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Comic-Con game impressions: GT4, MGS3, RE4, Paper Mario, VJ2, MP2 & more!!!


Well, here are some brief impressions:

Gran Turismo 4: I watched a lot of this game since there was a pretty decent line to play it. The graphics look amazing...a lot better than GT3 if you can imagine. Tarmac, grass, gravel, sand all look a lot more realistic. Backrounds are simply stunning. Tracks in N.Y. and Hong Kong were all that I saw but they were jaw dropping. Sounds for each car were right on the money. Now, my biggest problem with GT3 was that the A.I. sucked. Well, it seems like they tweaked it up a notch or two for GT4. Not every car was running the same line on the track, and they also tried to avoid other cars so as not to get in an accident. I wouldnt' say it is perfect...but it has been improved. An interesting thing that happens is when you hit a wall the screen kind of shakes funky...almost disorients you a little bit.

Metal Gear Solid 3: The intro looks amazing. Once you start playing though the game looks grainy to me...and almost like it is running at 30 fps. I dunno if it is or not...but this game is just not as visually stunning as MGS2 was back in the day. Gameplay was pretty tight...fps mode is there, didn't notice any differences with that. One interesting feature is up in the top right corner it will show you at what percentage you are camoflauged in the surroundings. Hopefully the story has improved over MGS2...ugh.

Resident Evil 4: I thought this game was highly impressive. Fully rendered backrounds look amazing. Seemed to be a few colision problems though...every once in awhile Leon or one of the zombies would pass through objects with their extremities like they were not even there. Laser beam on the hand gun is cool. In the trial game there were a lot of zombies...and I mean a lot. They would attack in pairs or teams too. I'm not sure if they were full fledged zombies yet or if they had just been infected with the virus though. They didn't look like the traditional RE zombie to me...plus they were carrying pitch forks, hatchets and chainsaws! The death by chainsaw animation when Leon gets killed is awesome! At one point in the game about 20 zombies attack you...I was using my handgun, shotgun and grenades to defend. This game is awesome so far...can't wait for it to be released. Some might still complain about the controls, but the RE/Onimusha style of control never bothered me. It does feel different in RE4 to me though...different in a good way though.

Paper Mario RPG: This looks like it is going to be kick ass. I played a little with Mario and a turtle against some enemies unkown to me. It was a lot of fun. The animation style is really neat looking...the characters look like little paper cut outs.

Viewtiful Joe 2: If you like Viewtiful Joe, you will like this. I played a little with the girl...it was interesting. Graphics are the same as the last one, enemies looked to be the same as well. Puzzles were needed to complete in order to advance in the level...same as last one. Looks like more VJ greatness too me...pretty cool.

Metroid Prime 2: Again, this looked just like the first one graphically. It had some interesting gameplay additions. This one level would harm you if you were exposed to the elements...so you had to shoot this thing to create a safe haven bubble to go inside where you wouldn't be damaged. The levels I played seemed a little dark to me...and the enemeis in it were jet black with no detail. I guess if you like the first one you will like this...but I wasn't too impressed.


Zelda: This is how Zelda should have been released in the first place. This game had like a 1 minute trailer and it looked awesome. Link looked great.

Those were the big ones...I'll post some others I played and saw.


Riskbreaker said:
Which version of VJ did you play (PS2 or GC)?

Are they releasing Viewtiful Joe 2 for PS2 too? I thought it was a timed GC exclusive or something...

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
and almost like it is running at 30
Hmm, I've heard this comment before, but some poeple I really trust on this are sure it runs at 60FPS. However, I'd love to know what made you think it might be 30?
Kiriku said:
Are they releasing Viewtiful Joe 2 for PS2 too? I thought it was a timed GC exclusive or something...

As far as I know, VJ2 is being released for both the PS2 and GC during the month of February 2005. VJ1 for the PS2 is being release on August instead of September now..:)


More brief impressions:

Silent Hill 4: Didn't play this one, just watched. Combat system looked to be about the same. I think there was a health meter though...I believe the last few games didn't have one. It looked pretty good visually...but no WOW factor. There is the traditional 3 person persepective...but I think there is also some kind of first person mode as well. I've never been much of a fan of this series, but it looks to be some what promissing.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The turtles in a half shell are back...and I think they actually got it right this time. More punch, kick and cut action...reminds me of the old arcade game back in the day. Each character has their own distinct move set. Its about the same graphically with the cel shading...but I think it works out great because it actually looks like you are playing the cartoon.

Nanobreaker: Blood, blood, blood and more blood. I have no idea what this game is about...but there is a ton of blood. Visually colorful and with style...but not jaw dropping. Lots of hack and slash if you like that kind of game. Try to build up combos and collect powerups with your plasma type sword thingy. Did I mention there was a lot of blood in this game? Anyway, I had fun playing it...

Neo Contra: I thgouht the last one they came out with sucked. This one looks like it might be alright. If you llike the traditional Contra mini-boss and bosses then this won't dissapoint you. The bosses I saw made me think "yeah, this is Contra alright." You still don't get the power ups...you are only able to select from 3 different weapons. Also, there seemed to be only one perspective...not looking directly over the top, almost. You are playing at like a 120 degree angle from the ground (90 being directly over top)...always looking down. I didn't see any side scrolling action...?

Thats all I got...there were some other games I saw there: DDR:Ultimate, Full Metal Alchemist, Killzone, some ATV game and a bunch of others but not enough for impressions.

Overall, it was a pretty cool experience. I'm tired as hell right now though...lots of walking around.


Riskbreaker said:
Which version of VJ did you play (PS2 or GC)?

GC version...it was in the Nintendo booth.

Silvia had some kind of gun you could use in the combos that I forgot to mention. Nobody played 2 player, but the guy at the booth mentioned something about it. I think that might be interesting...


Marconelly said:
Hmm, I've heard this comment before, but some poeple I really trust on this are sure it runs at 60FPS. However, I'd love to know what made you think it might be 30?

I dunno...it just did seem to flow like it was running at 60fps. I didn't see any noticeable slow down or chopiness...but it just didn't flow right to me. Maybe since it was on the PS2? It might look better on the XBox I think.


SantaCruZer said:
was it the E3 demo of RE4?

Not sure...there was only 1 playable level. A clock tower or something started ringing and then the zombies stopped fighting and went inside.

One thing I thought was kind of interesting was that there were bear traps. I freed a wounded wolf that was in one (who will probably come back later in the game and try to kill Leon x_x )...then I started running around again and got trapped in one myself! Doh! There were some laser guided mine traps to through out...I didn't seem them go off though because nobody went into them.

After thinking about it for awhile, I think the people that I was fighting were starting the begining stages of becoming a zombie. They were yelling stuff at me but I couldn't hear what they were say...too much noise from the convention. Plus they didn't look like the traditional RE zombie...no decay or anything like that. They just looked like pissed off farmers and mechanics.
Plus they didn't look like the traditional RE zombie...no decay or anything like that. They just looked like pissed off farmers and mechanics.
Not too sure how up to date your RE4 info is, but that might be because they AREN'T zombies. At least, not in the normal 'undead rotting people' sense of the old games. Not much has been said about what they ARE, but more about what they Are Not.


sounds like the E3 build - though IIRC it specifically said E3 Version on the title screen of the E3 build.

anyhow, was Paper Mario RPG labeled that, or was it labeled Paper Mario 2? i wish they'd adopt the JP logo, the English logo is ugly.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
I've never seen a game get as positive as a reaction as RE4 got at Comicon.
RE4 moved WAY up on my want list.

I watched the video of MGS3, (a game I was pretty interested in) and liked it quite a bit. Then, I went over to the demo station and... God was it dull. (...and dated looking, and the camera? Couldn't be worse)

Killzone- Enemy A.I is nonexistent. Image quality and framerate are poor. I'd probably be a little easier on it, but one guy near me kept saying, "OMG, it's teh Halo killer I heard about. Now I don't have to buy an Xbox" over and over.

Gradius V looks like a buy for me.

And, I reaaaaally wanted to steal the GT4 demo.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
>>>Not too sure how up to date your RE4 info is, but that might be because they AREN'T zombies. At least, not in the normal 'undead rotting people' sense of the old games. Not much has been said about what they ARE, but more about what they Are Not.<<<

Yeah, they weren't rotted in the playable, but the video at the Capcom booth showed lots of rotted zombies (and non-rotted cult-looking guys who apparently made/control them)


Rumble Roses...hmmm. I think that was the game with the bikini chicks wrestling WWE style? If you like DOA Volleyball I guess this is your game. I took a look but moved on.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I think by 'fully rendered' he meant rendered in real time.

Then, I went over to the demo station and... God was it dull. (...and dated looking, and the camera? Couldn't be worse)
Dull how? (and why did you thought it's dated looking while we're at it?) How did you like/dislike camera in MGS2, and the game in general?

*edit* wait a sec, you're the guy who thinks ICO runs at 320x200 and looks like a PS1 game, right? (cue in sigh of relief :p )


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
I didn't see anything prerendered in RE4, even in cutscenes.
And, there was a kiosk of Rumble Rose on the outside of the Konami booth, a few to the right of Gradius V, but I basically ignored it.


Well, here are some brief impressions:

Gran Turismo 4: I watched a lot of this game since there was a pretty decent line to play it. The graphics look amazing...a lot better than GT3 if you can imagine. Tarmac, grass, gravel, sand all look a lot more realistic. Backrounds are simply stunning. Tracks in N.Y. and Hong Kong were all that I saw but they were jaw dropping. Sounds for each car were right on the money. Now, my biggest problem with GT3 was that the A.I. sucked. Well, it seems like they tweaked it up a notch or two for GT4. Not every car was running the same line on the track, and they also tried to avoid other cars so as not to get in an accident. I wouldnt' say it is perfect...but it has been improved. An interesting thing that happens is when you hit a wall the screen kind of shakes funky...almost disorients you a little bit.

Metal Gear Solid 3: The intro looks amazing. Once you start playing though the game looks grainy to me...and almost like it is running at 30 fps. I dunno if it is or not...but this game is just not as visually stunning as MGS2 was back in the day. Gameplay was pretty tight...fps mode is there, didn't notice any differences with that. One interesting feature is up in the top right corner it will show you at what percentage you are camoflauged in the surroundings. Hopefully the story has improved over MGS2...ugh.

Resident Evil 4: I thought this game was highly impressive. Fully rendered backrounds look amazing. Seemed to be a few colision problems though...every once in awhile Leon or one of the zombies would pass through objects with their extremities like they were not even there. Laser beam on the hand gun is cool. In the trial game there were a lot of zombies...and I mean a lot. They would attack in pairs or teams too. I'm not sure if they were full fledged zombies yet or if they had just been infected with the virus though. They didn't look like the traditional RE zombie to me...plus they were carrying pitch forks, hatchets and chainsaws! The death by chainsaw animation when Leon gets killed is awesome! At one point in the game about 20 zombies attack you...I was using my handgun, shotgun and grenades to defend. This game is awesome so far...can't wait for it to be released. Some might still complain about the controls, but the RE/Onimusha style of control never bothered me. It does feel different in RE4 to me though...different in a good way though.

Paper Mario RPG: This looks like it is going to be kick ass. I played a little with Mario and a turtle against some enemies unkown to me. It was a lot of fun. The animation style is really neat looking...the characters look like little paper cut outs.

Viewtiful Joe 2: If you like Viewtiful Joe, you will like this. I played a little with the girl...it was interesting. Graphics are the same as the last one, enemies looked to be the same as well. Puzzles were needed to complete in order to advance in the level...same as last one. Looks like more VJ greatness too me...pretty cool.

Metroid Prime 2: Again, this looked just like the first one graphically. It had some interesting gameplay additions. This one level would harm you if you were exposed to the elements...so you had to shoot this thing to create a safe haven bubble to go inside where you wouldn't be damaged. The levels I played seemed a little dark to me...and the enemeis in it were jet black with no detail. I guess if you like the first one you will like this...but I wasn't too impressed.


Zelda: This is how Zelda should have been released in the first place. This game had like a 1 minute trailer and it looked awesome. Link looked great.

Those were the big ones...I'll post some others I played and saw.

What about Killzone?


Well, here are some brief impressions:

Gran Turismo 4: I watched a lot of this game since there was a pretty decent line to play it. The graphics look amazing...a lot better than GT3 if you can imagine. Tarmac, grass, gravel, sand all look a lot more realistic. Backrounds are simply stunning. Tracks in N.Y. and Hong Kong were all that I saw but they were jaw dropping. Sounds for each car were right on the money. Now, my biggest problem with GT3 was that the A.I. sucked. Well, it seems like they tweaked it up a notch or two for GT4. Not every car was running the same line on the track, and they also tried to avoid other cars so as not to get in an accident. I wouldnt' say it is perfect...but it has been improved. An interesting thing that happens is when you hit a wall the screen kind of shakes funky...almost disorients you a little bit.

Metal Gear Solid 3: The intro looks amazing. Once you start playing though the game looks grainy to me...and almost like it is running at 30 fps. I dunno if it is or not...but this game is just not as visually stunning as MGS2 was back in the day. Gameplay was pretty tight...fps mode is there, didn't notice any differences with that. One interesting feature is up in the top right corner it will show you at what percentage you are camoflauged in the surroundings. Hopefully the story has improved over MGS2...ugh.

Resident Evil 4: I thought this game was highly impressive. Fully rendered backrounds look amazing. Seemed to be a few colision problems though...every once in awhile Leon or one of the zombies would pass through objects with their extremities like they were not even there. Laser beam on the hand gun is cool. In the trial game there were a lot of zombies...and I mean a lot. They would attack in pairs or teams too. I'm not sure if they were full fledged zombies yet or if they had just been infected with the virus though. They didn't look like the traditional RE zombie to me...plus they were carrying pitch forks, hatchets and chainsaws! The death by chainsaw animation when Leon gets killed is awesome! At one point in the game about 20 zombies attack you...I was using my handgun, shotgun and grenades to defend. This game is awesome so far...can't wait for it to be released. Some might still complain about the controls, but the RE/Onimusha style of control never bothered me. It does feel different in RE4 to me though...different in a good way though.

Paper Mario RPG: This looks like it is going to be kick ass. I played a little with Mario and a turtle against some enemies unkown to me. It was a lot of fun. The animation style is really neat looking...the characters look like little paper cut outs.

Viewtiful Joe 2: If you like Viewtiful Joe, you will like this. I played a little with the girl...it was interesting. Graphics are the same as the last one, enemies looked to be the same as well. Puzzles were needed to complete in order to advance in the level...same as last one. Looks like more VJ greatness too me...pretty cool.

Metroid Prime 2: Again, this looked just like the first one graphically. It had some interesting gameplay additions. This one level would harm you if you were exposed to the elements...so you had to shoot this thing to create a safe haven bubble to go inside where you wouldn't be damaged. The levels I played seemed a little dark to me...and the enemeis in it were jet black with no detail. I guess if you like the first one you will like this...but I wasn't too impressed.


Zelda: This is how Zelda should have been released in the first place. This game had like a 1 minute trailer and it looked awesome. Link looked great.

Those were the big ones...I'll post some others I played and saw.
Thank you.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
LOL, people seems to have been playing a different MGS3 demo than I did at E3. 30fps? Looking dated? Geez, I'm Tina Turner then.
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