I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Anybody who used to use probably noticed that it was replaced by CNET by a comercialized monstrosity called
I used to use as a guide for watching tv shows, or making sure I did not miss any of my favorite shows. Plus, there was a ton of info there, like goofs, that made some of the shows worth watching a second time.. some of that info is now just gone.
*cancels gamespot complete*
Thanks CNET for ruining one of the best fan/community ran sites out there!
I used to use as a guide for watching tv shows, or making sure I did not miss any of my favorite shows. Plus, there was a ton of info there, like goofs, that made some of the shows worth watching a second time.. some of that info is now just gone.
*cancels gamespot complete*
Thanks CNET for ruining one of the best fan/community ran sites out there!