Tag, you're it.

The gangs of Night City
Voodoo Boys:
The Voodoo Boys are a terrorist gang of drug dealers. They engage in weird magic rituals, and deal non-synthetic drugs to students near the University. Sadistic and pitiless, they will kill, torture, and rape for any reason or no reason at all. Victims will sometimes be warned with Chicken blood and feathers on their doorstep. Or not. Their motives and practices have no consistency. Mutilating and maiming victims is common, as is dissecting their body parts for rituals or to inspire terror.
No outsider has ever successfully infiltrated the gang. They have no fixed headquarters or crash pads. The location and time for the next meeting is chosen at the end of each meeting. At least two high profile Medias have died while trying to cover this gang. They are considered a priority for the NCPD, violent and dangerous. The terror they inspire has been successful in keeping the local merchants quiet and uncooperative with the police.

6th Street:
One of their emblems is a blue "6th Street" with an outline of blue stars and a black skull with "6th Street" in the middle with an outline of black stars.
Founded by veterans of the 4th Corporate War tired of the helplessness of the NCPD, 6th Street was meant to serve and protect the community of Vista del Rey. Today their interpretation of the law and "bringing justice to the city" is questionable and self-serving.
The 6th Street gang was founded by old-fashioned American patriots who came together to act as an ad hoc police force. They have since forgone their original goal of serving public trust and are no different than any other gang who abuse their power and position in local communities. They regularly force smaller neighborhood businesses to pay tribute and "protection money," and are known to engage in various and outright criminal activities.

The Valentinos is a poser gang dedicated to seducing the most attractive women in Night City. The more unobtainable she appears to be, the more attractive a target she makes. They do not maintain any turf, and have no goals outside of seducing women. They are generally harmless to anyone except the husbands and boyfriends of very attractive women in the city.
They meet four times a year to compare conquests.In 2077, they are one of Night City’s largest gangs, the Valentinos are bound by a strong moral code and century-old traditions.
Controlling swathes of predominantly Latino areas of Heywood, they treat values such as honor, justice, and brotherhood with deadly seriousness.
The Valentinos have altered the structure of the gang by turning into a mostly Latino gang, most members are but they don't have to be Latino.

A combat gang formed from what was left of the Metal Warriors, a gang that was almost completely wiped out by the Inquisitors. It has also acquired members from the Red Chrome Legion and Ironsights, who also have grudges against the Inquisitors. While the Inquisitors are a special target for their violence, Maelstrom will also (of course) attack anyone else as well.
In the past, most of their crimes have been small time, but their hunger for expensive new cyberware and drugs is pushing them to attack larger targets, such as those that serve the Solos and Corporations.
In 2077, the Maelstrom Gang is located in the All Food plant in Night City. With 1,300 members, they are led by Royce after he deposed and imprisoned the last boss, Brick.

The Aldecaldo family was the first true Nomad family to form during the 1990s as Los Angeles turned into a war zone. Juan Aldecaldo started out in the defense industry, much of the extended Aldecaldo family depended on Juan for various needs.
Juan led his family as the migrated from the US to Mexico City and as time went on his leadership became stronger. The Aldecaldos returned to the US in 2015 with an increased numbers of Nomads.
In 2077, the Aldecaldos are one of the two Nomad groups inhabiting the Badlands. They have a long history of frequent conflict and warring with the other Nomad group, the Wraiths.
Unlike their aggressive rivals, the Aldecaldos are more open to making deals with V.


The Mox:
The Mox are a gang in Night City. One of their emblems is "The Mox" written in calligraphy.
Formed in 2076 after the death of Elizabeth "Lizzie" Borden, a strip club owner & ex-prostitute who treated her workers fairly and defended them from violent clients, The Mox refer to themselves as “those who protect working girls and guys” from violence and abuse.
They are based in Lizzie's Bar and rarely venture outside the district. They run several Braindance stations at their headquarters.
The Mox gang is relatively small, non-territorial, and consist of of mostly sexworkers, anarchist, punks, and sexual minorities. Formed in 2067 in the interest of mutual self-defense purposes, their name comes from the old slang term "moxie," denoting their determination to stand up against their oppressors.

Tiger Claws:
In 2020 the Tyger's Claw was a small defensive combat gang who claimed turf in Japantown, and the residential community surrounding it.
They generally did not use most cyberware, preferring to rely on martial arts, traditional Japanese weapons, and enhanced reflexes. It was rumored that they are backed financially by Arasaka.
In 2077, the Tyger's Claw changed their name to the Tyger Claws but have changed very little, examples of the few changes being that they now regularly use Cyberware and are very fixated on motorcycles for transportation. They've also gone from small humble beginnings to one of the largest gangs in the city. Rumored to be in a territory feud with the Steel Dragons, a gang originating from Tokyo.

The Animals are an aggressive street-fighting boostergang from west Pacifica that emphasize on physical power above all else. They avoid traditional cyberware so they enhance themselves with melee combat-enhancing cyberware and by using testosterone, animal supplements, and a steroid-like drug known as "the Juice" which increases the user's strength and speed.
They frequently sell off their services as bouncers, a job of which they are heavily sought after for, and are spread throughout the area. They have cornered the illegal substance trade as well as underground live-or-die prize fighting. When the gang gather together in one spot it means they are up to something important, they then select the strongest and fastest among them to be the ad hoc leader, in this current case, Sasquatch.
The Animals are secretly allied with the anti-cybercrime task force, NetWatch.

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