The Fermi Paradox has a (worm) hole: limiting space travel / communications to our present knowledge of science. As someone who lived the irruption of the first computers in our lives, I can tell that was an unthinkable concept, not even science fiction speculated with stuff like smartphones or the internet, it was completely out of our realm of imagination. We shouldn't make that mistake trying to figure out ways to travel across space. We know shit.
So, if there exist species that manipulate gravity, time is different to them, and distances aren't the same.
I believe everything's on the table and any theory about aliens is wild. Let's apply some logic to those "rational" explanations the naysayers defend.
1 - UFOs exist but they are human tech:
On the paper, this looks like the "rational" thing to say, but actually it's pretty stupid.
According to this theory, the USA or other dominant countries have created physics-breaking tech, and instead of using it to their advantage, they are exhibiting it in places where it can be caught by their adversaries and seen by the public. Seriously, guys? This contradicts everything we know about the military and intelligence agencies.
We don't know about other intelligences, but we know how humans behave. And this is not what we do. I'm not saying it´s impossible, but it just doesn't make any sense, and there is no purpose.
Besides, this stuff has happened since the last century and the kind of technological leap we are discussing is unprecedented in human history. It's as if the Spanish conquerors arrived in America with smartphones and jet fighters. A country with that tech advantage would be the undisputed ruler of the world. As history has taught us.
2 - The UFOs are projections created by the army.
The question is WHY. Why fuck with people's minds for generations? I believe our governments are capable of all kinds of evil, but again, this is stupid. I'd believe this theory if someone gave me a good explanation of why governments would do this.
3 - UFOs are ancient alien tech we are testing:
Could or could not be. But again, the way we are doing it is not rational at all. It doesn't follow the pattern of secrecy and classified stuff. "it's a psyop". About what? If this is a misdirection, what are they hiding? In the present world, we see better examples of psyops, daily.
We have the testimonies of hundreds of pilots and people from the army under oath talking about this. Are they all lying??? Talk about conspiracy theories. They might be wrong in the things they see... but many are very specific. It's hard to believe that these people are either mad or lying. I don't see any benefit for them to do this.
As a general rule, when something big happens, I follow the money or who benefits. It always gets you near the truth. However, in the UFO discussion, I don't see who would benefit from this lie. There are too many people from too many agencies and different parts of the world, not only the USA. Again, humans don't behave like this.
Ultimately, this leaves us with "aliens" or rather, non-human intelligences, as the least irrational explanation, which is also the simplest. Any other theory would involve a worldwide conspiracy from which people wouldn't get any benefit other than fucking around with us.
Personally, I don't rule out any possibility. Most accounts say these objects come out of the ocean. We can presume this tech doesn't belong to any human army or else it would have been deployed on the battlefield. So, the alternative is that they don't exist and everyone is lying. Both options are weird, but one is simpler than the other. Right now, I stand with the simple and most exciting one.