I hate the current Youtube trend where they have an edit/cut every 5 seconds for no apparent reason. Even in the same sentence. It’s fucking bizarre.
It’s like:
“I was walking to the EDIT shops one day and I noticed that EDIT my shoelace was untied, so I EDIT bent down and tied it up.”
Like, what the fuck is this? You’re not editing in other footage or even other audio. You are cutting up your sentence for no fucking reason. Is it because you millenials have the attention spans of goldfish and you have to jazz up a fucking sentence?! Just stop it you dumbfucks. And they all copy eachother like brainless sheep
Is there a term for this type of editing? A Derp Cut?
Tell me I’m not the only one noticing this.
I noticed it. I assume they do it to get their video length down.
A full view of a video over 10 minutes is worth more than a video under 10 minutes, but there’s no scaling. So a view of a video with a duration of 4:40 is the same as a view of a video with a duration of 9:59. So to get more full views, I imagine they trim the length down.
Ok, that makes sense then because I noticed that they seem to edit out all the pauses between sentences like where a full stop/period should be. It makes all the sentences flow into eachother with no rhyme or reason and it’s like being in the head of a schizophrenic. I hate it.
As soon as I notice a Youtube video is doing it, I shut it off immediately. It offends my intelligence.
Yeah, it's to remove pauses or blunders or any umms and uhs from their talk. In tv documentaries where there really is a maximum length it can be, they shave off seconds by shortening sentences, cutting of any stuttering, cutting those umms and uhs, and there they hide those cuts by inserting some other footage on them.
That isn't necessary in Youtube videos where there is no time limit and they are not interviews but mostly scripted speeches. But they try to make it as dynamic as possible and they don't generally seem to memorize more than one sentence at a time. So they probably read a sentence, say it a few times and when they feel it's said with the least amount of blunders, they continue to the next sentence. So there's no way to go than have a cut in between each and every line. And they probably think that having the next line continue as fast as possible somehow hides the "one line at a time" recording better than letting there be longer pauses. And when they separate the cuts that fast, then all the spoken parts need to have the same speed and then they'll probably go through the sentences and look any parts that make the lines flow slower than how fast the pauses in between sentences are.
Then there's also the "funny" way to do this, which is to have random closeups with the guy making noises or faces or whatever. They probably have one shot where they do these facial expressions and "funny" noises and then use them as an extra "entertainment" to "hide" the cuts. That's the most annoying form of it.
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