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Daily Show infected with DS virus


Amazing. Props to NOA on a bitching marketing campaign, The Daily Show is a consumer goldmine.
TekunoRobby said:
That was actually a funny way of introducing the link. Is it part of the marketing strategy (the DS virus)?

Not that I have seen. I just was trying to make the funny.

viral marketing

viral marketing
Marketing phenomenon that facilitates and encourages people to pass along a marketing message.


Interesting. I would think commercials during the Daily Show would help more than just some capitalized letters on their website, but what do I know? (unless they are doing this? I watch the show often but haven't seen anything yet)


Tag of Excellence
I thought it was both humorous and clever, much better than the usual "Quick info and link" these news posts usually contain.
It's pretty stupid. How many people are going to attribute this to the DS and not the Daily Show. I mean, congrats on a fairly unique marketing strategy, but find something that doesn't already start with DS.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
The marketing here is really interesting. I'm curious about whether they're doing it to get "DS" conciously or unconciously stuck in casual's minds, or if it was more for people like us, to generate message board topics and posts when a new site is "infected."

Either way, major props to Nintendo for trying something *genuinely* new. I never cared about Acclaim's insane marketing stunts, because at least they weren't the same old shit.
Son of Godzilla said:
It's pretty stupid. How many people are going to attribute this to the DS and not the Daily Show. I mean, congrats on a fairly unique marketing strategy, but find something that doesn't already start with DS.

Its the 3rd site that I've seen doing this and the first with DS in the sites name. Viral Marketing relies on some prior knowledge. Of course only those who know what the DS logo looks like will get this. :)


krypt0nian said:
Its the 3rd site that I've seen doing this and the first with DS in the sites name. Viral Marketing relies on some prior knowledge. Of course only those who know what the DS logo looks like will get this. :)

Do you have links to the other sites?


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Hitler Stole My Potato said:
Worst. Marketing. Campaign. Eva.

It got us talking about it, and every time a new site has the letters we'll be talking about it again. I think that's the point, which actually makes it a pretty good marketing tactic, considering the money it's likely costing them. Raising DS awareness is a good thing.


GDJustin said:
It got us talking about it, and every time a new site has the letters we'll be talking about it again. I think that's the point, which actually makes it a pretty good marketing tactic, considering the money it's likely costing them. Raising DS awareness is a good thing.


The fact people are talking about how shitty it is means that Nintendo has already won them over.


SolidSnakex said:
I'm talking about people saying this is a terrible marketing campaign, while you're saying its a good thing that they think that.

Yes. Any Business Major will agree with me.


I'm waiting for the day Sony copies this with the PSP, but I'm simultaneously wondering how often "PSP" will actually pop up in a sentence... hmmm...


Uh, how is the average person going to know that all the capitalized Ds and Ss stand for Nintendo DS?


(Oh look, I'm trolling. Start whining, kryptonian)

Kon Tiki

Speaking of the Daily Show. Monday's show was great. :D

Oh ya you forgot one more. DemaSked. ;)

Zilch said:
Uh, how is the average person going to know that all the capitalized Ds and Ss stand for Nintendo DS?
Hmm, the tv adverts should of addressed this with showing the letters DS prfoundly. Maybe there are more TV ads.


Tag of Excellence
Zilch said:
Uh, how is the average person going to know that all the capitalized Ds and Ss stand for Nintendo DS?
Good point and that'll probably be addressed later in the viral marketing scheme. I'm assuming this is merely a prelude to both confuse and get consumers interested. Later on things will become clearler but the point of getting them interested (either negatively or positively) has worked and is quite effective.


lockii said:
Yes. Any Business Major will agree with me.

Very true. Marketing is mainly ment to get the message out there, in any possible way. Some find it effective by pleasing a consumer with their ads, others see something annoying as more effective. Why because it stays in your head and in the end thats what a firm wants. Your gonna go talk about it with your friends which then spreads the word about it, leading to some people looking at what it really is out of curiousity.
Nintendo has several marketing campaigns for the DS.

They have the MTV-made Wild Boyz ads.

They have the "sexy" Touch Me TV spots.

On the internet they have regular marketing and viral marketing.

I'm assuming as you get closer to launch and after launch you'll see even more commercials.

But honestly the best marketing for DS is going to be seeing someone with one fiddling around with the touchscreen and what not. That's going to make other people go "hey, what is that?".

I can see especailly in school, kids/teenagers seeing someone with one and then getting sold just on the PictoChat functionality alone.


Firest0rm said:
Very true. Marketing is mainly ment to get the message out there, in any possible way. Some find it effective by pleasing a consumer with their ads, others see something annoying as more effective. Why because it stays in your head and in the end thats what a firm wants. Your gonna go talk about it with your friends which then spreads the word about it, leading to some people looking at what it really is out of curiousity.

Dont confuse marketing for advertising.
Zilch said:
Uh, how is the average person going to know that all the capitalized Ds and Ss stand for Nintendo DS?


(Oh look, I'm trolling. Start whining, kryptonian)

When you start trolling I'll call you on it. I swear this is like a 4th grade class on the way to a museum field trip.

Do some reading on Viral Marketing and your ignorance will be no more.

IGN + Battlenet = GAF

And your question is already answered in the thread, Speed Reader.
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