While voters are moving to strengthen marriage laws, and parents are fighting to keep homosexual propaganda out of the schools, many of America's corporate titans have gone pell-mell for the rich, niche, homosexual market. In fact, the Human Rights Campaign calls corporate America "the driving wheel" of homosexual activism.
...You can also respectfully let companies know how you feel about their sponsorship of homosexual activism. It helps the most to contact local dealers, but it's also good to contact the company.
"Subaru? I always thought faggots liked VW Cabriolets. "
"Subaru must also be promoting the Aids Epidemic then."
"I thought about buying one of their wagons a few years ago until I saw the $25,000 sticker price... for a compact wagon! At that price I could buy a MUCH nicer car from a company that doesn't cater to the fudge packers."
"Shut up! Shut up shut up shut up! (Capriole hides her face in her hands) I bought a Subaru Outback station wagon a couple of years ago because it could carry my kids and a lot of our camping/reenacting/horseback riding gear, go through difficult country with some ground clearance and four-wheel-drive capability, and get much better gas mileage than an SUV that cost the same ($21.5K). And now, despite the NRA, foxhunting, and Confederate First National decals on the back, everybody thinks I'm a lesbian! AAAUGH! Guess I could always trade it in on an F-250 pickup, but then they'd be CONVINCED that I'm a lesbian. I can't win."
"New sales slogan "Subaru; The car most likely to get rear-ended in."
"Cars are not just four wheels, they make a statement. This tells us subaru=homo."
:lol I'll think twice about plastering my Prius with more stuff.