Danish inventor now claims accident on board sub killed missing reporter (body found)



Initially this was a story about a submarine that sank in an accident, then it got weird and unfortunately likely lethal.
Amateur submariner arrested over Swedish journalist's disappearance
Peter Madsen, a Danish inventor whose crowdfunded submarine sank near Copenhagen on Friday, was arrested on preliminary manslaughter charges but has denied responsibility for the fate of 30-year-old Kim Wall.

He claims she disembarked on an island about three and a half hours into their trip on Thursday night, according to Copenhagen police.

”The owner of the submarine was arrested and is accused of having killed the Swedish woman without intent," they said in a statement. ”He denies the allegations and explains that he left the woman on the end of the Refshaleøen island."

Wall, a freelance journalist, had been writing about Madsen and his submarine at the time of disappearing, according to Swedish and Danish reports.

And today (edit: August 14th):
Danish submarine was 'deliberately sunk'
Danish police believe that a submarine at the centre of an investigation into a missing Swedish journalist was deliberately sunk.
Kim Wall, 30, was last seen on Thursday evening on board the vessel with the owner, 46-year-old Peter Madsen.
The submarine later sank and Mr Madsen was rescued before being arrested and charged with manslaughter.
The stricken vessel, the Nautilus, has been raised but no body was found and the search for Ms Wall goes on.
Mr Madsen initially said that he dropped Ms Wall off before it sank but police say he has now changed his statement - although they have not said what to.
Police gave no other information on why they thought the Nautilus was deliberately sunk, but it contradicts Mr Madsen's explanation that there was a technical fault.

English source. Reuters: Body found as Danish submarine man says missing woman died on board
COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - A headless female torso was found on Monday in the water's edge in Copenhagen, hours after a Danish inventor charged with killing a journalist in his home-made submarine told a court she died on board, police said.
Police later told a press conference that it was still too early to identify the body - missing its head, legs and arms - that was found by a passing cyclist.
BBC: Kim Wall: Unidentified torso 'deliberately mutilated'
A headless and limbless corpse found in waters off Denmark was deliberately mutilated, say Copenhagen police.

But they say it is still too early to say whether it is the remains of Swedish journalist Kim Wall.
03 Oct:
Anyway, here's the Reuters article on the latest findings - http://www.reuters.com/article/us-d...deos-on-his-computer-prosecutor-idUSKCN1C8230 [Danish inventor had murder videos on his computer - prosecutor]

The stabbings in the torso and genital area badly contradicts Madsen's testimony.


It's a wierd ongoing story, yes. :0

With this long going by without anything from the woman, I also doubt she's ok.. :\
If there is one thing you can count on, it's that Sweden always gets a "summer murder" that helps the newspapers get through the news drought of summer.

So, he killed her (guessing there's a sexual motif), dumped the body and sank the submarine to get rid of evidence?
Some more info:

Technical investigations of the submarine have almost been completed and are expected to be completed today Monday the 14th of August. The investigations have been conducted in close co-operation with submarine experts from the Danish Defence as well as with technical assistance from relevant personnel in connection with the dismantling and investigating the submarine's technical equipment.

The investigations confirm that the sinking of the submarine was allegedly a consequence of a deliberate act.

A substantial amount of electronics from the vessel was secured and sent to further examination in order to enable a reconstruction of the submarine's navigation route and a timeline for the sailing.

The search for missing Kim Wall continues today as an air operation using airplanes from the Home Guard. Furthermore, Copenhagen Police have initiated dialogue with Swedish Police regarding support for a search of Swedish waters. This initiative is based solely on the background on information regarding currents in Øresund and the Bay of Køge since Thursday evening when the submarine sailed from Copenhagen.

On Sunday via a Swedish newspaper, Copenhagen Police were contacted by a witness who almost collided with the submarine Nautilus Thursday evening on the 10th of August in connection with his work on a large vessel. At that point, the submarine crossed the channel in Øresund from Denmark towards Sweden in the Southern part of Øresund.

And the submarine was supposedly driving around without any lanterns on at night:

- The submarine crossed our path, only 30 meters in front of us. Its lanterns were extinguished and I saw it thanks to the moonlight. It was extremely close to a collision.

The witness that Aftonbladet had been in contact with reacted strongly that the submarine traveled with extinguished lanterns.

- You just don't do that. Especially not when in such a busy area of the sea as Öresund.


Junior Member
Does seem pretty weird it was deliberately sunk. My guess is there was some foul play here and the guy is trying to cover his tracks with a story about dropping her off, sinking the sub to hide evidence of what happened on the sub.


How big was this submarine? Is it a replica or something?

What did it look like? From the pic in the op it looks like a WWII sub.


This story has been pretty wild to follow. Not surprised at all to learn the submarine was sunk deliberately. Seemed pretty obvious given it sunk immediately after the harbormaster made contact

I imagine he sunk it in hopes that the flooding would clear up other evidence
Mr Madsen initially said that he dropped Ms Wall off before it sank but police say he has now changed his statement - although they have not said what to.

So he's guilty then. No reason to change his statement otherwise. He either dropped her off or didn't.

Today on the basis of a request from the prosecutor’s office and the defendant’s defence attorney, the City Court of Copenhagen has partially lifted the ”closed doors”. Therefore, we are now able to make the following statement:

”The defendant has explained to the police and the Court, that there was an accident on board which caused Kim Wall’s death and that he consequently buried her at sea at a non-defined location in the Bay of Køge. Copenhagen Police may additionally disclose that the preliminary charge of manslaughter is upheld. As the investigation of the case is still covered by ”closed doors”, no further information can be given.”
You don't bury a body at sea after an accident. You make port and report it to the authorities. This was not the middle of the ocean where it would take weeks to reach shore, it's a few hours maximum.


That's the update we all expected. Still very sad news.
He didn't even think of returning the body to her family?
I don't think we should trust what Madsen says. So "buried at sea" and "accident" should be treated the same way as his previous statement about dropping off the journalist on land.


He got rapey, accidentally killed her, scuttled his crowdfunded submarine to hide the evidence and tried to cover it up with "I swear I dropped her off earlier last night"?


This is one of those terrible cases when everyone knows perfectly well what happened and it's just a matter of how well he covered his tracks.

Utterly awful, unfair and I feel so sad for her.


Yeah, he could of done right about anything to her. Body goes missing and he was found to have intentionally sunk the submarine to wipe out any traces of the crime scene just signals that he attacked her and most likely killed her.


Found out recently that when I was a kid, I was neighbors with the Wall family. I knew their name but I didn't register that it was her family.


This whole thing just screams "rape gone wrong", you don't dump a body and a sub (your whole life work) because of an accidental death, but I grant that people panicking do far stranger things...


Gold Member
I did a project with Copenhagen Suborbitals a few years back. The main guy in my team working with Madsen said there was absolutely no indication that he could do something like this.
I did a project with Copenhagen Suborbitals a few years back. The main guy in my team working with Madsen said there was absolutely no indication that he could do something like this.
Predators are good at hiding. Many friends and coworkers of domestic abusers have swear the same thing too,"He will never do something like that!"
Well that's just bizarre. It's hard to imagine him dismember a body while in a submarine.

Everything else makes him look guilty as fuck though


Maybe he was trying to destroy the evidence so they cant use dental or fingerprint records to identify her?

Tough luck bro, there's always DNA.
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