I saw the Unleashed soundtrack (Jet Li/Luc Besson story) on the shelves today and to my surprise I notice it was heavily printed on the front that the full score was done by Massive Attack. There's some bonus tracks with Rza on there as well but a cursory listen has led me to believe it's good stuff.
I believe it's going by the international name "Danny the Dog", but in an effot to be edgy Rogue Pictures is calling it "Unleashed" here. So I'd look for it under that soundtrack name.
Well, that's it. Was a surprise to me and a search here yielded nothing.
I believe it's going by the international name "Danny the Dog", but in an effot to be edgy Rogue Pictures is calling it "Unleashed" here. So I'd look for it under that soundtrack name.
Well, that's it. Was a surprise to me and a search here yielded nothing.