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damn my fear of planes>:(

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I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
on the 25th im going away on holiday to see my grandparents. Not only will it be boring, but I fucking hate planes. I'm really starting to think if I can get on the plane or not. The food doesn't make me feel any better, it tastes like shit. the fact that a piece of metal weighing god knows how much is flying into the sky is the most annoying thought.


My Aunt is afraid of planes too and she always gets sick on them. She takes some sort of motion sickness drug, I think it is called Dramamine, that puts her out for almost the entire flight, try that if you are that afraid. Otherwise, just be brave and conquer your fear. Oh yeah, make sure you are going on a jet, it is terrifying flying on this shitty prop planes in bad weather.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Just lie back, relax, sleep if you wish. Thousands of flights happen every day. It's a routine science now. Big hunks of metal CAN fly safely through the skies :)


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
what's terrifying about prop planes is when they shut off an engine mid-flight.

I fear flying as well, but do so at least twice a year. I like how you have to shut off all electronic devices during takeoff. Great, I'll just obsess about the engine sound while fearing for my life.


I'm visiting some friends in Chicago at the end of the month, and I'm flying for the sake of time. Mind, I've hated planes all of my life, and I'm not too keen on trusting four engines sitting between me and the laws of physics. But it's still - relatively - the safest way to travel, not that it makes me feel any better.

My advice, just buck up, bring some tunes, and hit the booze if the stewardess offers.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
I might take a tablet...wait, that doesnt work on me, ive got to take the whole fucking container. I probably will play championship manager...I forgot, are you allowed to use electronics on a plane.


psycho_snake said:
I might take a tablet...wait, that doesnt work on me, ive got to take the whole fucking container. I probably will play championship manager...I forgot, are you allowed to use electronics on a plane.

Once you're in the air, yes.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
My dads flight engineer, don't worry dude you would be surprised about how frequently planes break mid flight, but they just keep right on flying. Backup system to backup a backup system and all that.


i am so scared of flying. i dont care what anyone says about his its safer than cars but wtf, there are about millions of more car on the road daily then planes. of course they will have more accidents. and not all car accidents are fatal but 99% of plane crashes/malfunctions and shit are fatal.

back in the summer of 2001 i flew after about 10 yrs and i did it. i thought that experience would help me get over my fear but it only worsened it. now i think to myself "i survived that...why risk it more?".

but later in august im going to my cousins in houston (i live in nyc) and im already dreading the flight.
Don't sleep the night before, you will be out like a light on the plane. And if you need extra leg room, put your legs underneath the seat in front of you. Its the only way to survive if you are over 6 feet and mostly leg like I am.
im afraid of flying but i've been on loads of planes since i was 2 just not in a few years. Its one of the many reasons why i wont go to America. I know the thing won't crash but just b4 i get on a plane a part of my brain suddenly starts shouting YOU ARE FUCKING DEAD!. Its not pleasant. My mums not much better, dad and sister on the other hand cudn't give a toss


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
the arguement of wether cars are more dangerous than planes is a bit weak. usually, plane accidents are caused by the malfuntion of the plane, whilst car crashes are usually caused by bad drivers.


psycho_snake said:
the arguement of wether cars are more dangerous than planes is a bit weak. usually, plane accidents are caused by the malfuntion of the plane, whilst car crashes are usually caused by bad drivers.

even if its a car malfunction not all car accidents are fatal. but anything goes wrong in a plane and everyone is pretty much done.

best thing is if i start watching some good movie or something.


GAF's Bob Woodward
effzee said:
i dont care what anyone says about his its safer than cars but wtf, there are about millions of more car on the road daily then planes. of course they will have more accidents. and not all car accidents are fatal but 99% of plane crashes/malfunctions and shit are fatal.

"Per capita" , for want of a better word, there are fewer accidents with planes with cars...meaning that even though there ARE millions more cars, there are also proportionally more accidents. If you divide the number of accidents in cars by the toal number of journeys, it'll be higher than the same figure for planes.

Second, 99% of plane malfunctions are not fatal. You hear of planes needing to make emergency landings etc. etc. WAY more often than you do of actual fatal crashes. Crashes are another thing, but it is possibly to survive a plane crash...but it's so so very unlikely. You ARE more likely to be killed in a car.


GAF's Bob Woodward
effzee said:
even if its a car malfunction not all car accidents are fatal. but anything goes wrong in a plane and everyone is pretty much done.

Again, this isn't true. In the right hands, a plane can land safely on one engine, or even none. Malfunctions can, and do, happen, and planes arrive safely..thanks mostly, or entirely, to the pilots.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Hehe. At least you recognise somewhere inside you that logically, there's little to fear. But I understand human gut reaction is hard to overcome. Just realise, that the chances of something going wrong are slim to none.

Personally, I love flying. The one thing that bugs me most is the noise on the plane..it becomes so wearing on long haul flights. I prob need to get those ear phones that isolate out all noise.
He waited his whole damn life, to take that flight..
and as the plane crashed down, he thought, "OH FUCK I'M GONNA DIE!!!!! I FUCKIN KNEW IT!"

- Alanis Morrisetteeteeee!
I absolutely despise flying, even before 9/11. I always buy 3/4 magazines and a few newspapers to keep me occupied during the flight, but I end up tossing them aside because of my cold sweats and anxiety. And once turbulence hits, oh man, it's all over for me.

:( :(


GAF's Bob Woodward
Felidae_Khrall said:
He waited his whole damn life, to take that flight..
and as the plane crashed down, he thought, "OH FUCK I'M GONNA DIE!!!!! I FUCKIN KNEW IT!"

- Alanis Morrisetteeteeee!

no, it's "and as the plane crashed down, he thought, "well isn't this nice""

And it would be!

*loves flying*

gofreak said:
no, it's "and as the plane crashed down, he thought, "well isn't this nice""

And it would be!

*loves flying*


Yes, i'm sure that would be the first thought through anyones head as their plane screamed towards terra firma..

"Well isn't this nice. Oh well, Stewardess! Another whiskey please! ... What do you mean 'That'll be $7.50???'"


Felidae_Khrall said:
Yes, i'm sure that would be the first thought through anyones head as their plane screamed towards terra firma..

"Well isn't this nice. Oh well, Stewardess! Another whiskey please! ... What do you mean 'That'll be $7.50???'"

Wait, you have to pay for alchohol on a plane? I thought it was free ;_;

Well I'll also be flying next week to get to Japan and I'm hoping to just drink a little and fall asleep the whole time ^^;;


they call me "Man Gravy".
flying is one of the fundamentally most frightening things to humans because it touches on basic fears that all humans have:

fear of heights
fear of losing control.
fear of death.

Seriously, I remember some psych student telling me about it. Makes sense too.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
I used to be afraid of flying. Then I took a flight instruction class(didnt actually fly though). I felt alot better after that. :)

My major fear was that I was putting my life in the hands of an uknown pilot.


Hang out with Steve.
Bah. I was in a light plane crash in 1985. It took me a few years, but I got over my fears and have flown many, many times since. Bear in mind that it is much safer to fly, especially on a commercial airline, than it is to drive.
gofreak said:

Felidae - that's the actual lyric! :)

Wow? the actual Lyric? I had absolutely no idea that that was the actual lyric to the song I quoted word for word up until I changed part of it.......................................................................................
gofreak said:
"Per capita" , for want of a better word, there are fewer accidents with planes with cars...meaning that even though there ARE millions more cars, there are also proportionally more accidents. If you divide the number of accidents in cars by the toal number of journeys, it'll be higher than the same figure for planes.

Don't be so sure......

Risks of Travel

The numbers are from 3 and a half years ago, but I'm sure they're relatively similar today. What does it mean? Be like John Madden and take the bus. Although, in terms of purely just cars and planes, planes are probably safer of the two. Buses and trains appear to top them both though.


Gold Member
I know the feeling, I hate take-offs. Saying it'll go over when flying a lot is bullshit. Just during the last year, starting from zero, I frequent flew my OneWorld card first to Ruby and then to Sapphire. Three times over the Atlantic to US just during March-May and twice over Asia to Singapore during the same period. The only thing that worked was getting hammered in the lounge with a few whiskys, but that gained me 20 lbs, so out of the question from now on.

Lil' Dice

Airliners can glide for a good amount of time should the engines shut off. The thing you have to worry about is a malfunctioning hydraulic system....


The whole trick to flying is flight attendent selection. Sit in your assigned seat if you dont it will piss them off. Pay attention to who is working in which section. Then make a selection and move as soon as seat belt light is out.. The list for men is as follows.

As hard as it is to believe but your first choice should be the Gay dude. They will serve you way more and are way more tollerent of stupidity. They will go out of there way to treat you well. Easily convinced to help you and lady friend sneak into phone booth sized washroom. Also love to serve group of guys going on trip.

Next is the standard pretty girl. Shes allright but no where near as good as the gay dude. Usually feels because of job she plays in league about three level up from reality.

Last and to be avoided at all costs is the old bitter women. They will cut you off before you know it. Always bitter and cranky. Forget getting any help trying to reach mile high club no sense of humor here. Avoid!


Man, I can't believe all you hardcore GA'ers are so afraid of flying. In the past year, I've flown on 5 round trip flights. My biggest complaint about flying is that there's no leg room...

PS: I'd rather get in a plane rather than get in the passanger seat of some of my friend's cars, sheesh. Crazy drivers

Lil' Dice

darscot said:
The whole trick to flying is flight attendent selection. Sit in your assigned seat if you dont it will piss them off. Pay attention to who is working in which section. Then make a selection and move as soon as seat belt light is out.. The list for men is as follows.

As hard as it is to believe but your first choice should be the Gay dude. They will serve you way more and are way more tollerent of stupidity. They will go out of there way to treat you well. Easily convinced to help you and lady friend sneak into phone booth sized washroom. Also love to serve group of guys going on trip.

Next is the standard pretty girl. Shes allright but no where near as good as the gay dude. Usually feels because of job she plays in league about three level up from reality.

Last and to be avoided at all costs is the old bitter women. They will cut you off before you know it. Always bitter and cranky. Forget getting any help trying to reach mile high club no sense of humor here. Avoid!

How about this tip. When flying out of the continend, including Hawaii; NEVER fly domestic airlines(excluding Aloha/Hawaiian Airlines). I recently flew American Airlines to Florida after having been spoiled by British Airways and Hawaiian Air, that i was simply amazed at how terrible the service was on domestic carriers.
One girl was cool on the way back, probably because she though i was hot(which i am)....






GAF's Bob Woodward
Felidae_Khrall said:
Wow? the actual Lyric? I had absolutely no idea that that was the actual lyric to the song I quoted word for word up until I changed part of it.......................................................................................

Whoops! sorry. I didn't check who the original poster was, sorry, sorry..

edit - and that still sounds silly - lol - i'm not totally with it tonight, forgive me!

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
The bad thing about flying is that although there are not so many fatal accidents, there are MANY more non-fatal accidents which at the moment seem fatal and can scar you badly, especially if you feel uncomfortable in planes to begin with. For example - engine explodes/plane starts losing altitude and starts tilting/noise coming from other engines increases like crazy. Or a really bad landing where the wheels break, but noone dies, etc... I know many people who don't even fly too often, but who had experienced those. Luckily, the worst I've experienced so far was one really bad turbulence.
Well, let's put it like this. If you were to die in some sort of crash/accident, where would you rather it happen....in the air, on the ground, or at sea?
gofreak said:
Whoops! sorry. I didn't check who the original poster was, sorry, sorry..

edit - and that still sounds silly - lol - i'm not totally with it tonight, forgive me!



ok fine..
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