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Christmas Traditions


Simps for Amouranth
I'm talking your Christmas traditions, as in what do you guys do on Xmas day? Me, firstly getting 2wks off work is fucking amazing although my liver doesn't like it as it's far too easy to reach for a cold beer or glass of red in the evenings when settled...

Anyways we have a thing in our house that my dad used to do and I've carried it on with my kids in that come Xmas morning the kids wake up try to get our lazy asses up at like 5am only to be told to fuck off and wait until a reasonable time, come 7ish.. they wait with mummy at the top of the stairs, I go down on my own, switch the tree lights on etc and then come out and say nah Santa hasn't been.. queue zerg rush down the stairs with me yelling slow down ffs...

Later that day, her family once they've done the whole churchy stuff call in, my mum and dad call in and me and my dad start boozin or try to not go to hard whilst I make dinner for everyone, great fucking day tbh and ends with everyone sitting around the fire, kids playing on whatever toys, me and my dad getting steamboats and everyone else playing charades or other such stuff, genuinely my favourite day of the year.

Boxing day I lock down like there's a zombie apocalypse outside, stay in my jammys and watch movies and eat turkey sammiches all day, so gaf, what do you guys do in your part of the world?


Eat the same stuff for 3-4 days straight each year. Parents that want kids at home for Christmas, and then do not pass the time together because TV is more important.


Simps for Amouranth
Eat the same stuff for 3-4 days straight each year. Parents that want kids at home for Christmas, and then do not pass the time together because TV is more important.
Santa is bringing my kids a shit ton of Lego Harry potter as I finally managed to get them into it and they got in hard lol so I can't wait to lounge about with them making the kits


Authorized Fister
Usually the same things year after year pre-covid. We don't do christmas gifts but my parents do some sort of money games and it's a different one each year so a surprise. It's mostly invented and there's about 10k$ in money prizes to be won within the immediate family. That lasts about 4 hours on Dec. 24.

We then have extended family over for supper, then midnight mass at church. 25th is mostly watching xmas movies and we have chinese takeout for supper. I usually come back to my house on the 26th or 27th.

This year I will again be home alone as there's no mode of transportation available.

Richard Packer

Gold Member
On Christmas Eve we have a "Airing of Grievances", which occurs during dinner and in which each person tells everyone else all the ways they have disappointed them over the past year. After the meal, the "Feats of Strength" are performed, involving wrestling the head of the household to the floor, with the holiday ending only if the head of the household is pinned. The children cry every year, but it's worth it.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Spending half the day in the kitchen cooking and getting drunk.
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My Grandmother used to always make rock candy in the flavors of Mint, Clove and Cinnamon every year, she's 98 this year and just does not make it any more so I'm taking up the task to keep it going.
This year will be the fourth time I've done it but the first time I'll have my son help me (you can burn yourself badly if you don't know what you're doing so this is the first year I think he's old enough to do so)


I think this'll be the 20th year of our Smash Bros tournament we started when Melee came out. We usually also watch Home Alone on Christmas day and always have the same meal of beef tenderloin with burgundy sauce and a shit load of other sides.


roll out of bed at whenever
take over the TV with Forza cos xmas tv sucks
cheeky drink
secure a stash of pigs in blankets
trash talk cranberry sauce
eat everything else
big ol nap
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Gold Member
Nothing crazy.

We do Xmas gifts at Dec 24 midnight. Always been like that.

We do the main dinner and gifts at either my parent's or brother's place since they got the biggest homes. Maybe about 15 people total. Then for rest of holidays there will be 2-3 more dinners. I'll host, someone else will host etc.... Most of my immediately fam all live in the same metro area so it's great we all get together throughout the year.

During each holiday get together, we also play games before and after dinner: cards, board games or kids play videogames.
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