I really hope they invasions are more fair, less buggy and not latency crippled this time around. Couple of months ago I tried playing DS1 (on PC) with a new character and I got invaded almost immediately after unhollowing, just about every time. The only exceptions were when the invader failed to connect, that would give me couple of minutes of free time. Although bonfires didn't work when they were attempting to connect so... That alone would be very annoying but the fact that so many invaders were lagging, warping, getting backstabs in even though they were way in front of me made it even worse. Then there were few nearly invincible guys that lost maybe 2% of their health bar if I got some good solid hits in. Didn't feel very fair or balanced. Game balance is quite important if you are going to force everyone into PvP. All in all, absolutely miserable experience and I quit that character less than ten hours into the game. If that had been my first character, I wouldn't be waiting for DS2 at all. Nor would I have played Demon's Souls while waiting for DS2. Actually I never got invaded at all during my NG+ run either, it's almost as if people were trolling the early game players only.
I know many people love the invasions and abus.. using every possible mechanic in the game to their advantage but for a lot of people the invasions are rarely fun. I mean feel free to hate my post but at the very least I hope the latency issues are fixed so that people from international space station with 56Kbps modems aren't trying to connect into my game making it impossible to ever touch them.