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Classic NES Series Vol 2 box arts


works for Gamestop (lol)




Each game in the Classic NES Series will retail for $19.99. We'll have more details as these titles get closer to their October 25th release date.

Let the hate begin

Pretty interesting how Konami is using the old logo


I'm fine with these things... just the Dr Mario one bothers me. With the GBA power, I could easily porting the N64 Dr Mario over.


Damnit, I'd rather have The Lost Levels! :(

While it would be nice, it kind of goes against the idea of it all by releasing games we never got in the first place.
I really would like Simon's Quest though.


Even though it's milk I like the idea. Everyone have not played these games, and they are cheaper then normal games right?


Junior Member
Mashing said:
My rage over no Adventure Island and Kid Icarus knows no bounds!

Boo Nintendo. Don't they realize that Kid Icarus is more wanted over here? Fuckers. Oh, well, I'll never buy one unless Bionic Commando comes out.


The Motorcycle That Wouldn't Slow Down
metroid over kid icarus is a head-scratcher, but I guess with AI/GNG/wrecking crew/whatever else NOA's sticking to the true-blue classics this time. just be glad there's no mario bros.


skinnyrattler said:
Boo Nintendo. Don't they realize that Kid Icarus is more wanted over here? Fuckers. Oh, well, I'll never buy one unless Bionic Commando comes out.

There's no way that Kid Icarus is more wanted than games like Dr. Mario and Castlevania.


Kid Icarus will likely be coming at one point I'd bet. It's the third round of the Famicom Mini titles after all. I bet we get SMB2 and it later (even though Zelda II is coming already, I'm not counting out other third edition Fami Mini releases).


Son of Godzilla said:
I knew I should of held off on getting Zero Mission!

That reminds me... isn't the original Metroid in Zero Mission? Are that many people too lazy to pay $5-10 extra bucks and beat a 4 hour game?


Meier said:
Kid Icarus will likely be coming at one point I'd bet.

I doubt it, based on this lineup it looks like they're switching their focus to sure sellers, they probably don't want a repeat of Xevious, BOMBerman and Ice Climbers
LakeEarth said:
That reminds me... isn't the original Metroid in Zero Mission? Are that many people too lazy to pay $5-10 extra bucks and beat a 4 hour game?

Yeah, and the same goes for those folks who are too lazy to unlock Dr. Wario in WarioWare.


How come the Famicom re-releases are beautiful while all the NES Classics look terrible in both the US and Europe?

Is there really no company that does videogame cover design? There really ought to be one.
aku:jiki said:
How come the Famicom re-releases are beautiful while all the NES Classics look terrible in both the US and Europe?

Original box art was lacking to begin with in the U.S.

Keeping with the original is probably why you see the old Konami logo on the Castlevania box, IMO.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Hehe, you know it wouldn't be such a bad idea for Nintendo to re-release N64 games to the Gamecube at a low price. Didn't the pirates get Mario 64 and Mario Kart 64 emulating on the Gamecube at some point?


They didn't necessarily pass on Adventure Island and Kid Icarus, maybe they're trying to space the releases out a little to get each one more exposure... Calm down, you bloody savages.
Damnit, I'd rather have The Lost Levels!
The only thing is that its the same problem we have with the other games in the new Classic re-releases is the fact you can get that and Super Mario Bros in Mario Deluxe. I am very dissapointed that we can play half of these games in other GBA games, I would drool over a Balloon Fight revival along with Tecmo Super Bowl. I doubt Nintendo would do such though. I guess were stuck with games we can already play on our Game Boys.
This list blows.

Dr. Mario: Already playable as "Dr. Wario" in Wario Ware: Mega Microgame$!
Metroid: Already playable in Metroid: Zero Mission and Metroid Prime
Zleda II: Already playable in the Zelda Collector's Edition, also the worst Zelda game anyway
Castlevania: The only good game on this list.

Why don't we get another eight? Four is lame.


Shame about no Kid Icarus, but if they ARE releasing a smaller number of titles for each wave, we may see it later.
Releasing four at a time may work better in the long run than releasing 7 or 8.

This is just me being optimistic, of course.
they should have released Kid Icraus, Ghost and Goblins, and Adventure Island. All were famous NES games. I also wished they would release Wrecking Crew, I loved that gome, it was so much fun designing you own level and destroying it, plus it has Mario in it.


~Dr. Wario > Dr. Mario.

~Wasn't Metroid on the Prime disc, and isn't Metroid ZM a Metroid 1 remake?

~Zelda II was on the compliation disc.

~And wasn't Castlevania remade on PSX and released over here a few years ago?

I want Adventure Island. :( And Kid Icarus was one of the few bigger NES games I never had when I was younger. Seriously, what a lazy, crap ass lineup Nintendo. Boo!

Higgins > you, Jarrod. So shush in advance. :p

Adventure Island and Lolo are the two series on the NES that never get as mentioned as often as they should, IMO.


Yeah, I'd definetly get Lolo for the NES classic. That game is the scariest title ever made.

Walking by a medusa head with only a bush between you.
The screen goes gray.
A screeching sound leads in a set of spikes attacking you.
Lolo screams.
You die.


MetatronM said:
Considering Lost Levels was never an NES game (let alone a "classic"), the chances of getting it are pretty low.

That's the sad part. :(

I'd rather they bring Lost Levels here rather than re-release Metroid again.


fenekku-gitsune said:

Why? They ARE fucking them up, why the hell can't the background be gold?

Anyway, the Classic NES Series line sucks dickcheese. Why the hell can't it have the same treatment the Famicom Mini line got?
FortNinety said:
Close, but no. It was the original MSX game.

You're close too, but the MSX game was pretty different. It was the X6800 game that got released to PSX with an enhanced mode. The MSX game didn't scroll and had you move room by room looking for keys to open each door hidden in blocks. It was quite hard and featured very few lives, but it had the merchants that appeared in Castlevania 2.

Perhaps the less popular games will be released as a compilation, but I wouldn't get my hopes up. It would make them look (rightly) cheap for milking the more popular games.

Still, people will buy these too, so you can't really blame Nintendo, even if they could have done so much more.

I'll probably go for Castlevania and maybe Zelda 2, even though I have the collector's disc. I could realy go for some Lolo, Crystalis, Guardian Legend, and Battle of Olympus. Crystalis (NES not butchered GBC version) would hold up quite well on the GBA and would actually be worth full price.


I'm not a big fan of the NES Classics series, but I would want Jaws, Bugs Bunny's Birthday Blowout, Circus Caper, Little Nemo the Dream Master, Contra, Guerilla War, Burger Time, Cobra Triangle, Wizards and Warriors, etc.

Agent X

Link316 said:
I doubt it, based on this lineup it looks like they're switching their focus to sure sellers, they probably don't want a repeat of Xevious, BOMBerman and Ice Climbers

They wouldn't have to worry about this if they would just put all the games on ONE DAMN CARTRIDGE like most other companies do with their classic games. They could easily fit these four games, as well as the eight previous releases, onto a single cartridge. The emulation isn't even 100% accurate--why pay so much money for such lousy hack jobs? It's a slap in the face to anyone who likes to play classic video games to see these games reduced to watered-down, sub-par imitation of the originals.

As it stands now, these are neither good values nor good products. AVOID!
They aren't hack jobs. In fact I was amazed at the quality that went into the NES Classic series.

First of all, they shrunk backgrounds and not the sprites so it would fit on the GBA resolution, and play well without looking strange.

Best of all games like SMB, PacMan, Ice Climbers, or in fact any of the 2 player games has 1pak multiboot so that you can play with a friend on one cartridge. Even better you can remove the link cable and then have that game stored in your cart-less GBA's RAM (minus the sleep function) and play as long as you like.

Considering that I considered them a cheap cash-in (which they are) they actually put quite a bit of thought into keeping them true to their console iteration.


That's the best part and worst part, keeping them true to their originals.

I would have rather had the All-Stars SMB1 rather than the NES one, for one example.
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