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Dawn of War Strategy question

My favorite race thus far is Eldar, but what I am finding out is that SM and Orks can easily rush and defeat an eldar player in a 1v1 in the first few minutes of the game. I've tried almost everything I can think of.. turrets help but can never hold back the force commander and I've made some platforms (the anti-infantry ones) but that also fell to a force commander or Big Mek. One thing I haven't tried is placing mines around, but I'm not quite sure how much damage those can do.

I usually leave out my Farseer until I have some reapers + platforms to deal with heavy infantry. I wait until I have eldrich storm researched before I bring out my farseer.
Anyone have an strategies for an Eldar player defending himself early in the game?
I seemed to figure out a way that would help, but I am still open to other idea's. What I do is build some warp spiders ASAP, then they can usually take out any infantry with my meatshield guardians.


No walls, and thank god. No place for that in this game. ALthough sometimes the unit pathing is so bad that the buildings and stuff feel like walls. Especially considering heavy armor units :p

Although, some people abuse turrets so bad they make turret walls. So yeah i guess you can make walls


Banstick Emeritus
Research, research, research and build a shitload of Webway Gates. The Eldar's ability to warp their buildings around make them a very formidable race for those who like to micro. You can't play them like the other races, you'll get your ass kicked every time. I know - I've tried. Numerous times.


Chili Con Carnage!
I wish you could toggle mines on and off, id really love to lure enemies into my eldar base then teleport out and activate the mines to trap them inside while i wail on them with some artillery.

It just becomes like Homeworld deathmatch at the moment where you just jump around the map if your ass is getting kicked.
the building warping thing is nice and all but in cases that I've tried to defend myself via that strategy, the enemies just follow and find me. Its not too hard to find someone in a map built for 2 people. =/ could you just elaborate a bit more Bish? I'm not trying to argue (I mean, you know more about it that me by far!! lolz) but I just want to gain some knowledge.

I built some scouts today and put them behind 3 guardian squads with plasma grenades and it worked VERY well in countering the beginning rush :D

and is it just me, but does a few combinations of a brightlance platform + full reaper squad just rape anything if controled right? (I usually use the speed research and keep them as far away as possible or use prisms as meat shields) I seemed to take down a squiggoth without too much difficulty earlier today.

I know eldar is all about moving and using certain specific units at specific times for specific enemies, but if you have any other tips on controlling eldar, please share!

Also: What is up with the seer council? Is it basically for protecting your Farseer? Usually my seers get eaten alive in melee with heavy infantry so I see them kind of usless, can anyone show me the light?


Wha? Seer Council is the SHIT. It takes a long time to come to form, you have to add like 12 units and buy the 15 or so witchblades but after that they a wall of walking kick assery! A seer group, farseer, reapers, and a few heavy armor pieces and that pretty much lays out anything.
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