It's a ghost!
I mean, looking at the New 52 is pretty much the end result of "Geoff Johns picks his favorites" when it comes to Flash and GL. Wally is a sacrificial lamb and Bart is Kid Flash. John Stewart isn't even in the New 52 as far as I know, and Kyle was in a group book that's not ongoing anymore (again, as far as I know).
We have Simon Baz who...I'm honestly not sure. Only thing I read with him in it was Trinity War.
It was bad.
John Stewart is usually the second GL now. The priority list is Hal > John > Kyle > Guy > Baz. Stewart essentially headlined GL Corps and it looks like Lost Army will be more of the same. Kyle's New Guardians just ended, he's a White Lantern, and Omega Men is beginning with him being killed off. Guy is a Red Lantern and has an awesome pornstache. Honestly, he lucked out with a better status quo.

No one knows where Simon Baz is. Johns created him and discarded him.