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College Hoops 2k5 > NBA games. March Madness still sucks


NCAA March Madness 2005 - 7.1


Certain other flaws are also shared with NBA Live 2005--the most annoying of these is the speed at which the computer can recover from its mistakes. All too often, when you get a steal, the computer gets back into transition defense immediately, reducing the number of fast break opportunities you get.

Players also recover much too easily in half-court defense to block shots from behind.

On the sound front, EA made the odd decision to use licensed songs such as Jimmy Eat World's "The Middle," and Lifehouse's "Hanging by a Moment," played in college band form. Yes, it sounds about as awkward in the game as it does on paper, but thankfully you only have to deal with these tracks in the menu screens.

:lol :lol :lol

In the end, March Madness 2005 strikes us as a game that could have used a bit more polish before being released. It's a shame that the problems with dynasty mode, specifically the faulty implementation of player discipline and overanxious athletic directors, cast a pall over what is otherwise a solid college basketball game. It also remains to be seen whether March Madness 2005 can eventually deliver a decent online experience, as our early play-testing was marred by noticeable lag. If you're in the market for a video basketball game, there are better choices than March Madness 2005.

So the biggest issues from NBA Live haven't been addressed. No sale then, these super AI defenders ruined the pro game. At least they've fixed the playcalling so games are different but even sliders couldn't save NBA Live from being horribly repetitive and not fun over a long period of time.

College Hoops 2k5 - 8.3


Like its NBA cousin, ESPN NBA 2K5, College Hoops 2K5 offers up a great game of roundball. While the balance of gameplay still hinges on star players, there are still enough intrinsic nuances to give the game a college basketball feel. If you're a fan of college basketball, the attractive presentation, smooth online play, and deep legacy mode are all good reasons to check out ESPN College Hoops 2K5.

However here's the best bit!

Major schools will have their fight songs played in-game, but the highlight of College Hoops 2K5's sound is definitely the commentary from Mike Patrick and Jay Bilas. Even if he is a bit long-winded at times, Bilas does a wonderful job at providing insightful color analysis.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Patrick means GOTY right there. Career legacy mode should be awesome. As long as they've fixed the time out bug it's all good.


I want college hoops 2k5 but this sentence in the gamespot review nearly ruins it for me:

The post-up play in College Hoops 2K5 also works much like ESPN NBA 2K5, allowing you to fire up jump hooks, spin into the lane, or execute a drop step to try to gain position on your defender.


Does this mean every big man down low is super human like NBA 2K5?
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