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Dance pad and game for Gamecube


I picked up the Best Buy/Gamepro Holiday Video Games Buyer's Guide today and saw something that some of the Cube folks have been clamoring for.

Mad Catz is coming out with a Cube version of their Beat Pad and they're bundling it with a game called MC Groovz Dance Craze.


What Nintendo needs to do is leverage the Castlevania DS demand to get it.
Knowing Sony will reject a 2D title for the PSP very quickly, Konami would be in a bit of a quandry if Nintendo said "DDR on Cube, or Belmont goes homeless!"
DDRMax US on the PS2 is only 1100MB. It'd play just fine. We don't need special features. Just. . . yeah. The core game!


I think this is a very good move for GC owners in general. Now if only Namco would bring the GunCon over to the GC.
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