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Dave Chappelle attacked on stage during a comedy performance. He's ok, suspect was detained by security


Gold Member
California must have the loosest penalties in the entire world. Just like you cant get arrested got shoplifting under $1000 they dont really care. But hey, they seem to love it on the west coast.

Goes to show how rampant crime must be there they cant/wont bother prosecuting because theres too much of it and they need to focus on bigger crimes.

The district attorney’s office has referred the case to the Los Angeles city attorney’s office for misdemeanor filing consideration. After reviewing the evidence, prosecutors determined that while criminal conduct occurred, the evidence as presented did not constitute felony conduct. The D.A.'s office does not prosecute misdemeanor crimes within the city of Los Angeles.

Sources told The Times that Lee did not brandish the weapon in Tuesday night’s assault and that the weapon was inside a bag Lee was carrying. That is among the reasons why the incident did not rise to a felony charge of assault with a deadly weapon.
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Neighbours from Hell
Bet you one of the security staffers who injured him is going to be charged.

This is a state where people can throw bricks and explosives at cops, but if a cop shoves one of the people throwing this stuff at cops to the ground, they will be charged but not the civilians. Soros backed DAs enable crime in the name of equity.


Gold Member
California must have the loosest penalties in the entire world. Just like you cant get arrested got shoplifting under $1000 they dont really care. But hey, they seem to love it on the west coast.

Goes to show how rampant crime must be there they cant/wont bother prosecuting because theres too much of it and they need to focus on bigger crimes.

The district attorney’s office has referred the case to the Los Angeles city attorney’s office for misdemeanor filing consideration. After reviewing the evidence, prosecutors determined that while criminal conduct occurred, the evidence as presented did not constitute felony conduct. The D.A.'s office does not prosecute misdemeanor crimes within the city of Los Angeles.

Sources told The Times that Lee did not brandish the weapon in Tuesday night’s assault and that the weapon was inside a bag Lee was carrying. That is among the reasons why the incident did not rise to a felony charge of assault with a deadly weapon.
youtube lol GIF


Geez, relax. Charges haven't been dropped, just referred to a different court, one that handles misdemeanors.
I hope he gets to Alabama next.
Whenever I talk to IRL friends and try to convey the image of "backwards low-IQ racist redneck" I always use "Mobile, Alabama" 😂.... Which is probably ironic since Mobile is actually the second or third largest city in Alabama. Still Alabama, though, so my message gets through...

(No offense to any GAFer that lives there, of course)


Neo Member
I have some resentment for Dave, but for different reasons than the people who think they're women and women who think they're men. It is my experience that the people of the transexual cult are mostly contained to twitter and parts of America. I understand that these subjects are now a part of the American school curriculum, but people like Dave are only accelerating the process of blowing this up from a niche thing into some types of attitudes that people are comfortable expressing in the streets, and the shops and the roads. They can be as vicious as they like under the excuse that they see themselves as marginalized but they are getting less marginal by the day, and hopefully it will dampen down the extreme activist side of trans-culture...


I have some resentment for Dave, but for different reasons than the people who think they're women and women who think they're men. It is my experience that the people of the transexual cult are mostly contained to twitter and parts of America. I understand that these subjects are now a part of the American school curriculum, but people like Dave are only accelerating the process of blowing this up from a niche thing into some types of attitudes that people are comfortable expressing in the streets, and the shops and the roads. They can be as vicious as they like under the excuse that they see themselves as marginalized but they are getting less marginal by the day, and hopefully it will dampen down the extreme activist side of trans-culture...
Think everyone wants some less antagonising and a more level-headed discussion.

Think you’re kidding yourself to think Dave alone can change the temperament. Some people would have jettison J.K. Rowling as space junk long before Dave Chapelle ever threw his 2 cents into the ring.

The world of competitive sports will mean this will dominate headlines and extreme behaviours will persist on both sides in the many years to come.

Boss Mog


As expected. They never prosecute anyone in California.

Gascon is the worst. Laws need to be put in place to severely punish DAs for failing to protect Americans and failing to enforce the law. And allow victims to sue the city if their attacker isn't prosecuted.

If I were Dave, I wouldn't perform in any state with woke DAs that don't prosecute violent offenders. I'd also sue the venue for letting that guy bring a weapon, one that looked like a gun no less, which means he could've brought in a gun no problem.


Wow. I would be elated if a comedian had GOAT as a guest. It really just goes to show how selfish these people are.

The crowd apparently loved it but no, can’t have Chappelle on if it makes this tiny group of egomaniacs uncomfortable. Here’s a thought: People don’t dislike you because you’re transgender, people dislike you because you’re an asshole!
Wow. I would be elated if a comedian had GOAT as a guest. It really just goes to show how selfish these people are.

The crowd apparently loved it but no, can’t have Chappelle on if it makes this tiny group of egomaniacs uncomfortable. Here’s a thought: People don’t dislike you because you’re transgender, people dislike you because you’re an asshole!

Bingo. I have no problem with transgenderism. If transgender people really do believe they are another gender I consider it a mental illness but with no stigma attached to it. I don't think it should be "cured" and it's just something they live with for the rest of their lives (and hopefully good ones) just like depression/anxiety etc. My only problems with transgenderism is trying to give hormone therapy to people under 18 and the craziness of people that are supposedly "championing" the cause. You should be free to do what you want after 18 but don't start giving kids hormones until their puberty is over. I think the vast majority of people agree but just don't feel like arguing all the time so keep silent. Also Dave Chappelle is still an awesome comedian.


They’ve gone into the “committing terrorist acts are a-ok” territory, and the mods are okay with allowing that kind of radicalized rhetoric. Somewhere along the way they let the most unbalanced people take mod positions in their own team.
Remembering what they were like here, it must have been that way from the start.


Gold Member


Hooo boi some of the tweets about this…Chappelle is like a real life Voldemort to some of these chodes without a sense of humor.


As Rogan says, they're mediocre. No one knows who those comedians are. No good comedians would ever turn down a chance to have Chappelle there.
It’s because they think their way to the top is to cling to others for approval rather than actual talent leading to success. The people with actual talent don’t give a shit about staying in some in-group’s good graces because they know they’re funny and that’s what the people paying you want.


Gold Member
Bingo. I have no problem with transgenderism. If transgender people really do believe they are another gender I consider it a mental illness but with no stigma attached to it. I don't think it should be "cured" and it's just something they live with for the rest of their lives (and hopefully good ones) just like depression/anxiety etc. My only problems with transgenderism is trying to give hormone therapy to people under 18 and the craziness of people that are supposedly "championing" the cause. You should be free to do what you want after 18 but don't start giving kids hormones until their puberty is over. I think the vast majority of people agree but just don't feel like arguing all the time so keep silent. Also Dave Chappelle is still an awesome comedian.

If someone wants to identify as trans go ahead, it's your decision. Just dont force it on kids who might not know any better. If kids cant drive cars, drink booze or gamble till they are 16 or 18 (whatever a person's city laws are), I dont see how transitioning a 7 year old can be legal in any way. But somehow it can be. That's a life altering decision which can also involve meds too. This isn't Itchy Ian looking to bet on the superbowl for $20.

The vast majorty do agree, but due to social media and being labeled as a hater, most people keep it to themselves. Some people across hot topics are louder than others. You can see that in any US election poll. Dems are always super favoured in polls, but when it comes to actual results, the tallies are way closer than they are. So it shows the right side doesnt seem to care about doing online polls or else their scores would be higher.
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Neighbours from Hell

He said he attacked him because he was triggered by his comedy and that next time he should "run it by LGBTQ to see if it's triggering."

This is coming from a dude who was recently arrested for attempted murder of another individual.





He said he attacked him because he was triggered by his comedy and that next time he should "run it by LGBTQ to see if it's triggering."

This is coming from a dude who was recently arrested for attempted murder of another individual.
Boy he borders on parody. Pretty obvious he did it to promote his rap career.



He said he attacked him because he was triggered by his comedy and that next time he should "run it by LGBTQ to see if it's triggering."

This is coming from a dude who was recently arrested for attempted murder of another individual.

That’s surprising to see this moron is a part of the LGBT community. Typically, we’re much better dressed.


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