I wish kim komando was on 7 days a week, listening to boomers talk about tech is a good laugh.
Coast to coast can be pretty good if the subjects are fun
Handel on the law is great too.
Dave is ok, I'm not american tho, it's alot better than listening to conservetive talk (I often listen to it cause it's entertaining) atm like glenn beck (can be okay sometimes), Brian kilmeade, rush, starnes, (he's best when he's calm and doesn't have an axe to grind) sean, (holy shit he's just a zombie spouting words now) joe pags and mark levin (biggest cry baby on radio) ect. (Goodbye savage :^<)
Red eye radio is the only conservetive radio I can stand atm, the hosts go beyond the rhetoric for atleast 70% of the air time and bring up great points (hosts are still on break and will be back in the new year and the sit in is just a drone)