chess game. But there are many new things, rules, and differences, applied to this simple Chess concept. When we were starting working on it, we simply begun this as a Chess game with a story; as funny as it may sound. But we soon found ourselves adding stuff, well I did the gameplay thinking basically, and we ended with something VERY interesting.

So, let me get to the basics. Each army HAS to have 20 troops. No more, no less. Also, each army HAS to have a single commander. Again, no more, no less. The battlefield is a grid of 10x10. So, so far, this IS basically a Chess game.

Now let's get to the main difference between Chess and Ikhánja: The ability to construct your army, place it in a formation that you find useable, constantly update it with new units.

There are THREE categories of UNITS in Ikhánja.

1. Troops
2. Specials
3. Generals

Troops are basically the soldiers. They are the weakest "block" of creating your army. The good with them is that they provide a useful disposable force, which you don't have any regret seeing "killed" in the battle. Your army MUST consist of AT LEAST 10 Troops, and can be UP TO 12. All Troops MUST be the same.

Specials are divided in 2 sub-categories:

a) Lower Generals
b) Uniques

Lower Generals provide you the main "force" of your army. They are stronger than an average soldier, and the key units to win the game; just like in a Chess game.
You can have up to 7 Lower Generals in your army, and must have at least 4. You can have up to 2 same Lower General Units. You can't place 7 SAME Lower Generals.

Uniques are the BEST units in your army; even better than your General. They are the only ones which have a considerable HP, and can probably withstand one or two hits before they are "killed". They work in the same way as Lower Generals. You can choose to not have a Unique in your army, and you may have as much as 2, which can be of the same Unique Unit if you wish.

Finally, the General, is the leader of your army. He is directly linked to the story, and he stays with your army for the whole duration of the game. S/He must NOT die at all costs. The General has a considerable amount of HP, and is the only one who can cast magic in the game. We can return to that one, later.

Read more at: http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/genmessage.php?board=985&topic=16556168
Oh man, that sounds like so much fun. I love the fact that all the units have unique stats and movement patterns. I cannot wait to try this baby out against another human player, provided it actually gets released. From the looks of it, they're pretty far along and rather determined to get the game finished.


Aw man, when they said "glorified" I was sort of hoping they were going to offer Knightmare Chess. That'd be awesome on the DS.
Screw chess, I want the air hockey demo Nintendo was showing around. I told the NOA rep that they would be retarded not to release it as an actual game considering how much fun it was (plus I dom't know about Japan, but air hockey is still pretty popular here in the states).


I've become a real chess geek of late, so this sounds pretty interesting. Although, the fact that he (the project lead?) says it'll probably get a PC release before a commercial DS release makes me wonder how much the game will make use of DS capabilities, and how much a DS version is just an excuse to work with new tech. Or maybe this is one of those cases where Nintendo are giving them the devkit for free and any other platforms' devkit would've cost them money. Either way, it sounds pretty interesting.
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