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Darksiders Is Vastly Underrated - It's The Legacy of Kain of 2010s and Onward


Glitchsider 2 has so many gamebreaking bugs, its the best one yet but my game is literally stuck and the devs are asshats to not fix these issues.


always chasing the next thrill
Darksiders 1 is a better zelda game then old zelda.

2 is fucking hot trash

Didnt even cared to play more after that
The first two were zelda rip offs with a watered down version of hack n slash combat. I'd say it's about rated besides the third one which is tragically underrated.

Darksiders 3 > Darksiders 2 > Darksiders 1 > Darksiders Genesis
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I LOVE the Darksiders series. Darksiders 2 is the best of the trilogy with the best gameplay (though the game is too bloated and really pushed the “rule of 3’s” gameplay design trope to its limit). I feel like they need to have a Strife solo game that embraces fast-paced “gun-fu” combat.
Strifes game needs Bayonetta influence


Anyone want to play through Darksiders Genesis with me on Xbox sometime in the future? :)

I have it digitally, but ended up grabbing a hard copy for the shelf, as I like the box art and it was only £4.95


Gold Member
YES! The same reason I could not get into them. After seeing they resembled the WoW aesthetic I just couldnt.

It's jarring.
It was Joe Madureira who designed the characters and was basically immersed in the project on a personal basis, I think comparisons are valid but in this case it makes sense and shouldn't be seem like a "copy"
Darksiders 1/2, are excellent, and Genesis is a respectable entry, but it must be played co-op. The gear system and exploration in GoW 2018 reminded me of Darksiders 2.

I wanted to love 3 but couldn't get myself to finish it. Hopefully a proper Darksiders 4 comes out.
I strongly dislike the art style in 1 and 2. Not sure about 3, never played it. I hated it so much I only played the first game for like an hour on 360 when it came out.

I decided to give the games another try with the remasters later on. Played through both all the way. Ended up liking the first one more because it didn’t overstay its welcome and didn’t have a loot system for the weapons to bog it down.

The first one was more memorable too as I really don’t remember much from 2 except the ice dungeon. That being said I remember all the dungeons being super easy in 1. The last dungeon (or one of the last) in 1 introduced a portal gun that you only get to use like twice, which seemed to be a recurring trend in the game where every dungeon made me wish they did more with the ideas.

Instead it was kind of a grab bag of ideas that each had like two seconds to shine. I know some of the Zelda games like WW and Twilight Princess get flack for this, but dungeons in Darkstalkers are even more basic.

Honestly the series always just felt like a sub-par Zelda clone with a bad artstyle to me. Sorry fam.


Great franchise. It strikes a really good balance not being as childish as Zelda and not as over the top serious like Soul Reaver.

All games are great, each one with its own touch. Darksiders 2 it's the peak for me. At first the open world and loot system might look like too much but it is not, not at all. It has top notch art design, the world is absolutely beautiful, and it's full of dungeons and the exploration is the biggest and best kn the franchise.

I just want to say that Genesis IS NOT AT ALL ANYTHING LIKE DIABLO.
It's just a hack and slash like the first 2 games but with an isometric view. I've played it with my cousin and we have such a blast. I don't know how it might be playing it alone.

The next Darksiders shod be either a Strife entry. He already plays really good in Genesis, could be something like that + some Bayonetta or Red Hood stuff in 3rd person mode, character is already awesome.
Or a full 4 riders co-op game.

Joe Madureira designs are just *cheff kiss*


I'm personally a big fan of the Darksiders series. I've played them all but admittedly did not finish genesis ( started it with a friend and couldn't get myself to complete it alone).
These games tick a lot of boxes in terms of what I tend to enjoy in my gaming and it helps that the art style rocks. ( Joe Madureira did a wonderful job and left me wishing other games I was playing at the time with similar style looked so good)

I managed 100% completion on all the games but will never forget how frustrating getting the flying pegasus section trophy from the first game was for myself lol. I think my favourite would be the 2nd instalment as the character just really clicked with my play style, but I loved the direction the 3rd game took with combat and I'm still hoping we'll get that long awaited follow up on the first game's conclusion to wrap up that story!

Alpha Male

I absolutely love 1 & 2 with 2 being one of my all time favorite games! I also really enjoyed Genesis but was disappointed at the lack of puzzles. I finished 3 and quite frankly I didn't really care for it.


Really enjoyed all games in the series and it’s refreshing to see how each new game changed genres. It’s never really the same. I was playing Metal: Hellsinger and it could totally be Darksiders 5.


I don't know exactly why, but I've never been able to complete any of these games. Usually once I hit the halfway mark I just put down the controller and never go back. I always felt like it would make a better comic book rather than a game, which makes a lot of sense given the creator.

And on that note go fuck yourself Joe Madureira. Finish Battle Chasers already.


Gold Member
I've been playing the Darksiders games throughout the past week and this is such an underrated series it's unbelievable.

I'm a huge fan of the Legacy of Kain and this is the closest we have to that. Well we may never see a sequel to Legacy of Kain again even though there's rumors popping up about polos asking people about it, Darksiders is still sort of new.

I am worried that there doesn't seem to be a lot of demand for the games so we may never see a Darksiders 4. I hope that's not the case.

I just think It's really underrated unfortunately. Maybe people are not into these types of games anymore or they don't know what they're missing. I agree the series is not going to be for everyone but if you have the chance definitely try them out, starting with the first.

Currently I'm playing Darksiders Genesis. It plays more like Diablo than the other games. The game play is different but I'm surprised on how complex it is. Darksiders Genesis almost seems more complex than Diablo 3 in some ways although I'm playing it on a Switch Lite and it's hard to see the enemies and characters do to how small they are on screen.

Darksiders Genesis is very flawed but it's also just sort of a spin-off. I definitely recommend the mainstream trilogy if you're a fan of Legacy of Kain or games like that.

I would definitely say Darksiders is my favorite "new" IP since the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 era.
There wasn't that much interest in it to warrant a sequel and we got 2. The publisher behind the series always finds a way to weasel a sequel through the numbers. Might take a few years...
It's generally a fun franchise, but the devs have really screwed the pooch by not finishing up the story, especially since each new game was basically a miracle to get made.


dont get me wrong the games are a good but as good as legacy of kain ? no fucking way , there are no games today that are as good in terms of storytelling as legacy of kain games


Gold Member
Michael Wincott as Death is reason enough for this series to be placed on the highest of pedestals. He absolutely nails it in Darksiders II.
IDK who he is but I liked Death a lot, he's a GREAT character on his own, maybe some people don't like posterior entries because they have their own personalities and are not just "the first but a lil different" which I can understand, and definitely the strong personality of the characters and how they're performed by the actors has a lot to do with that


I for the life of me don't understand the hate for Darksiders 2!? It doesn't have the great dungeons like the first one, but the overall aestetics, story, and combat are fine. The loot system isn't that big of a deal, but maybe I never really looked for all the weapons and shit like some do. I thought it was pretty good but wanted the sequel to be after the first Darksiders and not during. Maybe you are all salty about the bait and switch shit?
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I'm personally a big fan of the Darksiders series. I've played them all but admittedly did not finish genesis ( started it with a friend and couldn't get myself to complete it alone).
These games tick a lot of boxes in terms of what I tend to enjoy in my gaming and it helps that the art style rocks. ( Joe Madureira did a wonderful job and left me wishing other games I was playing at the time with similar style looked so good)

I managed 100% completion on all the games but will never forget how frustrating getting the flying pegasus section trophy from the first game was for myself lol. I think my favourite would be the 2nd instalment as the character just really clicked with my play style, but I loved the direction the 3rd game took with combat and I'm still hoping we'll get that long awaited follow up on the first game's conclusion to wrap up that story!

That flying pegasus section trophy is hard! You've reminded me I still have yet to achieve it. Tried over and over, but eventually set it aside.


Gold Member
Great franchise. It strikes a really good balance not being as childish as Zelda and not as over the top serious like Soul Reaver.

All games are great, each one with its own touch. Darksiders 2 it's the peak for me. At first the open world and loot system might look like too much but it is not, not at all. It has top notch art design, the world is absolutely beautiful, and it's full of dungeons and the exploration is the biggest and best kn the franchise.

I just want to say that Genesis IS NOT AT ALL ANYTHING LIKE DIABLO.
It's just a hack and slash like the first 2 games but with an isometric view. I've played it with my cousin and we have such a blast. I don't know how it might be playing it alone.

The next Darksiders shod be either a Strife entry. He already plays really good in Genesis, could be something like that + some Bayonetta or Red Hood stuff in 3rd person mode, character is already awesome.
Or a full 4 riders co-op game.

Joe Madureira designs are just *cheff kiss*
I think with Bayonetta and DMC games there's already a good foundation on Hack & Slash combat using guns, even fans of that combat style should be completely used to that


I have played the first in the series several times over it is one of my all time favourite games.

Fart Knight

Al Pachinko, Konami President
Love um. Roaming the plains of Death

Did Genisis get a 60fps patch on console? Still need to finish it.
that may have superficial aspects one could compare to attempting to diminish Zelda,🤷‍♂️

Fanaticism needs to clam down, I didn't diminish anything, I said it didn't play like a Zelda game imo. Their inspiration isn't relevant to the coincidental fact they ended up changing enough to play more like a computer action game.

nothing on PC (or anywhere other than 2D Zeldas) did it first. I barely have a clue what PC games he could mean

Contradiction. If you don't know don't say you do and jump to conclusions. Read the text in context instead of adding your own words.

Btw your edit isn't slick, I didn't diminish Zelda in that thread either, there's a different with you believing something did a thing first and diminishing a series. Sometimes you're alternate history just isn't real, also you don't have much verse in PC gaming at all and are lying. You though I wouldn't see your edit but you incidentally tagged me while you were changing your post so I got the notification.
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Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Fanaticism needs to clam down, I didn't diminish anything, I said it didn't play like a Zelda game imo. Their inspiration isn't relevant to the coincidental fact they ended up changing enough to play more like a computer action game.

Contradiction. If you don't know don't say you do and jump to conclusions. Read the text in context instead of adding your own words.

Btw your edit isn't slick, I didn't diminish Zelda in that thread either, there's a different with you believing something did a thing first and diminishing a series. Sometimes you're alternate history just isn't real, also you don't have much verse in PC gaming at all and are lying. You though I wouldn't see your edit but you incidentally tagged me while you were changing your post so I got the notification.
Obviously I tagged you so you'd get a notification, I just had nothing to add and derail the thread with new replies as you only selectively quoted a pretty thorough post, not with any real arguments but just to proclaim, with a stupid gotcha showing a lack of understanding, that I too don't know PC gaming enough, and that's still all you have to repeat as some kind of counter argument. It's not. But lol @ calling me out after that selective quoting and lack or arguments that would mean I merely have to circle jerk and just copy paste the original post you pretend to have replied to but haven't. We're still waiting for all those amazing PC games Darksiders apparently plays much more like than any Zelda, it must be top secret stuff if you refuse after a day and several posts to name drop any one of them even though you entered the thread by calling out the OP's ignorance of them as the only possible reason he (and everyone else, Darksider's developers included) may find a game he likes enough to probably know what it plays like, as similar to Zelda which he probably knows what it plays like, but sure, carry on, you may google something not nearly as similar to name some day.
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Obviously I tagged you so you'd get a notification, I just had nothing to add and derail the thread with new replies as you only selectively quoted a pretty thorough post, not with any real arguments but just to proclaim,

Ahh, the irony if you being to scared to directly address me and throwing a subtle jab and then accusing me of being selective.

Also use paragraphs.

Also you're laziness on looking up RECENT gaming threads on old PC games is not my problem. You just don't know what you're talking about same with your very vague but clear indication that Zelda invented lock on when it didn't (Legends, Ghost, tons of PC combat flight, mech, tank games, Shadow Gunner, 90's Gundamn games etc.). As I said, I though imo (<as I said then) that Darksiders played more like a PC rpgs with the changes they made to whatever Zelda formula there were influenced by, which is why i asked my question to the other users because if they have, I could say "doesn't it play like X" and then they would go "oh yeah" but that kind of got screwed up with your poor attempt to claim I was "diminishing" something, and then you edited the post linking to a thread that sadly for you, also didn't contain any diminishing.

There's nothing more to discuss, you jumped tot he wrong conclusion and burned yourself. now go play Aoi Hagane Space Griffin and fly off into the galaxy,
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Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Nowhere did I say Zelda invented lock on, as you also failed to show (2D Zeldas didn't have lock on so obviously that part refers to other elements, you forgot to cut it out of your selective quoting, lol), I merely said Darksiders' lock on melee combat among other things (like the flow of dungeons, bosses, items and how they're used in and out of combat, which obviously doesn't imply Zelda invented dungeons, bosses, items, or whatever you wanna pretend I claim as you attempt exactly what I knew and said you'd do, to deconstruct well developed gameplay design to the most vague and insignificant degree possible just to go all hey this game did it first, which wasn't even the point made anywhere) plays distinctly like Zelda's with DMC-esque (also not a PC influence) combos on top (which doesn't mean DMC invented combos, just making this clear so you don't pretend I claim this too, lol).

I guess it plays much more like combat flight sims or MechWarrior because missiles "lock on" too. Got it. Indeed, there's nothing to discuss because you're incapable of doing so :rolleyes:

Anyway, aren't you going to play that game you asked about? Nothing more to discuss on the issue.
Did I say that as soon as anyone speaks of it I'm gonna go get and play it? What does it have to do with Darksiders other than make me not trust an otherwise innocent comment given your clear lack of understanding of gameplay design? Can you attempt making any logical sense at all?

Of course I'm not gonna make a new reply for this crap you are so proud of yourself over probably thinking it's another "gotcha" because you have no ability for rational thought process, that'd be baiting to get me banned for derailing the thread even though it's you doing that... Grow up.

I'm not here 24/7 to reply as soon as you add more, again, I obviously wasn't gonna make a new post for this shit... Editing my post to call out folks for editing even though they tagged me so I got a notification and also know when I edit posts they were already notified for they don't, lol...
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Nowhere did I say Zelda invented lock on,

You did vaguely as I said among other things

it's all clearly OoT (and later) inspired and nothing on PC (or anywhere other than 2D Zeldas) did it first.

Anyway, aren't you going to play that game you asked about? Nothing more to discuss on the issue.

The soul reaver combat aged like milk but the story and settings are great, even with blocky ps1 era visuals.

They choose good art direction for the environments, that can help a game age better than other by itself.

Also, it says something about a person when they wait hours later to add edits tot heir post. Not a cool move dude, not a cool move. You can do better.
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I'll admit i'm not much a fan of the character art. It worked fine for me in the first one but I really am tired of the over exaggerated appendages or whatever. Not a deal breaker. I don't think the story reaches the same level of depth and nuance that the LoK series does as far as lore/story goes.
However, I think mechanically the Darksiders series have more actual "better games" in their execution than LoK does. But then again, LoK was a from a different time and worked within but also drawn back by the limitations of hardware.
I think there is a tremendous and engaging world in the LoK series. I think its concepts would be very attractive with the right hands on board.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
I'll admit i'm not much a fan of the character art. It worked fine for me in the first one but I really am tired of the over exaggerated appendages or whatever. Not a deal breaker. I don't think the story reaches the same level of depth and nuance that the LoK series does as far as lore/story goes.
However, I think mechanically the Darksiders series have more actual "better games" in their execution than LoK does. But then again, LoK was a from a different time and worked within but also drawn back by the limitations of hardware.
I think there is a tremendous and engaging world in the LoK series. I think its concepts would be very attractive with the right hands on board.
Wouldn't mind if Gunfire was contracted for a new LoK or even 3D Castlevania tbh. As long as they adjusted their art style to match rather than try to convert it to Darksiders style of course. And given a good budget for it.

Edit: happened to replay MML today (Edit date).

You can't even move locked-on, that was added in 2 long after OoT. Once again then it's a wholly different feature to a missile's lock-on (🤦‍♂️) & to Zelda's changing directions into a circle with the always faced target as the center. I suppose one can't trust even the most basic info by Eddie 🤷‍♂️

Btw are you Afro_Republican, seeing as you joined just a few months after he got banned, post similarly insane shit and constantly make threads and stuff just like he did? If not, I guess you'd have liked each other, lol.
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