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Cool game toys from Japan (Animal Crossing, Pikmin, FF, SMB)


I'm wrapping up my week in Japan and... I've spent way too much money. Here's all the videogame-related junk I picked up...

(FLYNN: Don't scroll beyond the Miyazaki stuff if you don't want to know what Pikmin toy I'm bringing back for you)

Mandragora from Final Fantasy XI: (I actually won this in a weird arcade game where you have to slide a beer glass across a bar and stop it at the right place, sort of like a reverse "Tapper")


It's hard to see but this is a box with one of eight different miniatures from Namco games, but you don't know whether it's Dig Dug or Pac-Land until you buy and open it:


Stuffed toys from Animal Crossing (I picked up the last of these at the store)


Super Mario Bros diorama: (Only 3 bucks!)


Okay, non-game related but cool anyways: Gloomybears!


Of course, Miyazaki stuff:


Last but not least, sweet Pikmin 2 toys AKA Flynn's present:



Man, I wanted to get some Pikmin toys and I decided to wait since they were missing a few and then I never saw them again :(

Instead I just loaded up on a bunch of capsule toys.

And I want that Mario diorama.. now.


I WANT the hamster/baby from Spirited Away...now.

I'm a stuffed animal freak to begin with, but that is too much.


Yeah, like with a lot of toys here, the mario stage figure dioramas are random, so you don't know what you get until you open it. They cost 300 yen here, about 3 bucks, so you aren't getting ripped off too bad getting it online.

The dioramas are about 4 inches wide and 4 inches tall, approx.


Haha, well I guess you were gonna find out in a few days anyway. I like the blue pikmin because he looks horrified.


Is there any other FFXI merchandise beside the mini controler and clock? Cause i wouldnt mind picking that Onionhead up or a Rarab or something.



It looks like you guys are having a great time.

What neighborhood did you get most of your toys in?


There was a great store in Ueno that had a lot of the famicom mini games, but I didn't wind up buying those. I bought the gloomybears and Miyazaki stuff there though. Most of these toys are from Hakuhinkan Toy Park in Ginza.



All neighborhoods I've never been to. Next time I go, I'll have some new places to check out.

Wasn't the Ghibli shop insane?
I was kinda underwhelmed by Hakuhinkan Toy Park when I went there in '98, though I did find a really nice Iwatobi Penguin alarm clock and some pretty nice Parappa stuff. I much prefer "Kiddy Land" in Harajuku, it's something like 8 stories tall and is absolutely packed with wall-to-wall radness. I just about cleared out their supply of Animal Crossing toys last time I was there. :D


B'z-chan said:
Is there any other FFXI merchandise beside the mini controler and clock? Cause i wouldnt mind picking that Onionhead up or a Rarab or something.

I also got a Carbuncle plush and there are awesome goblins and moogles that are dope as well. The goblin in particular is great-looking, but it was 60 bucks here, so its probably ridiculously expensive to import.
this shit is AWESOME. :'(

:My mate is heading off to Japan for a month; might get him to get me something :D Bloody hell; I know I'm too OLD for plushies but I want the AC and Pikmin ones. They're too cool

Anything on

I spent at least two weeks searching through several cities in Tokyo for the damn Pikmin 2 plushies for my girlfriend. It was worth it though. Olimar is so damn cute.
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