Marvel VR game announced.
I look forward to watching someone play it on YouTube, just like I did Arkham VR.
Marvel VR game announced.
Captain Marvel is:Soon Marvel is going to start needing to use wormholes and alternate realities to explain their numbering methods.
That trailer was godlikeI'm crying at this trailer
Writing wasn't great either.The art in Superman #26 is dodgy as hell. One panel is serviceable, then the next is pure trash. Not a good look for the book. Superman looks 60 in one panel, and Jon could pass for thirty in another.
Did they announce the thing people were actually interested in? The release date?
I'm crying at this trailer
2018, which I highly, HIGHLY doubt.
KH3 release date/toy story trailer. Pixar are even helping write the story of the world.Ummm what trailer? I looked back and there's no context to your post that I can see.
KH3 release date/toy story trailer. Pixar are even helping write the story of the world.
KH3 release date/toy story trailer. Pixar are even helping write the story of the world.
No Supergiant?
wait is that really supposed to be Proxima Midnight second from the left
because that's a wack-ass costume if that's the case
My first thought too.No Supergiant?
wait is that really supposed to be Proxima Midnight second from the left
because that's a wack-ass costume if that's the case
ElNarez and Marvel Studios is something that just doesnt fit togetherWhat's wrong with it? Extra MOVIE DETAIL and a smaller head thing. Otherwise, looks mostly the same?
Infinity War hype has got me starting Hickmans run with Avengers.
What's wrong with it? Extra MOVIE DETAIL and a smaller head thing. Otherwise, looks mostly the same?
ElNarez and Marvel Studios is something that just doesnt fit together![]()
It's also kinda fucked up because the other three dudes, which I'm assuming are Corvus Glaive, the Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf, have interesting aspects to their design, and it seems like the one thing Proxima Midnight has over a random mook is that "uh, she's a woman?", which, that's a bummer and a wasted opportunity.
The hat most likely was just to big. Thats also why Thor never wears his helmet, Chris Hemsworth was hurt by it.
What's the interesting design aspect of the Grey and Killer Croc?
I love these. You're going to love Adam Warlock when the Universal Church of Truth gets involved.Hi folks, here's another small Chronologically Marvel Reading Order Update for you, or as I like to call it for short - Why.
So a few things I've had the pleasure of:
Daredevil (or lack of it)
The first big 'missing' gap on Marvel Unlimited. Thankfully, it's just a bunch of Daredevil stuff, however I was just starting to enjoy Daredevil. Just. Daredevil has sort of teamed up with Black Widow, who briefly had her own stories in a double header book with The Inhumans.
Anyway, Daredevil had just moved out to San Fran, I was thinking... wow this is different. 20+ issues are missing haha oh well
Luke Cage
Luke Cage has debuted, and what a gritty issue it was. This is my first real encounter with Luke Cage (I haven't watched the Netflix show yet), and his origin story is pretty crazy. He's getting abused by a guard in jail, a new warden turns up, and locks the guard in the cell with Cage (and lets him beat the guard up). Then suddenly Cage is selected for a new secret medical test and gains his super powers. Mental.
Black Bolt has went missing from the Inhumans and befriends a boy. This pulls Crystal out of the Fantastic Fours story arch to return home just in time to see ANOTHER Inhuman in-fight happen between Black Bolt followers and Mad Max. This seems to be the only story that happens within Inhumans. Also the Inhumans are dumb as they keep going 'Oh you know, Mad Max ain't too mad. He's been in that mental cap for a long time now, I bet if we let him out he'd be nice and wouldn't use his powers to make us d.... I HATE BLACK BOLT! LET US KILL HIM!
Every time.
Anyway, Black Bolt had fled his Inhuman kingdom and finds himself in New York. There he stops a boy getting beaten by his Uncle, who is a mobster. Black Bolt takes the mobsters clothes and befriends the boy. Then a whole bunch of silly stuff happens that all leads up to Black Bolt gaining amnesia and attempting to speak.
There are so many nice ideas that I'd like to have seen executed better. I'm not sure if the lazy writing is a just a sign of that times or not, but there's far too many fall back safety plots, hooks and get outs being used. Perhaps I'd not notice them as much if I wasn't essentially binge reading the comics.
Adam Warlock
The reading order became very biblical lately too. Adam Warlock aka HIM has reappeared and has basically decided that he'll be Jesus with The High Evolutionary essentially being God. In fact, The High Evolutionary even goes as far as to create his own planet, which he calls Counter Earth.
I mean it was a nicely put together story, but yeah this is essentially the retelling of Eden and then the arrival of Christ. Very odd.
A whole bunch of Ka-Zar and Doctor Doom double headers, which were pretty pointless. Doctor Doom flaunts his diplomatic immunity whenever he can. And it always works. Ka-Zar is just messing about in the Savage Lands.
Marvel have suddenly introduced (or perhaps reintroduced) a bunch of horror favourites too. Dracula, Werewolf, etc. No idea where it's leading and I don't really want to read them. They're good stories, but... not what I want.
Fantastic Four
Sue Richards is finally allowed to do things - YAY! She is no longer the woman in the kitchen, or the pregnant lady, or the new mother, she is simply Sue Richards. She even stands up for herself and family. SHE EVEN SAVED THE DAY! It's the 70s, Baby!
Baby Franklin is hanging out with a crazy Witch Lady and having the time of his life. Reed Richards rarely ever mentions his Son. I hate Reed Richards.
Anyway, the Fantastic Four have had some strange moments lately. They've been told to leave the Baxter Building by the landlord who is fed up with the building being attacked. I find this a reasonable request, but the Fantastic Four are up in arms about it. The Thing threatens the landlord, as you know... that's what The Thing does.
Talking of The Thing, he was cured for a while. He became Ben Grimm again, and turned into a total dick. Good times. Then he decided he better turn back into The Thing as the Fantastic Four needed saving.
Galactus has returned too! This is the Fantastic Four I like. None of the street level stuff, or subterranean stuff. I'm not too keen on the negative zone stuff either. Yet, when they're involved in the cosmic level events, they seem like a great fit.
Galactus has returned for his favourite surfer buddy to become his herald again. The story arch is decent, and is a loose play on slavery, with the Fantastic Four denying ownership of the Silver Surfer, even if it means the world will be destroyed.
I mean Silver Surfer was willing to sacrifice his freedom to save Earth, but Fantastic Four had other ideas. Actually, that's unfair... everyone was OK with this except Reed Richards, who super stretched himself to grab the Silver Surfer as Surfer tried to leave and join Galactus.
Hulk has been quiet issue wise. He hasn't appeared much, but when he does it is usually good stuff. I like Hulk. I relate to his ever lasting battle with depression, or at least that's how I read into the whole Hulk saga. He just wants to sleep, and be left alone, but people keep interfering, so he gets angry... and the rage he can't control, or his emotions.
Anyway, he's found love, or at least for an issue he did! He was shrunk down to the super small meta-verse or something and found a race of people just like himself. They adored him, he adored them, and he was set to marry the princess (Jarella) of the world until he was zapped and turned big again - I think by Reed Richards!
Anyway, Hulk is actually considered a good guy at the moment. Thunderbolt Ross himself is trying to help Banner become Banner again, after Hulk saved Betty Ross (who is at the moment pure crystal). In fact, Thunderbolt has a great idea! He's going to use the Gamma Radiation from The Hulk to cure Betty and in the process remove The Hulk from Banner. Or at least that's the idea that a certain Doc Samson has offered.
So yeah, Doc Samson is a thing now, and he's saved Betty and stole Hulk's girl and Hulk is now on the run again.
I'm not too fond of the new artist drawing Hulk at the moment. He has too much of a cartoony face.
The most recent issues I've read (which would be 1437 issues into Marvel's reading order) have involved the X-Man Beast. And oh boy what crazy issues.
He's finally blue - sort of. He's Grey/Blue. I wasn't expecting it, despite the cover, to delve into the origin of how Hank McCoy went from being a bloke with big hand feet, into the Beast I knew from the 90s. It was interesting. He drank his Mutant DNA Genome Juice to mutate his mutation, to stop spies from stealing his secrets. Of course he lost track of time and is now stuck like this forever.
The art work is odd.
Luke Cage
Luke Cage has debuted, and what a gritty issue it was. This is my first real encounter with Luke Cage (I haven't watched the Netflix show yet), and his origin story is pretty crazy. He's getting abused by a guard in jail, a new warden turns up, and locks the guard in the cell with Cage (and lets him beat the guard up). Then suddenly Cage is selected for a new secret medical test and gains his super powers. Mental.
Adam Warlock
The reading order became very biblical lately too. Adam Warlock aka HIM has reappeared and has basically decided that he'll be Jesus with The High Evolutionary essentially being God. In fact, The High Evolutionary even goes as far as to create his own planet, which he calls Counter Earth.
I mean it was a nicely put together story, but yeah this is essentially the retelling of Eden and then the arrival of Christ. Very odd.
Fantastic Four
Baby Franklin is hanging out with a crazy Witch Lady and having the time of his life. Reed Richards rarely ever mentions his Son. I hate Reed Richards.
Warlock(or rather Him) first showed up in F4 and later Thor before getting his revamp.Finally done with the X-Statix omnibus. Man, such a great list of artists. The book always looked great. The X-Force part was brilliant. The X-Statix part was decent with some real lows in between. The ending arc was silly fun but the last issue was definitely memorable. In hindsight, I should have seen it coming when I realised there was one issue left. And damn at thatThe Dead Girl mini I am not sure about. Some good idea to explore the dead characters, funny moments and great art but a little too long and inconsistent; especially with the character behaviour and voices for the returning X-Statix members. Good fun collection over all and I think I'll keep the omnibus around instead of getting rid of it. Might want to revisit the first part again sometime.last "Exit Stage Left Page".
Also read Batman: I am Suicide. I enjoyed the first issue (and the continuing "heist" bits strewn over the next few issues) but Batman's plan was something that belonged in a Austin Powers movie instead of a Bond movie. The Bat/Cat's Cary Grant/Gene Kelly style dialogue fell flat. So did the retelling of Batman's motivations. Again. And oh hey, books suddenly shifts to repeated panels in a 3x3 grid with repeated dialogue. Wonder who drew this Rooftops arc.
This book is just all over the place. I am not even sure what it is even trying. Even though I got bored quickly with Snyder's Batman, at least there was a consistent and directed core for the first 75% of the run.
Where did Luke Cage and Adam Warlock first appear? They didn't have their own series did they?
Warlock(or rather Him) first showed up in F4 and later Thor before getting his revamp.
Night of the Monster Men.I just realised I missed Batman #7 and #8 between the two trades. Do they show up somewhere else?
Oh, ok. I'll be seeing that first appearance once I get around to reading the rest of the Lee/Kirby FF books then.
Night of the Monster Men.
Looks like we a full look at one of the Dark Knights for Metal in a Flash cover. It's Red Death.
I made it to the USA. I am dying. I didn't sleep at all. Sucks being 6'7 on an aeroplane
Where did Luke Cage and Adam Warlock first appear? They didn't have their own series did they?
Yeah, Him appears in a Fantastic Four issue, and then a Thor issue as LordofLore mentioned. He then leaves Earth, as it's a silly place. Luke Cage first appears in Hero for Hire #1, June 1972.
If you're following the same reading order I have, then that's issue #1433!
What have you enjoyed so far?
I have a 10 issue run of Thor in the reading order next. I'm hit and miss on Thor at the moment. I much prefer his Cosmic stuff to when he's messing about on Earth doing very little. Although he did pose in his human form for a bit at the request of a girl who had been tortured by Dr. Doom. Thor than posted an advert saying "HEY I CAN CURE YOUR FACE!" Dr. Doom believed this and hired Thor (as Dr. Blake) to come fix his face. It was a nice little moment where Doom revealed his face to Blake, who was disgusted and said "Actually, you know what, I can't fix that..." COS I AM THOR! HA!
Dr. Blake is useless.