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Daily Show infected with DS virus


I hate typing out "www.wwe.com" ... it's like saying "http-colon-slash-slash-slashdot-dot-org".

Anyway, while I do think it's an interesting strategy ... to anyone who has no clue, they'll still most likely have no clue afterwards. But I guess as someone else said, prior knowledge is necessary. It'd almost be nice if Nintendo coupled this with some other, more obvious, ad campaign.

Still, it does get the word out.

(I'm currently practicing to be a politician ...)


This is a pretty dope ad campaign. They really need to increase the number of sites participating, though.


This is a pretty fucking cool advertising idea, I just hope they release commercials telling people to look out for "The DS virus" or something so people can put two and two together.


Son of Godzilla said:
It's pretty stupid. How many people are going to attribute this to the DS and not the Daily Show. I mean, congrats on a fairly unique marketing strategy, but find something that doesn't already start with DS.
I just read the link from this post and I thought the original poster was joking by comparing this to nintendo DS.
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