Seriously. Why would you post something like that without a source?source?
The videogame violence shit is nothing. This fuckwit has done worse including:
-Lobbying with pharma to purposefully vote against and deny Americans the single-payer option for ACA.
-Worked with the Bush admin to provide gov funding to religious organizations that shared the bullshit GOP rhetoric
-Lobbied, marketed, and helped promote for the Iraq war knowingly on false pretenses
-Pushed super hard for US-Iran aggression.
-Harrassed university professors for teaching the truth about Al-Queda's origins in classrooms.
The guy is GOP corrupt scum wearing an independent badge.
He singlehandedly torpedoed the single payer option of the ACA. He did all his damage after his VP run.
Lieberman single handedly removed the single payer from Obamacare. That alone should justify all of the hate. Then there is the fact that he is 75 and FBI director is a 10 year appointment. Or the fact that FBI Director is supposed to be an apolitical position so having any former Senator is batshit crazy.
The videogame violence shit is nothing. This fuckwit has done worse including:
-Lobbying with pharma to purposefully vote against and deny Americans the single-payer option for ACA.
The guy is GOP corrupt scum wearing an independent badge.
source? Why would you post something like that without a source?
NBC Politics @NBCPolitics
Joe Lieberman withdraws his name from consideration as FBI director
May 25, 2017
Joe we hardly knew ye.NBC Politics @NBCPolitics
Joe Lieberman withdraws his name from consideration as FBI director
May 25, 2017
Good. Don't let the door hit you on the way out, Lieberman.NBC Politics @NBCPolitics
Joe Lieberman withdraws his name from consideration as FBI director
May 25, 2017
NBC Politics @NBCPolitics
Joe Lieberman withdraws his name from consideration as FBI director
May 25, 2017
Thank god. Who is left?
Oof mentioning the investigations is hilarious and is probably going to piss Trump off.
Thank god. Who is left?
He's trying to get some distance between himself and the asteroid crater that is going to be made by the ongoing investigations, isn't he? He knows better than to get on board a ship that is already sinking.
Thank god. Who is left?
NBC Politics @NBCPolitics
Joe Lieberman withdraws his name from consideration as FBI director
May 25, 2017
good. the longer McCabe stays acting director, the better. plus fuck Joe Lieberman.
Please take this job and as your first order of business proceed to commit obstruction of justice.
What a want ad.
Please take this job and as your first order of business proceed to commit obstruction of justice.
What a want ad.
Is he still governor? Another special election in a blue state.It's Christie time!
It's Christie time!
NBC Politics @NBCPolitics
Joe Lieberman withdraws his name from consideration as FBI director
May 25, 2017
Fuck Lieberman
Uh....just a general 'fuck you' or something to do specifically with that news?
Anyone they bring in is likely to be despised by the actual agents working there if it isn't from within at this point.
Lieberman figured out the game and bowed out.Trump met with Lieberman to supposedly discuss the FBI job
Trump picks a guy from Lieberman's firm to represent him in the Russia investigation
Lieberman cites Trump picking someone from his firm as the reason to turn down the FBI job
Is that right?