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Day of Defeat lovers - Tell me why I'm wrong.

Okay. So I reinstalled Steam a number of days ago to see if I liked Day of Defeat enough to justify the Silver package. And although I was initially very impressed, my views are heading south rapidly. Here's my main problem:

There are a ton of ways to set up camp with either a machine gun or sniper rifle. I'm not familiar enough with maps, but are there checks and balances to counter this (i.e. ways to get around and kill them in the back without havin to cross through slaughtering points?) It seems I die an absurd amount of deaths by walking through sections that have 3 snipers and machine gunner parked in obscure corners I can barely see. And in the event I uber shoot and am able to kill one, the other 3 litter me with bullets.

I realize I could become a sniper/machine gunner, but this isn't fun to me. I'd rather not play than have to sit in a corner and wait for someone to flash across my death zone. And it's not realistic. There seem to be a ton more campers than soldiers (Where in reality they should be a very small support team). It seems capturing flags are not a huge priority here. With most players on both teams taking refuge with their sniper/machine gun, the soldiers rushing to capture flags aren't large enough to break through and capture anything (Tickets are sorely missing. Maybe if things weren't status quo and the losing team were losing tickets, it would inspire more to take a bullet for the team). I mean, the 1st time I played for an extended time I was consistently #1 on the leader board (despite a lousy kill/death ratio). I thought this was odd considering I didn't even know the maps, but know I just think it's because I'm in the extreme minority who actually tried breaking through enemy lines (Instead of hiding in a corner/window).

And is the Allied team that much better? It's always my policy to auto-asign when logging onto games (The only thing worse than getting slaughtered by a team that vastly outnumbers you, is slaughtering a team that is vastly outnumbered.) So why do I get Nazi's 95 percent of the time (With Allied only on 1 map... which makes me think Allied suck on it), and we're still outnumbered by a decent number after I join? Is the balance that bad?

So in conclusion, any advice on how to enjoy this game would be appreciated, because I'm this close to nuking Steam and waiting to see what kind of B/M deals there are the week of release.


works for Gamestop (lol)
My advice: play with a cheater. Hee hee


Actually he doesn't cheat, just ridiculously good

It's good to know the maps so you know where the snipers often take positions. Sounds like your team didnt have enough snipers to counter them, or your team just sucked. I usually just use the KAR on Axis and shoot where I think the snipers are. You don't have to be a sniper to kill a sniper...just need a good accurate weapon and know how to aim.
In my experience the basic equation is sniper > mg > (officer > rifle). With riflers being able to take on just about anyone.

Knowing the map is basically the most important. If you know the map then campers aren't really a problem, there are multiple paths on every map I can think of and nades are really really effective. Setting up a non-defensive mg is next to impossible and whoever does deserves some kills before the other team reacts.
well i can own with a sniper rifle *looks at screenies* 56-16, 45-6 etc etc. Infact its kinda easy when you know what you are doing. I find the rifles to be best if u are twitchy (HELLO!) most people dont use the garand but i prefer it to the 98k although they both rock.

Move from cover to cover use the sprint key, use your map, don't be predictable, something to try when a sniper has pinned u down is to throw a nade to the side of where u want to go the blast will throw up a dust cloud and u can leg it. Or even sometimes throwing a nade will make them shoot allowing u to leg it. If you are against a rifle user and they miss dance arround with spagetti legs. Also try to also prime yur nades (throw at ground pick up and throw again) its hard to run from a nade that blows up as soon as it lands at your feet.


being watched
I wish Valve would stop messing around with these second rate mods and concentrate on Team Fortress 2. Valve have given the TFC community the fucking finger over the last year or two with their obsession with Cunterstrike.
WTF is the deal with Grenadiers? I some people chucking grenades like crazy (or so I thought) and decided to try this class. Instead of the 1 grenade of my usual class, I received 2 grenades? WTF kind of class is this? Is there some way to carry more?
ravingloon said:
WTF is the deal with Grenadiers? I some people chucking grenades like crazy (or so I thought) and decided to try this class. Instead of the 1 grenade of my usual class, I received 2 grenades? WTF kind of class is this? Is there some way to carry more?

nope u get 2 nades thats it
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