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Comic fans cry tears of joy: Chuck Austen leaves X Men

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Chuck Austen, one of Marvel’s go-to talents for the past few years, will be resigning from his monthly commitment on X-Men. Austen’s last issue is slated to ship in the fourth quarter of 2004, with more details to be announced over the coming weeks. Austen, who gained fame for his ability to relate character-driven stories, has worked on Uncanny X-Men, The Avengers, War Machine and many other titles.

“Marvel Comics, and Joe Quesada in particular, gave me a chance when no one else would, as both a writer and an artist, and helped get my career jump-started in the comics profession. For that I will always be deeply appreciative, and owe them a tremendous debt of gratitude. It’s a very difficult thing to leave Marvel, particularly with the personal relationships I had developed over the past few years with the great editors--people like Mike Marts, Ralph Macchio, C.B. Cebulski, Nick Lowe, Nanci Quesada, Tom Brevoort, and of course, Joe. It’s the people who make a company, and Marvel has some of the best in the business,” said Chuck Austen.

Joe Quesada, Marvel's Editor in Chief added, “Chuck is a true professional. We at Marvel really want to thank him for his years of hard work, and we look forward to finding him another project down the road!”

Marvel's Publisher Dan Buckley concluded, “We will certainly welcome Chuck back when and if the time comes. His writing has been top-notch and his shoes will be hard to fill.”

This is now long enough to post.
Austen, who gained fame for his ability to relate character-driven stories

I thought he gained his fame for bastardizing one of the best comics in the industry.

His writing has been top-notch and his shoes will be hard to fill.”

*Cue automated response e-mailer*


Really good news, I was this close to dropping X-Men, after having faithfully bought all 150+ issues of it.. Austen just doesn't have what it takes IMO, his ideas usually go nowhere and I find it hard to believe that the reaon for his departure could be his disagreement with the new internal Marvel policies. Unless those policies include "no more crappy hack job X-comics", but judging from the new Excalibur series, they don't..


mightynine said:
I'm pulling for Warren Ellis. Just because I think that would be...interesting.
Me too.

However, I honestly don't really care about a third X-Men book anymore, since we've already got two solid ones: Astonishing and Uncanny. That's all I asked for, and now I've got it. I'm happy.
nomoment said:
Me too.

However, I honestly don't really care about a third X-Men book anymore, since we've already got two solid ones: Astonishing and Uncanny. That's all I asked for, and now I've got it. I'm happy.

Funny, remember when Uncanny was considered the "third" X-book?


mightynine said:
Funny, remember when Uncanny was considered the "third" X-book?
Haha, not too long ago, there was only ONE X-title. It really hasn't been that long since both X-Treme and Uncanny both sucked, massively.

And I'll repeat this again, for those who like old school Claremont/Cockrum/Byrne era X-Men, you'll really dig Uncanny right now. It feels like familiar Claremont, without all the needless, expository dialogue. Plus, Alan Davis' art is as beautiful as ever.
nomoment said:
Haha, not too long ago, there was only ONE X-title. It really hasn't been that long since both X-Treme and Uncanny both sucked, massively.

And I'll repeat this again, for those who like old school Claremont/Cockrum/Byrne era X-Men, you'll really dig Uncanny right now. It feels like familiar Claremont, without all the needless, expository dialogue. Plus, Alan Davis' art is as beautiful as ever.

My only complaint is that Rachel Summers looks nothing like Rachel Summers to me. And to me, Alan drew the definite Rachel back in the Excalibur days.

Maybe it's the haircut now, I dunno. And her hair's not as red. [/fanboy]
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