Spotless Mind
Ugh, you've gotta be kidding me.
smurfx said:![]()
oh dear god, no!
You actually think there's a chance it won't be?GhostSeed said:The only thing that can top this is having T4 rated PG13. *puts gun in mouth*
This is Warner Bros., not 20th Century Fox. The dipshits at Fox are the ones who want to neuter all the movies.Battersea Power Station said:You actually think there's a chance it won't be?
Hey folk Harry here. Just got off the phone with an extremely trusted source who has never been wrong before. he revealed exclusively to AICN that in the upcoming McG reboot, TERMINATOR SALVATION: The Future Begins, that they have cast CHRISTIAN BALE as none other than JOHN CONNER. you folks know what that means...
extremely trusted source who has never been wrong before.
Christian Bale Is John Conner In New Terminator Movie
Well holy crap. The other day we reported to you guys that McG was signed on to direct the next Terminator installment tentatively titled Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins (bad title). I dont think McG is a very good fit for a project like Terminator. However, there must be some people out there who love the idea because according to the guys at Aint It Cool News theyve just cast the lead guy.
Yeah, the man who will play the lead character, John Conner (who was played by Nick Stahl in T:3 and Edward Furlong in T:2) is none other than Batman himself Christian Bale. AICN gives us this:
Just got off the phone with an extremely trusted source who has never been wrong before. he revealed exclusively to AICN that in the upcoming McG reboot, TERMINATOR SALVATION: The Future Begins, that they have cast CHRISTIAN BALE as none other than JOHN CONNER. you folks know what that means THIS IS GOING TO KICK ASS!!!
If this indeed turns out to be true, then its one hell of a pull off. Nabbing Christian Bale for this would instantly bring a lot of credibility to the new Terminator movie that quite frankly has been missing.
Still I disagree with Harry here remember folks, Christian Bale isnt WRITING the movie. A bad line is still a bad line weather Christian Bale or Pee-Wee Herman says it. Still this can be seen as nothing but good news for Terminator fans.
Dan said:If true, there must be something good about this project if Bale's willing to sign on. He's not the biggest fan of long shoots, and I doubt Terminator will be a quick one, and it'll probably be heavy on CG. He's gotta see something there to throw this into his schedule on top of the next Batman. Plus, it's probably another three movie deal.
Teh Hamburglar said:I wont see another of this guys movies until I get a reasonable explanation why his name is McG.
Iamthegamer said:Gaf, I'm so confused....
I dont get it GAF. My Shitastic-Fantastic Meter is off the charts. McG....Bale...McG....Bale.....McG.....Ba-AHHHHHHHH! *kills self* has learned that Warner Bros. Pictures' new "Terminator" film, to be directed by McG, is now without a title. It was previously known as Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins.
The sci-fi action-thriller stars Christian Bale (The Dark Knight) and Sam Worthington (Avatar). The pic will reinvent the cyborg saga with a storyline to be told over a three-movie span. It is set in the future, in a full-scale war between Skynet and humankind.
The studio is targeting a May 22, 2009 release.
Screw You, SCC is awesome.CajoleJuice said:Let's put the bets down now:
Which one will be worse?
Sarah Connor Chronicles or T4
Tieno said:Wow, Bale as John Connor?
I believe.
MMaRsu said:He's not playing him. ( as in he's not playing JC )
Danj said:I think The Sarah Connor Chronicles is better than whatever this project will turn out to be. Such a shame that it got prematurely terminated due to the stupid strike.
Teh Hamburglar said:what kind of a name is McG? Seriously.
mosaic said:Shit like this gets the green light while Robocop Vs The Terminator doesn't?!
Pretty much. Future War=Sex on screen.Busty said:When the first trailer for this film comes out in early 2009 you're going to be falling over each other to see it.
Mark. My. Words.
It can't possibly be any worse than Terminator 3, so I'm still game. Believe in Bale!Busty said:When the first trailer for this film comes out in early 2009 you're going to be falling over each other to see it.
Mark. My. Words.
Anasui Kishibe said:
Uh, WTF? :lolDoubledex said:
Teh Hamburglar said:what kind of a name is McG? Seriously.
Don't forget The OC!segasonic said:McG has a bad track record
I like Chuck though
twinturbo2 said:One more time for good measure:
GET TO DA CHOPPA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111oneoneone