Messi it's probably your kind of book. Buy it and get back to us about it.
And how! Dat LaFuente art!
Yellow batgirl needs a mask redesign something fierce.
Do I dear?PM Slayven.
Which one? The Rival, Thawne, or Hunter Zoloman?
Thawne is by far the worse Reverse Flash.
Hunter took that shit to places no one has ever gone before or since
The Rival was just pure batshit fun
Inetria was a guy you loved to see get beat down
Kipp tries to kill the industry through trade waiting, some feel more extreme measures are necessary.
What about West?
haven't read the new dude.
Messi it's probably your kind of book. Buy it and get back to us about it.
I wish folks put more care in the evil versions of characters.
Kyle deserved better than these losers
Wanna fight m8
What's I do? I'm sure it has hijinks.
What book? It better not be legion.
Vampirella / Jennifer Blood #1.
Also Legion.
In fact you should read Jennifer Blood. It's a Messi book through and through.
Should I ask what a Messi book is?
Awesome art, mediocre (at best) writing.
No offense =X
Awesome art, mediocre (at best) writing.
No offense =X
A bunch of books that Messi champions have good writing
I don't trust either book yet, especially Howard the Duck after #2's GOTG team-up distraction. Still have both on my dcbs monthly list so far though.
What do books have mediocre writing? Curious. Harley? Sunstone? Captain Marvel?
I sadly don't exactly read Sunstone for the uh...sake of reading =X
Why is everyone speaking like they're in a JRPG?
Wouldst thou read a comic?
[ ] Yes [X] No
But thou must!
Wouldst thou read a comic?
[ ] Yes [X] No
But thou must!
Wouldst thou read a comic?
[ ] Yes [X] No
But thou must!
Wouldst thou read a comic?
[ ] Yes [X] No
But thou must!
Wouldst thou read a comic?
[ ] Yes [X] No
But thou must!
Wouldst thou read a comic?
[ ] Yes [X] No
But thou must!
Weeeeee. Working on Memorial Day without even getting holiday pay. Livin' the life.
Weeeeee. Working on Memorial Day without even getting holiday pay. Livin' the life.
Weeeeee. Working on Memorial Day without even getting holiday pay. Livin' the life.
Same. Least I get the next two days off
more time for less comics wooo
those 50 hours a week aren't gonna work themselves fam
Last day of my 4 day weekend.
I sadly don't exactly read Sunstone for the uh...sake of reading =X
I don't read either of the other 2 books too >_>; Tried them at first bu they never caught my interest :/
Last day of my 4 day weekend.
The idea of reading Sunstone for "other reasons" instead of the story/characters is just utterly bizarre to me.
Ditto! Heading up to my Aunt's later for a BBQ, but for now I'm just trying to soak it in..
The idea of reading Sunstone for "other reasons" instead of the story/characters is just utterly bizarre to me.
The book is not even written in such a way where fapping is Stjepan Sejic's "end goal" for the reader. In fact, if he knew that was what people took away from it I doubt he'd continue writing it. It's a story about being comfortable with your own sexuality and exploring the wants and needs of both you and your partner. It's a story about love and emotional growth and maturity, and it re-assures those who are interested in things such as BDSM that they are normal. It's a sweet story with a lot of ups and downs, and it kind of sets all of us back when people say "Ha, I read it for the tits. These girls are hot so I just fap to the material."
It's an honest admission, but holy fuck is the point of the book just inherently missing on those individuals.