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Danganronpa 3 The End of Hope's Peak Academy |OT| Nagito Komaeda's Wild Ride Part Two

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I think the biggest plothole in the end was just how everyone simply went back to normal. He stopped the countdown with so little time left that I'd assume 95% of the world would have been brainwashed by then.


So, err, well...

What was the point?

No, seriously, what was the point?
This series didn't end anything. It told a terrible self contained story, then time skipped to a saved world.

DR2 could have had that time skip thrown on the end and it would be fine. Hell, DR1 too.

Like, ok, I loved the DR2 fanservice and Liquid Hajime being the one who saved the day, but aside from that nothing happened. They stopped the plan of two people unrelated to despair. They didn't help the cause at all, other than I guess by killing China. But nothing really stated that Chisa was doing that much damage, so how does defeating Mitarai's plan lead to fixing the world? Or was the world not fixed and everything is still fucked?

Also that Kirigiri cop out was worse than I expected. She didn't even do anything after getting back, so bringing her back is literally just pulling a 'No one died after all! Yay!' without the tinge of 'but they're in a coma and might be evil and missing limbs. Yay?' that made DR2's variant so great.

In the end, this was awful. Terribly written, pointless schlock made to capitalise on the popularity of a series really not made to support long term story.

Mikan/10 needed a
Nagito rocket-punch


That was absolutely fantastic, loved all the fanservice. I don't even care that it made DR2 even more pointless than it was meant to be.


My only positive takeaway from Hope: Impostor-Charlie looks hilariously awesome swinging around a katana. Not quite awesome enough to justify him not being comatose, but still pretty awesome.

However, I am thoroughly disappointed in the lack of ROCKET PEACE.

...I feel like the DR2s would be much more fun to play as in a fighting game than the DR1s, overall.


I got spoiled a little because apparently people put the episode up on YouTube immediately, which meant my suggested videos had thumbnails of
the cast from 2
cause I guess everyone can't be assed to set the thumbnails to the arc's logo or something.

Anyway, I... liked that? Well.
It's more that it was completely fanservicey nonsense but it turns out all I need is 2's cast being the goofs that they are to make me be into something; I'm weak as fuck. And you know? I'm ok with it going out on this note. I'd rather they just go for this overly sweet ending than pull more bullshit. This whole thing was pointless as fuck but 2's cast got their cheesy redemption bit; this doesn't make up for the train wreck that was the rest of the show but at least it was not itself that.

I did laugh at how forced the BY THE WAY WE GOT KIRIGIRI BACK thing was. Though... you know... would have been even more hilarious if Bandai was also there. I also found Nagito's robo-hand pretty amusing because apparently that's the only body mutilation they're going to acknowledge, given that they did so previously and had to stick to it?

I was talking about this with my roommate earlier (before we watched it) and my stance is the same: a fandisc following 2's cast during their pre-Despair life would have been much better than this. Despair's early episodes had some great moments along those lines; that's really all I wanted from this and given how fast that ended, I wish I had more of that.

...maybe I'll finally go play Island Mode or something. I've always meant to platinum the games and a few hours of those modes are basically all I need for 1 and 2. Hmm.

I'll probably be responding to various things in this thread for a while cause I'm sure I've missed things and also am slightly tipsy.


I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree. You know how we all laugh at "COMPLEX MOTIVES"? Tengan's plan makes ZTD look like Ever17.

DR3 was so bad that I'm looking at several VN endings I disliked and thinking "well, maybe they were not so bad...".

I completely disagree with you (ZTD is still much worse; this was pointless trash but it didn't need to be a thing, while ZTD needed to be a thing and was both trash in general and at being the thing it needed to be)... but I needed to quote this because that Munakata joke made me burst out laughing.


My only positive takeaway from Hope: Impostor-Charlie looks hilariously awesome swinging around a katana. Not quite awesome enough to justify him not being comatose, but still pretty awesome.

However, I am thoroughly disappointed in the lack of ROCKET PEACE.

...I feel like the DR2s would be much more fun to play as in a fighting game than the DR1s, overall.
Not many of the DR1 cast would translate well to a fighting game engine format.

- Toko / Genocide Jack
- Mukuro
- Sakura

... those are the three obvious standouts.

Hina could work. Junko's obviously an ideal boss character with her many personalities. The rest not so much. Both the DR2 and DR3 casts clearly offer many more standout choices.


Hope Arc

You know what, whatever. I already came to terms with the fact that the anime was going into the most contrived direction possible. I'll begrudgingly accept this if only for the fanservice, even if it undermines so much of DR2's dramatic tension.

Surprising absolutely no one Kirigiri is alive. It kinda highlights how they really didn't think her through for this anime. For a while I thought they were also bringing Chiaki back for real.


So, err, well...

What was the point?

No, seriously, what was the point?
This series didn't end anything. It told a terrible self contained story, then time skipped to a saved world.

DR2 could have had that time skip thrown on the end and it would be fine. Hell, DR1 too.

Like, ok, I loved the DR2 fanservice and Liquid Hajime being the one who saved the day, but aside from that nothing happened. They stopped the plan of two people unrelated to despair. They didn't help the cause at all, other than I guess by killing China. But nothing really stated that Chisa was doing that much damage, so how does defeating Mitarai's plan lead to fixing the world? Or was the world not fixed and everything is still fucked?

Also that Kirigiri cop out was worse than I expected. She didn't even do anything after getting back, so bringing her back is literally just pulling a 'No one died after all! Yay!' without the tinge of 'but they're in a coma and might be evil and missing limbs. Yay?' that made DR2's variant so great.

In the end, this was awful. Terribly written, pointless schlock made to capitalise on the popularity of a series really not made to support long term story.

Mikan/10 needed a
Nagito rocket-punch

In the end, the root of the issue was the brainwashing video, but has that been destroyed at the source? What is keeping other remnants from recovering a copy and plunging more people into despair?
Honestly, if Kodaka was going to asspull this much, I wish he went all the way and brought back Chiaki along with everyone else. There's some weird trade-off between the 77th and 78th class, with the 77th all surviving, and the majority of the 78th dead, but then Naegi gets to be with the heroine.

I am also sorely, sorely disappointed there was no epic finger pointing. What a waste.


You know what, Despair should have been all about the DR2 cast recovering from waking up. Start off with Hajizuru coming to terms with his new dual identity and the loss of Chiaki, as he also helps the despaired crew come to terms with their new bodies. Slowly over time more of the DR2 cast could have woken up, and we could have even flashed back to the brainwashing stuff keeping Future intact as they regain the memories they lost. Over the course of the series they slowly come back to themselves until they end up looking how they do in Hope: completely back to normal.
I'm almost convinced this shit wasn't planned out and they keep shoving shit. There was no reason for Monokuma, he was barely used; why the flying fuck Monoka already knew about the killing game and infiltrated? Unless she was already spying then and wanted to see what Tengan was doing.

Why the fuck Ryota was even in the building if he wasn't planned to be there.

My impression was that Monaca didn't know about the game. She took over as Miaya because she wanted to get close to Makoto, the person who defeated Junko, and later observe his trial. Then she was going to fuck off into space. Once the killing game started she decided to stay and fuck around until the first sign of adversity in Towa City. I guess Tengan didn't mind her presence or her going and checking all the NG codes during one of the night phases.

That said, it doesn't explain the pre-recorded and animated Monokuma hacking her chair computer and fucking with Usami.

Also, I thought they were going to explain why Ryota showed up, but nothing. I guess he wanted to see the trial because he was the cause of those people going crazy and he admired Makoto?

Also who was the 16. participant?

Despite the fact that he had no bracelet and wasn't even in the game, it appears as though they actually were counting Hiro all along.


The finale was super disappointing because Naegi didn't do anything. Heck, Persona didn't do anything either. The entire conflict was resolved by characters who hadn't even appeared in Future Arc at all up to this point!

It's funny to look back a couple pages and see everyone predicting a double finger point from our two past protagonists and we didn't even get a single one! Just a wet thud.


It's funny to look back a couple pages and see everyone predicting a double finger point from our two past protagonists and we didn't even get a single one! Just a wet thud.

There was one! Look at the logo! Which makes the lack of one in the story all the more puzzling. You'd think considering how they were writing this mostly for fanservice and "big moments", rather than telling a good story, they'd have made the story go in a direction where they'd be able to it something like that.

Why did Mitarai have an NG code

Why did Mitarai have an NG code that meant that he couldn't do the ONE thing that the game was created to accomplish

They didn't even explain that! I was teetering on Tengan's plan being shit but I was holding out hope that they even TRIED to make an excuse, like "it was meant for Hagakure, but he wasn't here, and the game wouldn't run if everyone didn't have an NG code"

And why was Mitarai there, they never explained that or where he actually was

Who killed the guards, was it Tengan?



THEY DIDN'T EXPLAIN THAT, it was just a rando!

Was it someone Tengan hired? I mean I suppose that makes sense, but they never explained that.

Honestly, if Kodaka was going to asspull this much, I wish he went all the way and brought back Chiaki along with everyone else. There's some weird trade-off between the 77th and 78th class, with the 77th all surviving, and the majority of the 78th dead, but then Naegi gets to be with the heroine.

I am also sorely, sorely disappointed there was no epic finger pointing. What a waste.

That's a good question

Why doesn't Hajime hack the New World Program and extract her, and then have Kazuichi build a Chimeki? I don't know if there's an Ultimate Hacker, but it would make sense for there to be and, as such, it would make sense that Hajime would have that power. And because the NWP was created by the Ultimate Programmer, the Ultimate Therapist, and the Ultimate Neurologist, Hajime should be able to understand the ins and outs of it.

Ultimately there were three things I wish that the show did (aside from the complaints I mentioned before this quote):

1. For Nagito to express pleasure that he finally got to see hope and hope clash. Give him SOME closing arc. He literally had NOTHING! I mean I don't find it entirely unsatisfying that he was able to end up as a non-villain, but his arc didn't have anything of his character at the end. His plot from UDG went nowhere - he ultimately accomplished nothing (besides turning Monaca into a neet), and the scheming nature of his pre-despair self was not present at all in Future arc. Like, not at ALL. I guess you could argue that after he awoke from the NWP he was so moved by hope that he didn't need it anymore, but still, at least establish that. Give him closure, let us see that he saw a clash of two hopes and doesn't need hope anymore.

2. I wish that the scene with Kyoko had Mikan tell Makoto that she was all right, instead of an off-hand comment.

3. A scene at the end, showing Hajime and Kazuichi finishing up on a crude Chimeki.


that reminds me they also never explained Tengan's cryptic line about not letting the Kamukura project go to waste despite Kamukura having no involvement in his revealed plan
They needed to make this a few episodes longer to fill in the many, many plotholes.

I like the show overall, but holy hell, I think the story might be the worst in the series.

Didn't have bad gameplay or creepiness like UDG though so it still wins
1. For Nagito to express pleasure that he finally got to see hope and hope clash. Give him SOME closing arc. He literally had NOTHING! I mean I don't find it entirely unsatisfying that he was able to end up as a non-villain, but his arc didn't have anything of his character at the end. His plot from UDG went nowhere - he ultimately accomplished nothing (besides turning Monaca into a neet), and the scheming nature of his pre-despair self was not present at all in Future arc. Like, not at ALL. I guess you could argue that after he awoke from the NWP he was so moved by hope that he didn't need it anymore, but still, at least establish that. Give him closure, let us see that he saw a clash of two hopes and doesn't need hope anymore.

2. I wish that the scene with Kyoko had Mikan tell Makoto that she was all right, instead of an off-hand comment.

3. A scene at the end, showing Hajime and Kazuichi finishing up on a crude Chimeki.

I think that's were the Nagito OVA falls, to try to give some kind of explanation to the whole "
everyone awakened and returned to normal."
Maybe we see something exploring his thoughts about the whole Monaca affair and the Future Foundation, but I expect nothing good. Even if I dislike the whole ending, I'm least glad that Kodaka avoided an even bigger contrivance
to bring Chiaki back. Her return (although possible, because of the same plot asspulls that let everyone recover) would be the last blow to DR2.

As for Mikan, it's clear that was what she was going to tell Makoto when Nagito interrupted her.

that reminds me they also never explained Tengan's cryptic line about not letting the Kamukura project go to waste despite Kamukura having no involvement in his revealed plan

The whole anime is chock-full of plot holes and unresolved threads. It doesn't surprise me anymore.


Does anybody know if the DR2 characters remember ANYTHING from what they did in Jabberwock Island ??

Because if they did, they should be all like:

Twogami: hey, teruteru, why the fuck did you kill me for, fool??
Teru: because nagito was going to kill you first!
Hajime: nagito, ffs!! Chiaki died because of you, wtf !!
Nagito: top kek le hope
The little kimono girl: you fucking pig!! I was told you killed me and tied me to a column, im going to kill you!!


Corporate Apologist
Does anybody know if the DR2 characters remember ANYTHING from what they did in Jabberwock Island ??

Because if they did, they should be all like:

Twogami: hey, teruteru, why the fuck did you kill me for, fool??
Teru: because nagito was going to kill you first!
Hajime: nagito, ffs!! Chiaki died because of you, wtf !!
Nagito: top kek le hope
The little kimono girl: you fucking pig!! I was told you killed me and tied me to a column, im going to kill you!!

Its simple, Hajime made use of ultimate psychologist abilities to fix everything.
Really crappy overall.

- What's going to happen with the monokuma kids? I'd suppose that after having beaten monaca and the remnants FF could individually track each one and take the helmet off, or they could make a brainwashing video to make the helmets commit suicide.

- 13th branch's head? Maybe we'll see something in killer killer or the new game?

- Who the hell were all those blindfolded people? Besides cannon fodder to give the remnants their chance to shine?

- Why did nagito have a bionic arm, gekkougaraha a bionic body and they didn't give AI chiaki her chance to come back? They could've easily made that to make the super duper happy ending.

- The bracelets were indeed magic bracelets, with super ultimate AI to check wheter someone's shadow have been stepped on or not.

- Hakagure was the sixteenth person all along. How depressigly boring.

Most Gaf theories were so much better than what we actually got.....

Wait, I just realised...

There was no V3 lead in.

I'm more confident on the reboot now.

Well, the ending had the students literally build a new Hope's Peak Academy so yeah, I don't think the stories will be related at all.

Maybe they even ditch the Hope-Despair fight in the end?


Most Gaf theories were so much better than what we actually got.....

This one sentence sums things up pretty nicely. Things were a lot more interesting when we didn't know the specifics of what had happened during The Tragedy and how the 77th class got turned into the Ultimate Despair, and what they picked for filling in the blanks was one of the worst things they could've ever picked.

At least it's good to see both of us finally converge in a thread around here for a change.


How could it possibly take Funimation this long?
Anyone depending on Funimation at this point deserves despair. Every non-official source on the 'Net has this up already. If you paid money to get access via an official channel... and I did along with you... that shouldn't deter you from seeking out a faster resource when it's available.
Watch Naegi's school becomes the V3 school

lmao, I thought about that too. Although I really would like this to be a reboot, so hopefully the references/connections are minor.

- 13th branch's head? Maybe we'll see something in killer killer or the new game?

- Why did nagito have a bionic arm, gekkougaraha a bionic body and they didn't give AI chiaki her chance to come back? They could've easily made that to make the super duper happy ending.

Most Gaf theories were so much better than what we actually got.....


1) I think it was just a misdirect/red herring all along. Odd that they didn't just give
that title, but maybe they'll pop-up in DRG:KK.
2) Miaya didn't have a bionic body, that was a robot that Monaca built.

There were better theories everywhere online than what we ended up getting. Kinda sad Chisahina didn't pan out. Would've been a far better twist than "It was Tengan because lolhope."

rofl killer killer. what was supposed to be important about that? Juzo and Kyoko being in it for a few pages?

I guess it was a lie to help push interest and sales. Because despite Kodaka teasing it to have some sort of relevance, that has yet to pan out. Unless he thought that introducing the Juzo hates Makoto thing in Killer Killer was enough to qualify. Apparently it's ending soon, so...


When they announced a Danganronpa 3 anime, I wanted something that was better than the poor adaptation of Danganronpa 1.

Was it the best in terms of writing and such? No...but it did give me what I wanted in the beginning, to see more of the DR1 and DR2 cast.So in a sense..Lerche and Kodaka delivered an anime series which thankfully met the most basic of my requirements. While I agree overall it's not that spectacular, at least it's not that flaming heap of trash that was the adaptation of the first game.

I'm more interested in DR2's conclusion, so it was good to see that they gave quite a solid answer that everyone managed to pull through with Hinata's bullshit powers ...I mean...uhhh...help.

Kind of wished that they showed off more signs of them just coming off being remnants of despair though.

Personally for me my top pick out of the episodes would be episode 6 of Future Arc. Byakuya/Toko/Komaru and Hinata appearing towards the end was enough to blow my mind off in terms of hype.

As you can quite obviously see, I'm quite driven by fanservice so while this Hope episode was quite poorly put together, like the sucker I am, it was still enough to satisfy me.

Oh...and Kirigiri figure re-issue locked on. Not gonna miss out on her this time round.


Does anybody know if the DR2 characters remember ANYTHING from what they did in Jabberwock Island ??

Because if they did, they should be all like:

Twogami: hey, teruteru, why the fuck did you kill me for, fool??
Teru: because nagito was going to kill you first!
Hajime: nagito, ffs!! Chiaki died because of you, wtf !!
Nagito: top kek le hope
The little kimono girl: you fucking pig!! I was told you killed me and tied me to a column, im going to kill you!!
None of the kills in DR2 were really all that bad, with Teruteru being the only one to do so and even then he kinda tumbled into it. Peko took revenge for a legitimate reason (although obviously the better solution is not killing her, which they seem to have gone with since Mahiru is alive), Mikan was brainwashed and Nagito was just trying to flush out the traitor/ kill everyone but the traitor, whilst knowing it was a simulation so no one would actually die. So it's easy to see how people could forgive that.

Plus they all did much worse when despaired up so they probably just wiped the slate clean.

You know what would have been cool to see rather than speculate? That.
So, I watched the ending.

I won't say it was great, because it wasn't, and it didn't redeem the whole series which in general I thought was pretty poor.

But that was pretty much the best finale I could've expected. Fanservice out of the ears. Made me grin wickedly at the end.

So yeah.
None of the kills in DR2 were really all that bad, with Teruteru being the only one to do so and even then he kinda tumbled into it. Peko took revenge for a legitimate reason (although obviously the better solution is not killing her, which they seem to have gone with since Mahiru is alive), Mikan was brainwashed and Nagito was just trying to flush out the traitor/ kill everyone but the traitor, whilst knowing it was a simulation so no one would actually die. So it's easy to see how people could forgive that.

Plus they all did much worse when despaired up so they probably just wiped the slate clean.

I always thought Mikan's killing/execution was the worst in DR2. She was basically forced into it and I felt pretty sorry for her.


I always thought Mikan's killing/execution was the worst in DR2. She was basically forced into it and I felt pretty sorry for her.
Well, before DR3 it was actually that she was finally acting like herself. But now yeah it was pretty much bullshit on Monokumas part.
I always thought Mikan's killing/execution was the worst in DR2. She was basically forced into it and I felt pretty sorry for her.
She was forced into it a lot less than Gundam. At least Mikanot did it of her own will even if Monokuma gave her her memories back. Gundam had to kill or else they'd all die anyway.


Couldn't they find a bullshit reason to revive all likable character too ? I feel like this series was just made to make new likable character and kill them all off


Couldn't they find a bullshit reason to revive all likable character too ? I feel like this series was just made to make new likable character and kill them all off

If the Battle Royale aspect that makes up for a significant foundation of Danganronpa is undermined, what does the series even have anymore?
If the Battle Royale aspect that makes up for a significant portion of Battle Royale is undermined, what does the series even have anymore?

they already undermined DR2, might as well undermine Tengen's stupid plan

while we're at it, bring back the DR1 characters, Junko used some memory device Yasuke had to trick them all into think they killed someone/the executions were real.

.......... I liked ZTD better, at least it gave me D2 end and funny shit like c o m p l e x m o t i v e s
Episode Hope

I enjoyed that a lot. It was nonsensical, created more plot problems, acted as a culmination of all the series-ruining retcons, but was a bunch of stupid fun. It was never going to have a good ending with all the shit that led up to so this is probably the best way they could've done it.


they already undermined DR2, might as well undermine Tengen's stupid plan

while we're at it, bring back the DR1 characters, Junko used some memory device Yasuke had to trick them all into think they killed someone/the executions were real.

.......... I liked ZTD better, at least it gave me D2 end and funny shit like c o m p l e x m o t i v e s

I will never understand how people who recognize ZTD as being bad consider D2 to be a high point and not one of the first signs everything's gone to shit.


That was so bad that unless I can find a way to convince myself that the anime isn't canon then it has retroactively ruined the games for me. I wish this sorry mess had never been made.
Funi is out.
They're really going to insist on calling Hope Arc episode 12? Are they going to keep that up for the DVD/Blu-Ray release?

Speaking of which... Despite my general disappointment with the series, if they produce a good LE I'll still end up buying it. Include the artbook from the Japanese release, and maybe a CD with the anime soundtrack. Just something more than the first anime. Who am I kidding, I'll buy the dvds eventually even if it is a disappointing LE.


They're really going to insist on calling Hope Arc episode 12? Are they going to keep that up for the DVD/Blu-Ray release?

Speaking of which... Despite my general disappointment with the series, if they produce a good LE I'll still end up buying it. Include the artbook from the Japanese release, and maybe a CD with the anime soundtrack. Just something more than the first anime. Who am I kidding, I'll buy the dvds eventually even if it is a disappointing LE.

i just hope when funimation do release it on blu-ray over here they put like half and half on 1 disc with an option to watch in broadcast order instead of having to switch discs every episode
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