Are there religious studies in UK schools?
Atheists get so happy over the weirdest things. Yet another fake danger averted. Phew!
Nope, I just haven't taken a shower yet.Good on us, although this nigh on a pre-emptive move given the number of schools actively teaching creation.
I can smell your desperation.
Nope, I just haven't taken a shower yet.
However, it was interesting that the UK seemed to be even more fundamentalist than US if there was a real danger that this bill addressed (I doubt it).
Yep. Same in Spain. I used to attend this Catholic junior high school (sigh...) and they never taught us creationism, it was all evolution theory.
Is it a problem in the US?
For the record, I agree. There should not be creationism taught in school. I don't think any origin of life concept should be taught in school since it's all based on extremely dubious/non-existent scientific research and aren't tied to evolution anyway. The whole of origin of life in a science class should be "We don't know".You just made me smile on a hungover Sunday morning. For that, I officially declare you a Miracle.
I can see why you might argue this was a case of Dawkins being over-zealous. I don't really feel that way though. Even if there were barely any schools teaching creationism, and even though those schools were faith based schools, it's still nonsense. The scientist in Dawkins was probably just as fired up as the atheist in him.
Catholics and the Pope recognize evolution.
Catholics and the Pope recognize evolution.
people cherry-pick whatever they want to believe.
people cherry-pick whatever they want to believe.
That's the Catholic Church dogma, not cherry picking.I'm not a believer or anything, but I don't think the Bible says anything about evolution.
...except just the complete opposite of it?
For the record, I agree. There should not be creationism taught in school. I don't think any origin of life concept should be taught in school since it's all based on extremely dubious/non-existent scientific research and aren't tied to evolution anyway. The whole of origin of life in a science class should be "We don't know".
If there is a real danger, I'm assuming those who are so pro-creationism can simply refuse to seek funding and go full private. It's set up differently here in the States.
If UK nutters are anything like US nutters, they'll try to insert "Intelligent Design" next.
Does it bother you that much that believers accept scientific theories?Why don't you embrace it?
For schools to go private they need students and parents who are willing to pay upwards of £10-12k a year in fees so that the school can attract the best teachers etc... It's not an easy market and if a school's raison d'etre was to teach creationism they might get 10 students with parents willing to pay £10-12k in fees, but that is no where near enough to run a school. Hence the rush for these people to try and set up schools with public money. It is great news that their advances have been rebuffed by the DfE and kids are safe from this nonsense.
Because it's a fraud. I mean yea, I prefer that to them championing creationism, but it's still a perfect of case wanting to have your cake and eat it too.
That wouldn't be possible as they didn't just rule out creationism specifically but all non-scientific crap so that would include ID or any other made up crap that says humans and dinosaurs coexisted.
We were taught not to take the early books(and most of the old testament) at face values, like any sensible person would.
If you believe something which later turns out to be proved false and you change your stance on it, you're a fraud?
You are so full of shit.
No, believing in evolution as a believer is great. But once you do that, hanging on to the second of half of your religion and pretending like the two are reconcilable (when they're not), is not being honest to yourself.
So the Catholic Church being like "oh we're so modern now! We believe in evolution!" is completely superficial
The thread title is terrible. This is not a triumph for Dawkins, but a triumph for humanity.
I seriously can't believe we're dealing with this medieval stuff in the early 21st century, but I'm happy to know how science is pushing forwards and slowly but steadily anihilating religious mumbo jumbo.
Came to post this. Dawkins can go eat a penis, this is a win for common sense and critical thinking.
Baptist and Pentecostals aren't big in the UK. 150,000 Baptists,1m Pentecostals (out of 70m).Seriously. Some of you guys need to sit in a baptist or pentacostal type church. They take everything in the Bible at face value. I once had an argument with a friend of mine that Noah's Ark and the story invalidates itself. The bible gives specific dimensions for the ark and there is no way that every land and flying creature could fit into those dimensions two by two. I told her that and you know what she said? God made it happen. You really can't win with fundamentalists. There is no point. Like they complete argue with some of the genocide that goes on the Old Testament simply becuase God said it was okay. It's insane.
There are a lot of things in the Bible that are contradictory to current knowledge or current morality. Those are often rejected by most religious people. Although this is for the best for everybody, picking only the parts you like about a book pretending to be the end-all book of truth as the basis for what you think is true is often considered hypocritical.What do you mean by the second part? What second half of your religion? I didn't realise religion was half creationism.
Are you suggesting that if you have faith you can't also be completely scientific? I think a lot of scientists would take serious issue with that.
Only Dawkins would celebrate something that wasn't even an issue.
Darwin's Pit Bull played a significant role in this win. His documentary a few years ago actually brought the problem to a wider audience.
Baptist and Pentecostals aren't big in the UK. 150,000 Baptists,1m Pentecostals (out of 70m).
Certainly wouldn't be many schools either.
The headline could easily have read: "Science triumphs over creationism" instead they want to make this an atheism vs. Religion thing. Dawkins would be proud.
Dawkins is not the single champion for science in the UK. He is in fact not someone I would want representing me. His combative atheism is at this point more burdensome than helpful. Any news headline that gives him more credit than he deserves is only going to feed his already massive ego.