He's been shooting the film in secret for two years already. Some of the cast members are Justin Theroux, Jeremy Irons, Laura Dern, and Harry Dean Stanton. It'll probably get it's premiere on the Cannes festival in 2006.
Tiny bit about the story:
On filming with DV-cameras:
I liked his previous movies so I'm looking forward to this one.
Source (dutch): http://www.filmtotaal.nl/module.php?section=newsDetails&newsID=5108
Tiny bit about the story:
"It's about a woman in trouble, and it's a mystery, and that's about all I want to say about it."
On filming with DV-cameras:
"For me, there's no way back to film. I'm done with it. I love abstraction. Film is a beautiful medium, but it's very slow and you don't get a chance to try a lot of different things. With DV, you get those chances. And in post-production, if you can think it, you can do it."
I liked his previous movies so I'm looking forward to this one.
Source (dutch): http://www.filmtotaal.nl/module.php?section=newsDetails&newsID=5108