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Daniel Emery - World's worst game reviewer



Unconfirmed Member

Outrun 2
Xbox, £39.99; all ages

You get the impression that Outrun 2 would be more at home in a coin-op than on a console. With its limited gameplay, a small number of licensed cars and repetitive soundtrack, it won’t keep you hooked for hours. Given the recent glut of ultra-realistic driving games, a simple arcade-racer such as this should be a breath of fresh air. However, there is a fine line between simple and dumbed-down, and Outrun strays into the latter. When you are not trying to beat the clock, you’re aiming to impress the girlfriend, who comes out with such handy hints as “Overtake” and “Let’s drift”. It’s all rather shallow. That’s not to say the game doesn’t look good — the vehicles are highly polished and the landscape is varied — but for £40 you expect a little more variety and absorption. One star

Daniel Emery

What a *cunt*

I know that Sega is fuming about this.
He has clearly never played the game.
For the record, when working at Dennis Publishing, Emery would sleep under his desk to maximise EverQuest playtime.


I wholeheartedly agree with everything he said, based on the time i spent with the demo (i finished track and all....). The 1 star is too heavy on it, but it really is far from the best options on the market in terms of depth.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
JMPovoa said:
I wholeheartedly agree with everything he said, based on the time i spent with the demo (i finished track and all....). The 1 star is too heavy on it, but it really is far from the best options on the market in terms of depth.

It depends on how "depth" is define. :)


It's good of you to agree with him on playing a demo with three stages in it. You wouldn't want to play too much of it and cloud your judgement.


Please take the time to look at some of his other reviews. It will only affirm how much this man should not be doing his job.


Unconfirmed Member
dark10x said:
It depends on how "depth" is define. :)

Exactly right.

He is a cunt and the next time I see him, I'm going to tell him exactly that. "Dan, you sir, are a cunt."

I will Boutrosinit to witness this. Then, I'm going to tell everyone else he's a cunt, then get some girls I know to shame/dishonour/embarrass him.
JMPovoa said:
I wholeheartedly agree with everything he said, based on the time i spent with the demo (i finished track and all....). The 1 star is too heavy on it, but it really is far from the best options on the market in terms of depth.

Wrong answer. Play the full game then come back. The demo is only a taste. There is a TON to do in the game, in mission mode. It will kick your ass too. Outrun 2 is not a pushover like a certain other arcade "racing" game that has been released recently. Seriously, this guy sounds like he didn't even play the game for more than 15 minutes. Shit, I guarantee he didn't.


Street Fighter IV World Champion
Folder said:
Exactly right.

He is a cunt and the next time I see him, I'm going to tell him exactly that. "Dan, you sir, are a cunt."

I will Boutrosinit to witness this. Then, I'm going to tell everyone else he's a cunt, then get some girls I know to shame/dishonour/embarrass him.

Good. I want to see this. Bring a camera and we can shame him as you did Mr Klipp.


Unconfirmed Member




MC Safety

So what happens now to Christian Nutt? Does he become the reviewer formerly known as the worst. reviewer. evar?

Just curious.


Unconfirmed Member
Disco Stu said:
So what happens now to Christian Nutt? Does he become the reviewer formerly known as the worst. reviewer. evar?

Just curious.

He must do. Emery is now the worst man ever.


Street Fighter IV World Champion
Folder said:
He must do. Emery is now the worst man ever.



and the winner of the 'worst man ever' award goes to...

*imagines camp skinny Everquester crawling out from under seat to pick up award*

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Sounds to me like he just played the demo. :p

Never mind that it's going to be "shallow", being an arcade racer and all, but where's the mention of online and system link for up to 8 players? Where's the mention of the difficult 1P challenge mode that adds a lot to single player?


You guys are such fruitcakes sometimes.

I mostly agree with what he said. The concept of Outrun is outdated, and like Crazy Taxi, its a game that is better enjoyed in a while, at the arcade. From what I read, the challenges modes are mostly gimmicky stuff like knock a bunch of cones off the road and other crap that you play once or twice. I must have spent like 20$ on the arcade game, and frankly, I dont feel like buying the home port at full price, since the only difference is going to be a bunch of challenges that I'll never really about completing anyways.

To the people who are saying that the gameplay is "deep". Holy fuck, are you guys for real? When did a combination of "being able to drift under control, dodge cars, and manual transmission skillsl" has become depth? That's like saying Ikaruga was a deep shmup. The Black and white concept was neat, the game was challenging, but it wasnt deep. With enough grinding (and a few months to waste), you learn all the patterns and thats it. Brute memorisation.

I like Outrun2, it's a good game, but dont hate on people who dont want to join the sega racing circle jerk. I'll buy Outrun2 when it hits the bargain bin.
i agree 100% with what he said, assuming his review is aimed at mainstream gamers... they would be much better off with juiced, burnout 3 or srs...

outrun 2 is a game that is made for the hardcore and gives a big middle finger to casuals, sales be damned, and this review is spot on...

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
Wow, and I thought ad hominem attacks were OT material only. Why should I care if Mr. Emery -- who states perfectly reasonable evidence for his opinions -- likes EverQuest?


being watched
PanopticBlue said:
Wrong answer. Play the full game then come back. The demo is only a taste. There is a TON to do in the game, in mission mode. It will kick your ass too. Outrun 2 is not a pushover like a certain other arcade "racing" game that has been released recently. Seriously, this guy sounds like he didn't even play the game for more than 15 minutes. Shit, I guarantee he didn't.

Agreed! Mission modes start to get tricky from the third tier onwards, especially the elimination races, where you really do have to be on top of your game - very old school in that respect, you have to know those tracks by heart....not...cough....hold down boost and vaguely steer into every corner...cough....


By definition an opinion can't be wrong...and his is as well argued as a super-short review can manage.

Still, I wholeheartedly support disliking people for their tastes.

Do you dislike him because you differ in opinion, or because he's an incompetant critic/reviewer/writer?
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