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Confess your most gluttonous moments.


I got married in Kenya, and for our wedding dinner the hotel set up a tent on the beach and made an absolute shitload of food. There was an incredibly dense cake that could have fed about 20 people, a huge platter of fried fish for a starter, bowls of rice, salads, side dishes, things I can't even remember for the main course because I was already totally stuffed. Desserts too, the works.

All of this was just for me and my wife. We'd travelled there alone, and there was no way two humans could consume that amount of food. We didn't ask for a banquet, we'd have been happy with a normal meal. All of this in a country with extreme poverty, where the locals would hack down coconuts to try to sell to the tourists on the beach. I remember one guy showed us where he'd been bitten by a snake, and could no longer climb the trees because his hand was so grotesquely swollen that it was splitting apart. He wanted Western medicine, which was more valuable to him than the local currency. Obviously we had none.

Anyway, that's my shameful tale of gluttony. I hope I'm thankful for what I receive after that experience, and I've never really pigged out since.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
First time at Maggiano's all you can eat style meal - you select a set number of different dishes and if you finish one order of a dish you get another one. Plus they let you take home leftovers.
So we would eat all of the first portion of each dish then request another order of it and eat a little bit of it before boxing up the rest. Thought we were being smart getting our money's worth. Except we all felt positively gross after eating waaay too much to max out the leftovers then could barely face eating any of them the next day.


Every year around my birthday I used to go to Red lobster for the endless shrimp. My family used to always try and count to see if I could get to 100 shrimp eaten, (usually yes) plus a baked potato and plenty of biscuits.


I drank 40 of whiskey over a day once. We were camping and started super early. I’m sure I wasted a bunch and shared some but it was still a decent accomplishment in my mind.

It was some crappy stuff like royal reserve

John Marston

GAF's very own treasure goblin
On more than one occasion
High Five Friends GIF by Amazon Freevee


One time when I was still a bachelor living alone I had a bad day at work so I went to the grocery store and bought a party size bag of ruffle cheddar and sour cream chips and some French onion dip.

I finished the whole thing in one sitting and ate the rest of the dip with a spoon. It is a miracle I am a healthy weight with no major health issues with the way I used to eat.


Over 20 years ago, skipping breakfast and around lunch time my Mother brought home a dozen Krispy Kremes that were just cooked and still hot.

I ate them all in one sitting.

Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
40 street tacos. My own home made guacamole heaping bowl of rice and home made "refried" or "smashed" beans.
My sweat was smelling Mexican for like 2 days. LOL. Everytime I sweat OR pissed it smelled like a full course Mexican dinner. LMAO.
I don't do that anymore, but recently, I went to town on 14 Taquitos... I can't find room in my stomach for other food, but it always seems like my stomach is secretly keeping room saved for just those. :messenger_grinning_sweat:


For some reason I can eat what seems like an unlimited number of grilled bratwurst or Italian sausage. Years ago at a friend's BBQ, I ate 9 brats alongside about a pound of coleslaw. Honestly I could have eaten more, but I was started to get embarrassed. This is the one food, maybe tacos too, that no matter how many I eat, I always feel I can eat a few more. I just stop myself at 4 brats or 6 tacos.


A whole KFC family meal by myself in one sitting.

I was really into hot sauce at the time and I find fried chicken the best pairing. Wife was out of town for the weekend and I had a coupon.
I was indenting to snack on it through out the weekend but I got high.

I still feel a bit disgusted with myself and impressed that I managed to eat it all. I was still dabbling with marijuana at the time and didn't understand the munchies.

Outside of the 3 Double Down's in one sitting the one time after that, I haven't really had KFC since.


not tag worthy
Did a food challenge at a restaurant called fatty arbuckles in the UK.

I’m used to American portions (would visit family in the USA) so the starter and main no problem. Nothing American sized about them. Ruby Tuesday has bigger sizes. Not until I got to the 2 Litres
(2.1 quarts for you yanks) of ice-cream.
That was insane. I was questioning why but I still stuck to it, will having an existential crisis.

My prize. If I remember my meal was free, a t-shirt?? Possible another free meal voucher and a Polaroid of me on the wall of fame. (I looked like I was going to throw up).


Gold Member
Everytime i travel to places like amsterdam or spain i basically smoke ganja all day so i'm constantly hungry and i eat like every 1-2 hours or so, and not healthy food, let me tell you that.

After a year of work and exercise and diet i just wanna do a week of total gluttony when i travel during vacation.

When i'm in my city i very rarely treat myself with some luxurious meat in some meat restaurant and it's not rare for me to consume like 1,5-2 kg of meat during these occasions (and burn several hundreds of euros in the process :messenger_pensive: )
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I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
hell yeah, that place is full of argentinian steakhouses and man, I could eat the whole place after a visit to one of my favorite coffee shops.

not my picture, but last time I went there I had some ribs with fries and I felt like I was in heaven, they really nailed them.
Should go back there once I've saved up a little.



Gold Member
hell yeah, that place is full of argentinian steakhouses and man, I could eat the whole place after a visit to one of my favorite coffee shops.

not my picture, but last time I went there I had some ribs with fries and I felt like I was in heaven, they really nailed them.
Should go back there once I've saved up a little.

Yeah but only one place is really legit, toro dorado.

A lot of these steakhouse are just cheap places with shit meat.

Burgers place are already better, a lot of good choices.

After like 20 trips to ams i have google maps filled with only good places, because there is a lot of tourists traps in ams.
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I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Yeah but only one place is really legit, toro dorado.

A lot of these steakhouse are just cheap places with shit meat.

Burgers place are already better, a lot of good choices.

After like 20 trips to ams i have google maps filled with only good places, because there is a lot of tourists traps in ams.
Toro Dorado? Thanks man, I'll look that place up next time I visit.:messenger_ok:

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
Me and a buddy were at Buffalo Wild Wings a few years back when they had $.35 wing Wednesdays. They require that you buy at least six wings in a given sauce. So, of course the two of us order six wings in all 12 flavors. Well, apparently when your cooking that many wings at a time, you're bound to have a couple of extras. At the end of the meal (30 minutes later), my buddy had around 25 wings, while I had consumed 46 wings and two 23oz beers.

The table next to us had six people and they ordered less food than us. When we finished, they applauded. :D
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Did a food challenge at a restaurant called fatty arbuckles in the UK.

I’m used to American portions (would visit family in the USA) so the starter and main no problem. Nothing American sized about them. Ruby Tuesday has bigger sizes. Not until I got to the 2 Litres
(2.1 quarts for you yanks) of ice-cream.
That was insane. I was questioning why but I still stuck to it, will having an existential crisis.

My prize. If I remember my meal was free, a t-shirt?? Possible another free meal voucher and a Polaroid of me on the wall of fame. (I looked like I was going to throw up).

Worst episode of Beard Meats Food ever.


Not myself but I sat with both of my brothers in law while each eat 5 Big Macs. It was gross and impressive at the same time. Neither are over weight (one is a bit actually but just a few lbs) either, just busy electricians.
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