Because CD Projekt is a publicly traded company, it is required to answer shareholder questions. Thankfully there is a thread on their official forums, where investors can do just that. One poster asked, how many people work on Cyberpunk 2077. The answer is music to my ears:
Translation: "In your recent presentation you have mentioned, that there are over 100 people working on Gwent. I understand that the remaining employees work on CP2077 (minus tech support for TW3)"
Translation: "There are currently more game developers working on Cyberpunk 2077 than on The Witcher 3 in its most intensive month."
In other news:
- there are no plans to support modding on consoles,
- Steam availability of Gwent cannot be confirmed at this point (although previously confirmed numerous times by Community Managers/devs, eg here )
- when asked about the release date of Cyberpunk 2077 they replied that "They like to surprise, so they won't reveal it."
- Gwent open beta few months after the closed one, so release probably towards february-march 2017 (my assumption).
21.Na prezentacji wspomniano, że ponad 100 osób z game=devu pracuje nad Gwintem, rozumiem, że reszta pracowników pracuje nad CP2077 (minus wsparcie tech. dla W3)
Translation: "In your recent presentation you have mentioned, that there are over 100 people working on Gwent. I understand that the remaining employees work on CP2077 (minus tech support for TW3)"
Nad Cyberpunkiem pracuje obecnie więcej osób z gamedevu niż pracowało nad trzecią częścią Wiedźmina w najintensywniejszym miesiącu.
Translation: "There are currently more game developers working on Cyberpunk 2077 than on The Witcher 3 in its most intensive month."
In other news:
- there are no plans to support modding on consoles,
- Steam availability of Gwent cannot be confirmed at this point (although previously confirmed numerous times by Community Managers/devs, eg here )
- when asked about the release date of Cyberpunk 2077 they replied that "They like to surprise, so they won't reveal it."
- Gwent open beta few months after the closed one, so release probably towards february-march 2017 (my assumption).