Crab wrapped up in fried bacon. HOLY JESUS it was good. Dipped it in some butter from the salmon spot at the buffet bar. Thats just awesome.
*keels over*
*keels over*
This is one thing we can agree on, love me some crab.MrAngryFace said:Crab wrapped up in fried bacon. HOLY JESUS it was good. Dipped it in some butter from the salmon spot at the buffet bar. Thats just awesome.
*keels over*
Shouta said:Which Chinese Buffet did you go to MAF?
:lol Man that sounds awesome. Hook it upMrAngryFace said:IN BACON
Reminds me of Homer's butter in a bacon blanket.MrAngryFace said:Crab wrapped up in fried bacon.
Why give a shit if its authentic or not if it tastes good?Pochacco said:Ugh - fake chinese food.
MrAngryFace said:Crab wrapped up in fried bacon. HOLY JESUS it was good. Dipped it in some butter from the salmon spot at the buffet bar. Thats just awesome.
*keels over*
uhh... :lol :lol :lolWaychel said:I always thought the best part of the Chinese Buffet was the Chinese guy.
MrAngryFace said:Crab wrapped up in fried bacon. HOLY JESUS it was good. Dipped it in some butter from the salmon spot at the buffet bar. Thats just awesome.
*keels over*
Space Age Playboy said:I saw the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen in my life at a Chinese buffet. I thought it was fried shrimp so I grabbed a bunch of them.
Turns out it was a fucking FISH STICK with a shrimp tail stuck in it! :lol
Great observation Foreign JackassForeign Jackass said:Wow. This thread is so typically American.
Foreign Jackass said:Wow. This thread is so typically American. Your eating habits are really disturbing. Must you put bacon and grease EVERYWHERE? Seriously, though, I've never seen bacon in a chinese restaurant, ever. And bacon + crab != good mix in my mind. Maybe I should try it. Or maybe not, and I'll stay fit and won't die from a heart attack when I'm 45.
Loki said:First off, it's not an "American" thing-- it must be a "southern" thing. I've never seen anything wrapped with bacon at a Chinese restaurant, either, and I live in NY where there's one on every corner. You'll occasionally find some things wrapped with bacon at upscale restaurants (non-Chinese), though, but that's done more for the artistry (and to give it some saltiness).![]()
MrAngryFace said:Those who speak against bacon are dumbasses
:lol :lol :lolZelda-Bitch said:Most of us americans skip "eating" bacon all together and drink pure grease from bacon straws. Then we wipe off our face with $20 bills and search the globe for oil, wiping out all who oppose us!! MUAHAHAHAHA!! HAHAHA! HA...
Foreign Jackass said:Bacon wrapped in bacon?
:lolZelda-Bitch said:FUCKING BRILLIANT!!!! *runs off to store*
Yeah, sure. I hope you enjoy the 25 years or so you got left in your life. Seriously, dudes, there are plenty of great tasting things in the world that aren't filled with fat. I love fat stuff, but you gotta eat something else, sometimes. You know, fruits, cereals, vegetables, and the likes.. didn't you get any nutritional education?lachesis said:To be honest, all the good taste things in the world comes from fat and carb. No question about it. I guess Americans are little more liberal about it, but bacon=gold.
Foreign Jackass said::lol :lol :lol
It's not my fault you're the fattest country in the world.
Foreign Jackass said:Wow. This thread is so typically American. Your eating habits are really disturbing. Must you put bacon and grease EVERYWHERE? Seriously, though, I've never seen bacon in a chinese restaurant, ever. And bacon + crab != good mix in my mind. Maybe I should try it. Or maybe not, and I'll stay fit and won't die from a heart attack when I'm 45.
It's so tight for first place nobody knows right now. And if you aren't first, you're second, way in front of the third. So don't be too happy.Manabanana said:(Pssst...We're not. Australia is.)
I live in Montreal. Dunno what kind of Bacon I get at McDonalds and Burger King, but the one I cook at home is much better. Saltier, crispier, just better. I don't know if it's canadian bacon or not. You see, I don't think they call it canadian bacon in Canada. And we french canadians just call it bacon. We wouldn't want to eat anything that starts with "canadian" anyway (just a joke, federalists, don't cry).Minotauro said:You're just jealous because our bacon is so much better than yours.
(Please ignore this if you aren't from Canada.)
Foreign Jackass said:Yeah, sure. I hope you enjoy the 25 years or so you got left in your life. Seriously, dudes, there are plenty of great tasting things in the world that aren't filled with fat. I love fat stuff, but you gotta eat something else, sometimes. You know, fruits, cereals, vegetables, and the likes.. didn't you get any nutritional education?![]()