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Colin Moriarty's New Playstation Podcast: Sacred Symbols (co-hosted by Chris Ray Gun)


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Not upset in the least. Just baffled by the mindset that you could be offended over something so harmless.

Then I'll use your word. I was baffled as to why Colin would say something silly like that on "that" particular day. But was even more baffled at his response to people that had an issue with it. Because we don't need to make this into something that it isn't. I wasn't at home crying and in a fetal position. I was.....as you say "baffled".
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Dr. Claus

Then I'll use your word. I was baffled as to why Colin would say something silly like that on "that" particular day. But was even more baffled at his response to people that had an issue with it. Because we don't need to make this into something that it isn't. I wasn't at home crying and in a fetal position. I was.....as you say "baffled".

You have already gone on record saying that you were "hurt", suggesting that the tweet has caused either physical/emotional damage. That is not the same thing as being baffled. It is a harmless tweet that you overreacted to.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
You have already gone on record saying that you were "hurt", suggesting that the tweet has caused either physical/emotional damage. That is not the same thing as being baffled. It is a harmless tweet that you overreacted to.

You are choosing to read the phrase as something that's more than just that. You are being over the top when trying to explain someone's response. Emotional damage is putting too much into it.

Definition of baffle
baffled; baffling play \-f(ə-)liŋ\
transitive verb
1: to defeat or check (someone) by confusing or puzzling : to confuse or frustrate completely : disconcert
  • Her behavior baffled her parents.

So were you still baffled given the definition? Because that's also how I felt about his tweet and his approach afterward.


You are choosing to read the phrase as something that's more than just that. You are being over the top when trying to explain someone's response. Emotional damage is putting too much into it.

Definition of baffle
baffled; baffling play \-f(ə-)liŋ\
transitive verb
1: to defeat or check (someone) by confusing or puzzling : to confuse or frustrate completely : disconcert
  • Her behavior baffled her parents.

So were you still baffled given the definition? Because that's also how I felt about his tweet and his approach afterward.

Let it go man.


The tweet has now been posted. But Colin also started to distance himself from people in the industry when he was being criticized by people on the internet. His response to some degree could be viewed as bad if not worse than the original tweet.

He even came to GAF and responded in a terrible way because he was lashing out at everyone that disagreed with him and his poorly timed tweet. PLUS......my dude hashtagging something #adaywithoutawoman by itself is going to cause a stir. But doing it during an international Woman's March that's being done by millions of people is not only tone deaf, but career suicide.

There was no issue, just a bunch of sjw liberals getting bent out of shape and almost ruined a mans life over such a trivial and harmless joke. A joke most normal people would just have a mere chuckle at and not think twice about it.

And Greg is another sjw white knight cuck that needs a shot of testosterone. He was the one that turned his back and immediately ended his friendship with Colin after the tweet was posted.

Ill be banned for this, but it needed to be said.


always chasing the next thrill
And Greg is another sjw white knight cuck that needs a shot of testosterone. He was the one that turned his back and immediately ended his friendship with Colin after the tweet was posted.
Trying to start a convo with this comment is just as sad.


There was no issue, just a bunch of sjw liberals getting bent out of shape and almost ruined a mans life over such a trivial and harmless joke. A joke most normal people would just have a mere chuckle at and not think twice about it.

And Greg is another sjw white knight cuck that needs a shot of testosterone. He was the one that turned his back and immediately ended his friendship with Colin after the tweet was posted.

Ill be banned for this, but it needed to be said.

Nah, old Neogaf would have banned you or that even worse replacement site. I think you're allowed to speak legitimate opinions like that here now.


Any other weekly listeners here on GAF? Personally I think the podcast is great and Chris is improving with each episode.

It’s great for news too as Colin takes the time to have pretty decent writeups and to read them carefully.
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Any other weekly listeners here on GAF? Personally I think the podcast is great and Chris is improving with each episode.

It’s great for news too as Colin takes the time to have pretty decent writeups and to read them carefully.

I have been listening weekly, still have to listen to this week though....
always been a fan of Colin and Chris has been good and as you say is improving.
I like how comprehensive it is.


Gold Member
I watched KF mainly because of Colin. Really liked his style of discussion and breaking things down. He respects those who put in the work and, in more than one occasion, offered a more complete perspective to someone who approached things in a very simple manner.

I don't agree with him a lot, I guess we probably agree on things about as much as we disagree on things. But he's someone I don't have a problem disagreeing with because I feel the discussion can always be based on facts and outlooks.

As for the joke, he simply did what comedians do: he didn't steer clear of the joke. If Louis CK can have a bit about how amazing it must be to have sex with boys if you're a pedophile on SNL, then surely that little tweet wasn't as bad as everyone made it out to be.

Glad to see him doing games again and taking a different stance on how to do it. He made it pretty clear on that first episode that Sacred Symbols would not be what KF did: sugar coating sponsors, not being truly critical of something, etc, etc.

I'm definitely tuning in whenever I can.

Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
Episode #40 now posted on YouTube -



i thought he was going to do political podcasts?
Turns out Gary Johnson voters aren't the biggest market for political content.

I like Colin, he's a smart guy and I enjoy his perspective on games. But his political views are bizarrely half-formed for someone as knowledgeable as he is. Which I guess is what you'd expect from someone with the handle "notaxation."
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Any other weekly listeners here on GAF? Personally I think the podcast is great and Chris is improving with each episode.

It’s great for news too as Colin takes the time to have pretty decent writeups and to read them carefully.

Yeah totally, I listen every week. Together with the Easy Allies Weekly Postcast, they're the two I pretty much always check out. I really like Colin, although some of his opinions I don't agree with - that's okay. He's a passionate gamer with lots of insights on how the industry works and I like listening to him. His dark humor really clicks with me. Chris is okay, although I think Colin would bounce off of someone else better, with more insights on gaming in general. Chris seems targeted toward the younger demographic, I don't care that much for what he has to say on the show.
On him leaving KindaFunny; I always thought Greg was a fake over-enthusiastic twat and was glad Colin got away from the over-the-top screamy "hey kids look at my this is so funny"-stuff they do on KindaFunny. Totally ridiculous they got so mad at him over a fucking joke (tweet). So great to see Colin stand his ground and leave that shit behind.

Dr. Claus

Yeah totally, I listen every week. Together with the Easy Allies Weekly Postcast, they're the two I pretty much always check out. I really like Colin, although some of his opinions I don't agree with - that's okay. He's a passionate gamer with lots of insights on how the industry works and I like listening to him. His dark humor really clicks with me. Chris is okay, although I think Colin would bounce off of someone else better, with more insights on gaming in general. Chris seems targeted toward the younger demographic, I don't care that much for what he has to say on the show.
On him leaving KindaFunny; I always thought Greg was a fake over-enthusiastic twat and was glad Colin got away from the over-the-top screamy "hey kids look at my this is so funny"-stuff they do on KindaFunny. Totally ridiculous they got so mad at him over a fucking joke (tweet). So great to see Colin stand his ground and leave that shit behind.

Plus it is an easy way to know who to take seriously. If someone was genuinely offended by the tweet, they are legit crazy.


But his political views are bizarrely half-formed for someone as knowledgeable as he is.
Libertarism is like communism - it may sound like a good idea at first, but dig down into it and there's no way it could work in practice, that's just not how humans work.

I remember this one interview with Ron Paul, where he was lamenting about EPA. In his opinion, the whole institution is redundant, because if there for example would be a company that would completely fuck up their environment, people would support another company.

This wouldn't work, because a) if people can get $PRODUCT even a tiny bit cheaper, they'll do so, fuck the environment, and b) even if people would bankrupt said company, then what? Who'll pay for the cleanup afterwards?

So yeah. I like Colin as far as gaming goes, some misplaced tweets won't change my opinion. As far as politics go though, whatever he's smoking seems to be too strong stuff.


Libertarism is like communism - it may sound like a good idea at first, but dig down into it and there's no way it could work in practice, that's just not how humans work.
Yeah, they both feel like they're only addressing half the problem, and ignoring glaring flaws with the other half. In practice, Capitalism has only been successful when balancing these two sides against each other, and the two extremes can feel naive and childish.

So yeah. I like Colin as far as gaming goes, some misplaced tweets won't change my opinion. As far as politics go though, whatever he's smoking seems to be too strong stuff.
To be honest, Colin's joke offended me more for being corny than for being hateful. BUT I do understand Greg's position as someone who has to maintain a lot of working relationships, you need a partner who can be a little more considered. Colin's defense always amounted to "I didn't think it was a big deal," and that's sort of the point. He didn't think it through.
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Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
Huge fan of Colin since he left IGN (never cared about IGN) and started Kinda Funny with Greg Miller but quit watching Kinda Funny once he left. Miller to me has no loyalty and no honor. You simply don't betray a decade old friend based on a fucking tweet. Even worse, his long ass response made the entire situation worse than what it was.

I don't always agree with Colin's opinion on some games but I do value his input because he knows the industry and a lot of stuff that us gamers just don't know. Plus, most of all, he doesn't bullshit me. He's brutally honest and doesn't apologize for his opinion which is a huge positive in my eyes.

As for the latest episode that I posted, it was good. I'm hoping he does some E3 live streams but with Sony not having a showcase, it's probably unlikely which is a shame.


Yeah, they both feel like they're only addressing half the problem, and ignoring glaring flaws with the other half. In practice, Capitalism has only been successful when balancing these two sides against each other, and the two extremes can feel naive and childish.

To be honest, Colin's joke offended me more for being corny than for being hateful. BUT I do understand Greg's position as someone who has to maintain a lot of working relationships, you need a partner who can be a little more considered. Colin's defense always amounted to "I didn't think it was a big deal," and that's sort of the point. He didn't think it through.

What exactly did he need to think through? A joke? If anyone gets offended, that's on them. It was just bizarre how quickly everyone turned on him. Turns out he didn't have many "friends" to begin with...


I enjoy those 10ish minute video he does on certain topics like "the five game devs Sony should buy". His podcast with his partner was not working for me and felt really awkward a lot. I also stopped watching kinda funny when colin left since I find Greg's style of humor really annoying but could tolerate it when it was bouncing off of Colin. I tend to love shorter videos with facts or opinions rather than gigantic podcasts that cover everything and I really wish that Easy Allies would do more of those instead as well.

edit: This whole post does not really flow well.
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What exactly did he need to think through? A joke? If anyone gets offended, that's on them. It was just bizarre how quickly everyone turned on him. Turns out he didn't have many "friends" to begin with...
But their job involves working with women in an industry in which discrimination is a particularly noticeable problem, and it's just kind of tonedeaf.

And if the joke was hilarious,. maybe it'd be easier to overlook, but it was really corny. It just came off kind of Henny Youngman, or Honeymooners or something.

Again, I wasn't personally all that outraged, but I get why Greg might see it as a sign of poor judgment in his business partner. .
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But their job involves working with women in an industry in which discrimination is a particularly noticeable problem, and it's just kind of tonedeaf.

And if the joke was hilarious,. maybe it'd be easier to overlook, but it was really corny. It just came off kind of Henny Youngman, or Honeymooners or something.

Again, I wasn't personally all that outraged, but I get why Greg might see it as a sign of poor judgment in his business partner. .
I think that was the idea, a 'married with children' type of joke. It was also tongue-in-cheek since his gf was beside him at the time.
I think there were other interests at play though, Tim Gettys really gained a lot by getting Colin out and also got his brother working there.


But their job involves working with women in an industry in which discrimination is a particularly noticeable problem, and it's just kind of tonedeaf.

And if the joke was hilarious,. maybe it'd be easier to overlook, but it was really corny. It just came off kind of Henny Youngman, or Honeymooners or something.

Again, I wasn't personally all that outraged, but I get why Greg might see it as a sign of poor judgment in his business partner. .

The way the industry reacted was totally overboard and, from what I saw, was just an easy excuse to piss him off from the mainstream. It was a joke. It wasn't offensive. The people that piled on him KNEW he wasn't being offensive as they know, from talking to him and listening to him, how highly he thinks of women. It was a playful joke that was used as a scapegoat by people we all thought were his friends (Greg and Tim in particular) and they fucked him over. That was the day Kinda Funny lost me as a listener.
I always thought Greg was a grovelling little snitch who was out to play the game, but I listened to him ONLY cause he had good chemistry with Colin. Listening to Greg now, especially if you happen to hear him with Tim, is like listening to a podcast from ResetEra... a fucking echo-chamber of thoughts they believe their fans want them to say. At least Colin had his own thoughts and was never afraid to express them. These guys are like 99% of the game "journo's" out there. Same opinions. Same bullshit.
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