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Cinescape Online: "Halo 2 is in a list with Star Fox Adventures and Driv3r"


I thought HALO was worthy only over 16-player deathmatch, other than that, the first game was mediocre at best. The one-player campaign was a travesty to games that have a story mode, saved only slightly by the co-operative area that managed to make it tolerable.

Secondly, the multiplayer was a slow, boring affair unless you had enough people to spice things up, get the vehicles used, and get into massive gun battles. The problem was that the slow footed Master Chief and limited weapon selection quickly made this repetitive unless you could manage to get a ton of friends together – even then, Blood Gulch and Battle Creek were what it was about – CTF all the way.

He didnt like the first one, he made that clear. Why would he like this one?


I think Crystal Chronicles fully deserved that A. I also enjoyed Jak II.

Don't get me wrong, I like both games, and had fun playing them, but I think they had too many flaws too deserve an A, they should have gotten a B, or B+ being generous.


This one could be written by some Halo hater from the IGN Cube boards.

To paraphrase the review: "Halo sucks, it's just a dumb FPS where you shoot stuff. Oh and Halo 2 also sucks."


i know, gamerankings should really filter their library of websites. Only allow up to 30 credible sites and gain an average through them.

I could easily setup a website, and start sabotaging game scores. Especially annoying when fanboy sites contribute to the overall score, sites that are not worth anyones time (CineScape for example)
From the maybe 15 people that posted here, I think that about 13 people actually read the the review. It IS HIS opinion and Halo 2 Is overhyped.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Prine said:
i know, gamerankings should really filter their library of websites. Only allow up to 30 credible sites and gain an average through them.

I could easily setup a website, and start sabotaging game scores. Especially annoying when fanboy sites contribute to the overall score, sites that are not worth anyones time (CineScape for example)

I thought they did that already... only the bolded sites are used for the AVG...


Cold Shadow said:
From the maybe 15 people that posted here, I think that about 13 people actually read the the review. It IS HIS opinion and Halo 2 Is overhyped.
You're right. It is his opinion. But saying Halo 2 is overhyped is like saying the sky is too blue. Boo-fuckin-hoo.


PhatSaqs said:
It is his opinion. But saying Halo 2 is overhyped is like saying the sky is too blue.
It's not blue enough! Shit, it's practically white on a clear sunny day! I demand a DARK BLUE!


Unconfirmed Member
MrAngryFace said:
Sometimes an opinion can be stupid. I refuse to defend the opinion of someone who gives Halo 2's gameplay a D.
After YEARS of online forum experience, somebody finally has the balls to say that an opinion can be WRONG. Thank you, MAF, for once again leading us to a better tomorrow. :)

I still want to know what everyone was expecting from Halo 2. Were they expecting Jesus to appear on screen and open the Gates of Heaven before them?

I mean, WTF? It's just Halo 1 with a bunch of improvements and a crappy ending. Aside from a better ending, what the hell else could people POSSIBLY expected from this?


Aside from online co-op. Bungie never promised online co-op. That was your own damn fantasy, so shut up about it already.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
one of the worst things about the internet is

"You can't say my opinion is wrong, cause its my opinion"

Bad logic. Serial killers have opinions that are wrong, for instance.


catfish said:
one of the worst things about the internet is

"You can't say my opinion is wrong, cause its my opinion"

Bad logic. Serial killers have opinions that are wrong, for instance.
Morally, not factually.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
snapty00 said:
Morally, not factually.

exactly. Ragging on H2 is morally wrong.

Factually, it's sweetness in a box. :)


Ahh yes you gotta love reviews in which the reviewer claims he could have made a better game himself. :lol


MetatronM said:
I mean, WTF? It's just Halo 1 with a bunch of improvements and a crappy ending. Aside from a better ending, what the hell else could people POSSIBLY expected from this?

Bots. ;)

(Hey, you did ask.)

Honestly, I'm more than satisfied with the game as-is--the campaign's replayable enough to give it legs, even without any kind of bot support for multiplayer. Bots (and online co-op) are still on my wishlist for Halo 3, though.
Outside of GA's Ninja Gaiden review, that's got to be one of the shittiest reviews I've ever read.

Gameplay: D

Seriously, WTF? It's like they hobbled together some asinine Halo rant off of the IGNCube boards. Halo 2 isn't perfect but it isn't even close to being as bad as this person is letting on. Hell, IMO Halo 2 is one of the best games to have come out this year on any platform.

Clearly this guy has a fucking agenda.


not an idiot
lol, that review read like an IGN forum post on the GCGB, no doubt where they probably yanked it from :lol

edit: whooaaaa.... read post above mine ^^^ and realized i'm not the only one who noticed that heh.
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