With one more month in office, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) just vetoed a bill that will have devastating consequences for prisoners long after he is gone. This week, he doomed countless pregnant women and people with mental illness to indefinite solitary confinement, calling legislation that would end their isolation [irresponsible] and breathtaking while ignoring research that likens the practice to torture.
On Monday, the outgoing governor vetoed a bill passed by the legislature in October that banned solitary for pregnant women and prisoners suffering from mental health problems. The bill also scaled back isolation for all state prisoners by limiting it to 15 consecutive days in a single month, or 20 days over a two-month period. In short, it effectively ended the common practice of indefinite isolation, which entails 23-hour lock-down in a cell with no outside contact, and which scientists, lawmakers, faith leaders and prison reform advocates agree causes visual and auditory impairment, damages the part of the brain that produces memory and emotion, exacerbates preexisting mental health conditions, and leads to deadly neglect. It also required routine medical check-ups on everyone locked in solitary.
But instead of limiting an inhumane policy, Christie steamrolled the reform effort and accused the states Democratic leaders of endangering lives.
The irresponsibility of this bill, and the resulting peril in which it could place both inmates and corrections officers every day, is truly breathtaking, he wrote in a scathing message. This is the danger of legions of Democratic legislators blindly following the rhetoric of prime sponsors who typically legislate by bumper stick slogans.