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Corgan goes off the handle: "FUX YUO ZWAN"

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Haha, I love this. NOT because "OMG ITS BOLLY OMG" so shut up. I just love the drama. I can't wait for Pajo, Paz and Sweeney to speak their mind. This is gonna be awesome.

I see that ex-zwan people are running their mouths again.. the day will come when I set the record straight (not today), but let me say this to you now... I am not afraid of dirty, filthy people who have no self-respect or class... never have I met such creatures who feel so entitled to all yet contribute so little, not only to my life but the culture and the world in general... the world is on the brink of wars and mass terror, and their main concern is whether or not their indy friends still like them... kinda funny, kinda sad, kinda pathetic...my version of the zwan story is a good one, a sad one, an ultimately a tale of wasted moments and people who told me they were my friends but were really just there to take, take, take... time will reveal them to be the poseurs they truly are...don't let their dirty faces fool you, they painted them that way...their filth is in their larcenous hearts, if they have them at all...I got to see the Metallica mo


This shit is hilarious. I can't wait to hear the other side. Full journal entry at billycorgan.com


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
I really cant stand this fuck.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Scott Stapp > Corgan



LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
AlphaSnake said:
Durst, maybe. But Stapp? Chill, dude...

I'm just trying to get Diablos to snap like his idol did.


He may have been a loon when he blamed everything on Iha (I still don't get that). Even if Iha DID break the band up, the way he presented it was just weird... very pretentious. This post on the other hand didn't seem pretentious at ALL, it seemed like he was really pissed and finally venting some of his hatred towards former bandmates. But Zwan was a trainwreck. Paz was busy fucking Pajo and Sweeney, they basically did nothing in the studio. David Pajo did absolutely NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING on stage or in the studio. Nothing. You could blame the band's downfall on Corgan, but I recall him saying numerous times that he wanted Zwan to be a group thing. Who knows (or really cares), because Corgan IS a control freak. One thing's for sure: Zwan's end wasn't all Corgan.

Everything got fucked up once Paz joined. She should've stayed in A Perfect Circle. Corgan's going through a midlife crisis or something right now, but thank god he made good music in the Pumpkins or else I'd prolly have no respect for the man right now. He's sending quite a mixed message to those poor souls who still think he's telling the truth 100% of the time. :|

Who the heck spells 'indie' as 'indy'? :D This isn't NASCAR, doders!

Now if Strapp > Corgan is not true, Alpha... then Durst > Corgan isn't, either :p


Chamberlin has an update too it seems..

Hello everyone and welcome back to The Complex. I'm back in LA mixing with Tom Rothrock, (Elliot Smith, Beck, The Warlocks) and it's sounding great. It looks as if we'll be finishing around mid-August. We've since added a piano player, Adam Benjamin to the band and we're going to start doing shows soon. Look for us around the beginning of Sept.

Billy Corgan will be singing a track on the record. One that he picked out. The song was originally going to be an instrumental, but when BC heard it he asked me to write some lyrics for it. So needless to say I'm very excited. I have also been privy to some information regarding Billy's record and it sounds like once again he will change the face of music, (along with The Complex), of course. Anyway, I'm thrilled for both of us. I've been talking to Billy and he's in great spirits which can only mean he's digging the music.

As for the other ex-members of Zwan, they seemed to have resigned themselves to talking about Billy in teeny bopper magazines. Teaching youngsters how to be cool like them. I'd like to see an article about what they've been doing lately. I guess no one else would. I really don't understand why anyone would want to go to all that trouble to do an interview just to be negative about someone else. Did it occur to them that if they weren't talking about Billy, the magazine probably wouldn't give two shits about what they had to say? I'm sure it did to everyone who read it.

Anyway, back to the real world. I've been working on the cover art with Corey Wilton and we've come up with a few different options. It's very cool and reflective of what's been going on in my life. I'm going to try and preview it on the website as soon as it's done.

As for everything else, things are good. My move to California is going smooth. I am going to miss my friends and my city but am looking forward to my west coast future.

As for you my friends, keep spreading the love!! Make the world a better place!!!! Peace, JC

Chamberlin's a totally sane legit guy. He doesn't bullshit. Former Zwan bandmates talking shit in teenybopper magazines is just as bad as Billy's psycho blogs IMO.

edit 2: jesus christ, for the first time in over a MONTH I look for new SP related news and expect nothing, and get more than I expected. WTF

FINALLY some news about Darcy thanks to a couple posters at Netphoria.

Okay, this is going to sound unbelievable, as I still don't quite believe it myself...
Anyways, I went on a date with this girl last night. During our discussion, music was brought up, which ultimately lead to me bringing up SP. The girl got a surprised look on her face and then proceeded to tell me that D'arcy was her horse trainer. I probed further into the discussion to see if she was bulshitting, asking stuff that only a real SP fan would know such as where she grew up, her last name, etc.. She knew she grew up in Michigan, namely South Haven. She knew that her last name is wretzky-brown, as she married "some guy from this band called Catherine." Now completely convinced and enthralled that this girl really did know d'arcy, I got a lot of information out of her.

D'arcy went into rehab for about 6 months in 2001.
She owns a horse farm in Watervilet, MI. Apparently D'arcy has a horse that's worth over 1 million smackaroos.
D'arcy is not the brightest
Her hair is now cut fairly short and died brown.

I have no reason not to believe this girl. This girl has no interest in any kind of music with a guitar. She had no knowledge of SP. I showed her a picture of D'arcy from 1994, her response: "That can't be her, her lips are much bigger."

If this girl is lying, she's the best goddamn liar i've ever met.



**editing out url to darcy's exact address**


Tuesday night i was talking to my dad.... which i luckly make about a once a week thing... and he told me a little interesting fact:

He was at dinner last Saturday... and had dinner with this horse riding instructor. This guy travels around the country and teaches the rich how to ride horses... well guess who is a client? D'arcy Wretzchy... so i met her... right? well anyway, my dad happened to know somthing about me and told him that i am obsessed with The Smashing Pumpkins, and how they inspired me to move to Chicago next year and study music at Depaul... so this guy said that he was gonna have D'arcy send me somthing.

also this guy said D'arcy is really "detatched" and doesnt seem to be "there" he also said that D'arcy blew all her money at her farm in Michigan by hiring all these employs... and had to go back on the road or somthing? she probably had to feed her addiction too.. the guy also said the pumpkins broke up because of that guy dying in the hotel with jimmy.. i think he was a keyboardist...... but that was in like 1997-98ish... so i dont think that was it. but still... D'arcy Wretsky of The Smashing Pumpkins is going to send me somthing.. so ill be waiting
i walked into math class one day, probably sophmore or junior, and this there was this huge goth kid who would sit next to me. You know, those guys that look EXTRA goofy in their goth clothes because they are like 6'4" and 300lbs. Anyway, i was sort of knew him, we weren't friends or anything, but he was pretty fucking annoying so i didn't really like him. On this particular day, he had an issue of Rolling Stone sitting on his desk with Billy Corgan on the cover, and as i walked in to sit down i simply commented something to the effect of "HA WHO IS THAT BALD BITCH!?!", knowing full well who he was, and just trying to antagonize the guy, and without a second of hesitation, he punched me square in the side of the head. I tried swinging back but inevitably did what anyone would do when facing up against a giant ass mofo like him, which was to (try, failingly) to slap that fat bitch in a chokehold, Leia on Jabba style. Once the teacher yelled at us to quit, both of us sort of embarassingly stopped and were sent to the office to talk to a dean. We both sat there in the office waiting for about a half hour, and when nobody showed up to talk to us we agreed to just get out of there and never speak of that shit again...until today.


Pretty immature on your part. Although the goth kid could've just been like "shut the fuck up" instead of punching you.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Man it would have been classic if he had tried to sit on you instead.


bjork said:
darcy makes my pants happy
Welll... I dunno. Have you seen her AFTER plastic surgery?





You think Corgan's blogs are funny you should try reading Moby's stuff. I remember back in 2001 after 9/11 he was comparing the FBI to Bruce Willis's bodyguards or some stupid shit like that. He also felt it necessary to inform his fans he was ok. Like the first thing people were doing after hearing about 9/11 was running to their computers and checking Moby's website to make sure he came through it ok!


Diablos said:
Welll... I dunno. Have you seen her AFTER plastic surgery?



Is that just a bad photo?

"Hi, d'arcy. How would you like to look?"

:d'arcy holds up a sign with :| on it:

"Sure thing!"


No, she got plastic surgery... there's a really uh, revealing pic of the destruction done to her face, but I can never find it.
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