Pretty cool video with high production values, about AI autonomous weapons. Obviously it's not real, but could in the future. Makes me think with current USA events that this would pretty danegerous "crowd control" in wrong hands.
Boston Dynamic robot is interesting, but it's not that fast. I think that what the video is showing is way more interesting.Go search Jeff bezos robot dog and imagine it with a machine gun on top.
Yes you can, but that Deep Learning for that would be probably pain in the could build them right now, tbh
You are putting an awful amount of faith in a piece of paper, my dude.Geneva convention states that the final decision of launching ordinance or engaging in lethal force with an enemy combatant, MUST BE carried out by a human.
We've had autonomous weapon platforms since the 70's
Came in looking for ED-209, am now leaving happy.I watched a documentary in the 80s about dangerous autonomous weapons.
This small fuckers seems to be more scary to me, especially that you have no chance to hide yourself.Thinking further, isn't the Terminator movie series an upcoming documentary about this stuff?
Seriously, kamikaze drones are insane. At least Termies you see coming towards you and you can fight back with guns. Those little suckers would require some high-grade electronic warfare weaponry.This small fuckers seems to be more scary to me, especially that you have no chance to hide yourself.
Pretty cool video with high production values, about AI autonomous weapons. Obviously it's not real, but could in the future. Makes me think with current USA events that this would pretty danegerous "crowd control" in wrong hands.
How is that....EMP would probably suffice againts them, but I guess put a cage around with some sort of needle on it, so it can dischange the pulse and welp....Seriously, kamikaze drones are insane. At least Termies you see coming towards you and you can fight back with guns. Those little suckers would require some high-grade electronic warfare weaponry.
EMP would work but how will you carry a powerful enough EMP generating device? Really the kind of EMP you need to knock out electronics is produced by nuclear explosions and solar eruptions, both of which aren't exactly portable. I was thinking more along the lines of digital cloak or something.How is that....EMP would probably suffice againts them, but I guess put a cage around with some sort of needle on it, so it can dischange the pulse and welp....
This small fuckers seems to be more scary to me, especially that you have no chance to hide yourself.
MechWarriors are junk though, one light infantry squad would demolish it, or a single marine scout team with a laser pointer. They are cool though, but absolutely useless in any realistic combat scenario.Still waitingf or Elon Musk to build that MechWarrior
I think that device, if not omnidirectional, could be pretty pocketable or at least portable. You know capacitors, could do a shitload of damage, while not being that large, you only need high enough voltage, not current for this. But how would you direct this on something so small and agile. Sun do this on global level, not on small let's few meters from you level. Not the mention how far it has to travel, that's denitely, not comparable in any shape or form.EMP would work but how will you carry a powerful enough EMP generating device? Really the kind of EMP you need to knock out electronics is produced by nuclear explosions and solar eruptions, both of which aren't exactly portable. I was thinking more along the lines of digital cloak or something.
I don't know about those things, but the only times I have heard about serious enough electronic interference that could destroy electronics was either from the sun or nukes, I suppose there are other sources of EM interference that are smaller and could be used for that purpose, I just never heard about them.I think that device, if not omnidirectional, could be pretty pocketable or at least portable. You know capacitors, could do a shitload of damage, while not being that large, you only need high enough voltage, not current for this. But how would you direct this on something so small and agile. Sun do this on global level, not on small let's few meters from you level. Not the mention how far it has to travel, that's denitely, not comparable in any shape or form.
And cage would work most likely, you would just have to have some dischage point and that cage would have to be mounted with some isolant.
Since it can be done in home, I am not going to link some serious project which could actually kill electronic for good, but this is something for educational purposes: don't know about those things, but the only times I have heard about serious enough electronic interference that could destroy electronics was either from the sun or nukes, I suppose there are other sources of EM interference that are smaller and could be used for that purpose, I just never heard about them.
Seriously, kamikaze drones are insane. At least Termies you see coming towards you and you can fight back with guns. Those little suckers would require some high-grade electronic warfare weaponry.
I know, I just find the video to be very well put together not to share it.Who needs a video to imagine the danger? lol