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damn my fear of planes>:(

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Thaedolus said:
PS: I'd rather get in a plane rather than get in the passanger seat of some of my friend's cars, sheesh. Crazy drivers

Well I hate being in other people's cars as much as I hate flying. I just don't like not having control. I think I've probably only been in friends cars with them driving like 2-3 times max this whole year so far, so I'm usually just the main driver.

Although it's weird because I like trains, I guess you just feel safer in trains since you can always see the ground and maybe jump off if need be :p


turbulence just scares the crap out of me. when i was an infact i flew tons. of course didnt know what was going on and didnt care.

the next time i flew was in 2001...nearly 11 yrs later. in those 11 yrs images of crases, hostage situations, malfunctions, explosions and what have u were instilled in my head. i had no chance to get over it. so ok back to 2001. we are flying. its night time over the atlantic. everyone is either half sleep or asleep. my parents and my brother are asleep. im watching the matrix for like the 4rth time in a row...cause i can not fall asleep. all of a sudden we hit some turbulence, cept i knew nothing of turbulence or what it feels like. i panic and wake my brother and father up. im literally screaming to my bro "we are going down..its over".

and after that trip i still didnt get over it.


I was the same way man... I had to get over it real quick last year, as I had to fly from NYC to LA and then Seattle later in the summer. :|

Luckily my academic background helped me out a bit. Understanding airfoils, fluid mechanics, and aerodynamics really helped.

With FAA regulations the way they are, it'd take an incredible amount of negligence for an airliner to just fall out of the sky. You're perfectly fine dude.


I allways end up with some shitty little kid who yells and kicks my seat the whole flight. His mother is allways sitting next to him, not doing a god damned thing. I'd like to strangle that bitch. The kid I would settle for knocking unconsious.


Well, I have crossed the Atlantic 16 times and the Pacific 4 times so I can safely say I have no fear of flying.

The thing I hate the most is the cluster fuck getting off the plane once it reaches the terminal unless you are lucky and have a seat up front.
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