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CNN: Linking love and sex (and other interesting brain stuff)

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By Elizabeth Cohen
CNN Medical Correspondent

(CNN) -- Close your eyes for a minute and envision all the romantic parts of the human body.

Her beautiful eyes. His strong shoulders. We'll stop there, but you go right ahead and think about all the body parts you want.

Bet you didn't think about the caudate and the ventral tegmental areas, did you?

These areas of the brain, while little known to most people, are helping scientists explain the physiological reasons behind why we feel what we feel when we fall in love.

By studying MRI brain scans of people newly in love, scientists are learning a lot about the science of love: Why love is so powerful, and why being rejected is so horribly painful.

In a group of experiments, Dr. Lucy Brown, a professor in the department of neurology and neuroscience at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, and her colleagues did MRI brain scans on college students who were in the throes of new love.

While being scanned, the students looked at a photo of their beloved. The scientists found that the caudate area of the brain -- which is involved in cravings -- became very active. Another area that lit up: the ventral tegmental, which produces dopamine, a powerful neurotransmitter that affects pleasure and motivation.

Dr. Brown said scientists believe that when you fall in love, the ventral tegmental floods the caudate with dopamine. The caudate then sends signals for more dopamine.

"The more dopamine you get, the more of a high you feel," Dr. Brown says.

Or as her colleague, Dr. Helen Fisher put it: When you fall in love, "exactly the same system becomes active as when you take cocaine. You can feel intense elation when you're in love. You can feel intense elation when you're high on cocaine."
Is it love -- or sex?

Scientists then wondered: Does a brain in love look much like a sexually stimulated brain? After all, we associate love and sex and sometimes confuse them.

The answer is: Brains in love and brains in lust don't look too much alike.

In studies when researchers showed erotic photos to people as they underwent brain scans, they found activity in the hypothalamus and amygdala areas of the brain. The hypothalamus controls drives like hunger and thirst and the amygdala handles arousal, among other things.

In the studies of people in love, "we didn't find activity in either," according to Dr. Fisher, an anthropologist and author of "Why We Love -- the Nature and Chemistry of Romantic Love."

"We now have physiological data that suggests there are different brain systems for sex and love," says Dr. Fisher.

At some point, the two do become linked. People in love have elevated levels of dopamine. Lots of dopamine, in turn, triggers the production of testosterone, which is responsible for the sex drive in both men and women.

This helps explain why falling in love can make someone all of a sudden seem sexy.

"Three weeks ago he was just another nice guy in the office and now everything about him is sexual," says Dr. Fisher.

All this research into sex and love got the researchers thinking: Most other mammals don't have this drive for romantic love and attachment. Why do humans have it? After all, we could easily propagate the species just with our sexual urges.

Dr. Fisher thinks it has a lot to do with how difficult it once was to raise children.

"Go back millions of years to the grasslands of Africa. A woman was carrying the equivalent of a 20-pound bowling ball in one arm, and sticks and rocks in another arm to protect herself in this dangerous environment. She needed a partner to help her. She couldn't do it alone," Dr. Fisher says.

And even today, when we have strollers and the environment isn't quite as dangerous, having a mate still helps. "There are women who raise a baby by themselves, but it's a lot harder," she says.
Male brain - female brain

In their work with the lovestruck, the scientists found brain differences between men and women.

"The men had quite a bit more activity in the brain region that integrates visual stimuli. This isn't surprising considering that men support the porn industry and women spend their lives trying to look good for men," says Dr. Fisher.

But she adds there's probably a more anthropological reason at work. Simply put: A man's evolutionary mission is to spread his seed. That won't work if he mates with an 80-year-old grandmother.

"Men have to be able to size up a woman visually to see if she can bear babies," says Dr. Fisher.

The women's brain activities were a bit more puzzling.

The scientists found that women in love had more activity than men in the areas of the brain that govern memories. Dr. Fisher theorizes that this is a "female mechanism for mate choice." There are no visual clues for whether a man is fertile, but if a woman really studies a man and remembers things about his behavior, she can try to determine whether he'd make a reliable mate and father.

Thus, if it sometimes seems like a woman remembers everything -- good and bad -- about a man, "it's not just her being picky. It's an old Darwinian evolutionary strategy."
What's love got to do with it?

In the end, Drs. Fisher and Brown say what they learned from lovers' brains is that romantic love isn't really an emotion -- it's a drive that's based deep within our brains, right alongside our urges to find food and water.

"This helps explain why we do crazy things for love," says Dr. Brown. "Why did Edward VIII give up the throne for Wallis Simpson? The systems that are built into us to find food and water are the things that were also active when he renounced the throne of England."

Now their research is centered on the flip side of love. They've recruited college students who'd just been rejected by their sweethearts. Again, the scientists performed MRI's while these students looked at photos of the objects of their affection.

This time, the results were different, Dr. Brown says. The insular cortex, the part of the brain that experiences physical pain, became very active.

"People came out of the machine crying," she said. "We won't be doing that experiment again for a long time."

It's a pretty interesting read on how and why the two connect.
Very interesting. I had kind of always wondered if "love" wasn't just an instinct as opposed to an emotion. Glad to see they're doing research into this kind of thing.


Wow. I find it pretty amazing that the part of our brain that drives us for things that are necessary for human survival (food, water, etc.) also drives us for love. It's almost poetic.
datruth29 said:
Wow. I find it pretty amazing that the part of our brain that drives us for things that are necessary for human survival (food, water, etc.) also drives us for love. It's almost poetic.

Not to mention a little depressing considering we thought emotions were what separated us from other animals.


Small balls, big fun!
disappeared said:
Not to mention a little depressing considering we thought emotions were what separated us from other animals.
I could swear it was meant to be the use of tools or something like that.


I could swear it was meant to be the use of tools or something like that.

A lot of animals use tools. Be it there paw to hold down a plate while eating food off of it like my dog does, or a chimp using a branch to scratch its back.


btrboyev said:
A lot of animals use tools. Be it there paw to hold down a plate while eating food off of it like my dog does, or a chimp using a branch to scratch its back.

A paw is not a tool and a chimp discards the branch after use. Humans actively craft tools and keep them for future use.


Mandark said:
I could swear it was meant to be the use of tools or something like that.

That and the opposable thumb. :lol

Really, I'd argue it's the whole "higher reasoning" capacity which is truly the most remarkable difference between us and other mammals.

As for emotions, having pets and being around other's pets for most of my life - it is not as if I can speak an animal language, but I think with all due concern for personification / anthropomorphism, yes, other creatures besides humans have feelings. I would not suggest that these feelings are particularly complex, however.

They also have the capacity to recognize when their corresponding humans are in differing emotional states. This is purely anecdotal, but at the same time it's an anecdote I've heard time and time again.

This is a nice story, OP, very interesting.

Seth C

Tool making is not what makes us human. It is perhaps what defines our genus though. For example, Homo habilis means "tool maker." It was named as such because it is/was thought to be the first of our ancestors to properly make and use tools.

Several other primates use tools. Everyone has heard of them usin branches to get to food and things like that. There are examples of learned behavior among the other great apes, whereby knowledge is passed on and learned regarding the best length for branches, or the best size of stone to crack open a nut. Many times these items are also modified from their natural state. For example, the branch may be taken and the leaves removed before it is used as a tool.

As far as we know, however, we are the only animal that plans toolmaking. That is, we will construct one item that will not be immediately put to use. It may even be used in the process of manufacturing some other, more complex tool. Chimps are excellent problem solvers, but they really only modify their environment slightly in doing so. They might take a branch and throw it up in a tree to knock some fruit down, but they will never use a branch, attach it to a vine, and use it to swing at the fruit.

Some sociologists suggest a better name for us would be Homo symbolicus because of our use of symbols and symbolic communication.

JayDubya said:
They also have the capacity to recognize when their corresponding humans are in differing emotional states. This is purely anecdotal, but at the same time it's an anecdote I've heard time and time again.

My evidence is also just anecdotal, but I definitely agree. My girlfriend's cat is very old (about 18) and is herself quite sick and suffering. Normally she just lies around on her bed as she has little strength to do more. However, if my girlfriend is sick also the cat will find the strength to climb on the bed with her and pat her face with her paw to comfort her. I can't deny that the cat has some sort of an emotional attachment and feels a need to care for my girlfriend.

As for the article itself, I simply say "of course." From the perspective of an evolutionist or sociobiologist this only makes sense. The goal of our genetics is to survive and reproduce. Love drives us to attach to someone and to reproduce with them. That it is still with us suggests it is successful in doing so. It only makes sense that it would be controlled by the same thing as our other "survive and reproduce" instincts.


I was in a 9 month relationship.
I left her and her house and 60 inch HD TV behind =(
The positive is now I have 5 woman as sexual partners that know about each other.
Only one I'm frontin' on and not telling her about the others her personality couldn't take it. Love is over rated treat woman with respect but with no commitment and just go with whoever is interested that interests you. Why have one woman? Look the first 3 months with a woman are always exciting and they put there best foot forward. After a while there personalities usually take a nose dive, they get comfortable in all of my conquests and experiences with woman I am confident to say that's a similarity they all share.

I propose, gentleman that you follow my lead and switch a broad out like lifeless batteries every three months. That is the only way I have found a perfect woman. Better yet some are Bi and down with threesomes. Open minded woman are the only woman worth my time.

All love does is make you a slave to emotions it gives someone to much leverage controlling your feelings. How would you feel if you caught your bitch cheesin with another man. Your breathe would get frantic as you'd gasp for air from shock not knowing your next reaction. You could A.) Lose all strength and stand there to the point of collapse or B.) Become possessed by an abnormal strength pulsing through your bones. Causing you to proceed to stomp the said pricks skull into the pavement.

This was just one real world example many people face I could of listed 1,000 possibilities. Now gentlemen would you want a woman to have that effect on you with just a mere action on there part. Humans are foulable I have a hard enough time controlling myself why would I want someone having pull on my emotions?


New School Pimp
> Old School Pimp

What types of PIMPS are my GAFERS WHERE THE **** YA'LL AT!!!!
Shout out to all the PIMPS at SEA all across the world so I can have FREEDOM and Be A LAND PIMP AkA LANDSHARK!!
KiNeSiS said:
I was in a 9 month relationship.
I left her and her house and 60 inch HD TV behind =(
The positive is now I have 5 woman as sexual partners that know about each other.
Only one I'm frontin' on and not telling her about the others her personality couldn't take it. Love is over rated treat woman with respect but with no commitment and just go with whoever is interested that interests you. Why have one woman? Look the first 3 months with a woman are always exciting and they put there best foot forward. After a while there personalities usually take a nose dive, they get comfortable in all of my conquests and experiences with woman I am confident to say that's a similarity they all share.

I propose, gentleman that you follow my lead and switch a broad out like lifeless batteries every three months. That is the only way I have found a perfect woman. Better yet some are Bi and down with threesomes. Open minded woman are the only woman worth my time.

All love does is make you a slave to emotions it gives someone to much leverage controlling your feelings. How would you feel if you caught your bitch cheesin with another man. Your breathe would get frantic as you'd gasp for air from shock not knowing your next reaction. You could A.) Lose all strength and stand there to the point of collapse or B.) Become possessed by an abnormal strength pulsing through your bones. Causing you to proceed to stomp the said pricks skull into the pavement.

This was just one real world example many people face I could of listed 1,000 possibilities. Now gentlemen would you want a woman to have that effect on you with just a mere action on there part. Humans are foulable I have a hard enough time controlling myself why would I want someone having pull on my emotions?

:lol :lol :lol
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