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CT Special Forces: Fire For Effect (PS2, Xbox, PC) preview


Chili Con Carnage!

For the record, i think the GBA game rocks and should be played by all...but this? well read for youreselves..

Still more bizarre, believe it or not, will be the game's freefall mode--at least if it survives in its current form. In this reasonably impressive-looking mode, you'll plummet endlessly downwards that we never actually saw get any closer, while shooting at enemy freefallers. Not bizarre enough for you? How about freefalling escort VIP and bomb disarm missions? Out of some morbid curiosity we asked to take a look at one of the bomb disarm missions, and were confronted by the spectacle of our character falling alongside a large bomb which could apparently only be disarmed by...shooting at three or four specific parts of it. Our demonstration came to an end and, feeling a little bemused, we moved on.

you'd think throwing the bomb out of the plane would be the end of the problem...

Anyway its not all bad..

we did get to see the equally bizarre electromagnetic grenades doing their thing--that being attracting or repulsing all metallic objects within quite a large area. Even the vehicles parked nearby would shift as a result of the grenades which, we're told, will be best used to disarm groups of enemies.

sounds kinda cool.
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