I thoroughly disagree with Somnium's post/world view, but it's well articulated. My disagreement here is largely that the shutdowns are BAD for the government. It's a HUGE decline in state and federal income tax, county and city income tax (where applicable), sales tax revenue etc. That's what lines their pockets, funds their pet projects etc. and businesses being closed also means their big donors are hurting and have less to give to their campaigns. Both of those affect politicians on both sides.
Thanks. It is indeed a complicated situation, but what do you thoroughly disagree with me on exactly? I actually agree with you here, so I'm not sure how it conflicts with my points.
The prolonged lockdown is bad for government because it's bad for society first and foremost. There are people working within the governments that have tendency to overreach their authority, Even if it's not always from malicious intent, I believe it's very important for a populace to be wary of that type of behavior whenever it's displayed by those we elected into power and check it.
No one in the government wants to keep it shut down any longer than necessary as it hurts all their bottom lines.
What a government would consider "necessary" will not always be aligned with the necessities of the individual person, that's my point.
People loosing their jobs and their business as a result of a prolonged enforced lockdown because what they do is not deemed an "essential service" is an example of what a government deems necessary being in conflict with that of individual.
People being fined or arrested for using public property (that they help pay for as taxpayers) because it violates guidelines for quarantine, despite haven't unbroken any laws is another example.
People being forced to break up small gatherings because of going against social distancing guidelines, despite having the right to peacefully assemble, is another example.
There are plenty of real examples of state governments in the USA, governments in the UK and in China taking things further than "necessary" at the expense of civil liberties.