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DC: Zombie Revenge Appreciation Thread


Forget the "psychological" scares of Resident Evils, Silent Hills, and others. I want a game where I can run up an deck a zombie in the face and that MF would fall to his weak, undead knees. Out of bullets? Narrow corridor? In other horror games you'd be running for the hills little Timmy. Not in Zombie Revenge. You'd proudly strut to the nearest zombie and pimp slap him across the screen. Watch the undead dance in delightful cruelty.

What's this? Why should only the normal looking undead suffer? Why, in Zombie Revenge even undead midgets feel the wrath of a good boot to the face. Nevermind their high pitched shreaks and ax attacks. These guys fall just as hard as the normal sized undead.

Ever find yourself surrounded by a balding surfer dude, a blonde bimdo in a yellow tanktop, and a 70s throwback Japanese with a perm? No, this isn't a setup to a stupid bar joke. This is a clear sign to you to kick some zombie ass without hesitation.

Zombie Revenge. A champion in a sea of mediocrity.


hyperbolically metafictive
that's some heinous boxart. i really hated this game when it came out...i guess i was expecting a straightforward beatemup. but i picked it up again a year or so ago, played it on its terms, and really enjoyed it. proper weapon usage turns out to be more important than button mashing. and there are some really amusing weapons.

evil ways

Not a great game by all means but a fun one. I miss beat 'em ups, especially multiplayer ones that have crazy weapons like Mariachi style machine gun guitar cases.
at the time of its release, house of the dead was still massive and I really got into ZR because of the genre blend. I thought it was really really fun - the limited continues were great; made you try harder to beat the game... the pimping extra outfits were cool too. I've never actually beat this game so .... :(


Stick Breightling!
Uhh.. random girl!

To this day I'm still sorry I got rid of it. :'(
It was a pretty good game at the time. Mostly because...well we didn't have that many beatem ups to choose from. The cheesy dialgue along with the good weapon selection wasn't too bad,though I wasn't crazy about the sluggish controls,they got in the way when you went for the hand to hand combat.

Ofcourse times change,some games age well,others are sorta just left out there as
*wow,look at that game now* memories.

Personally,Buffy is the best beatemup to come along in years to me. They did alot of things right with that game. Hopefully it holds up well for years,it sucks when you return to an old game years later and you see that it hasn't aged too well,like you remembered it was better before.


robot said:

fun game. the drill was really cool from what I remember.


For some reason, although I hated the controls and the voice acting was driving me nuts, I ended up playing the game for two hours straight the first time I popped it in. What is it about Dreamcast games that makes me do that?


works for Gamestop (lol)
Ick, I didn't like Zombie Revenge as far as BEUs go for Dreamcast. Dynamite Cop though...I had lots of fun with that game!
When I picked this up for my DC about three years ago, I worked really hard to get good at it. Playing it so much, naturally I wanted to share it with friends, which was a real problem. This game is like Contra SS where both players have to be equally as good to play correclty. My friend all ate the shared continues up by the second stage and then didn't feel like watching me bumble through another one by myself. This game is hard.

Another unfortunate aspect about ZR is how shoddily it is put together. Everything works, basically, but you never know how two different scenes are going to be linked together. They mighht blend in with no laoding, a cutscene might cover it, it might say "scene 2", or it might just pop a basic load screen up. The "fit and finish" aspect reminds me of old database projects I turned in.

Also, in true House of the Dead style, the voice acting is absolutely horrid. It's not as classic as HotD2, but I firmly believe that in some areas the voice acting is even worse.

And while I'm typin', remember the character raising minigame they threw in for the DC? Since Sonic Adventure let you raise Chaos (or whatever) ZR had to let you train your chracters too. But you couldn't take them into the main game, you had to use them in the 1on1 fighting minigame, which also sucked.

Zombie Revenge is a great brawler underneath all this.


GAF Madden 2006 Season 1 NFC Champ
Well I loved the game, by far the most underrated DC game out there. It isn't like most fighting games, you had to put a little more thought into who to attack first and patterns. The game really shined with some cool bosses and nice backgrounds. The game was hard but I did beat it in single player mode without any kind of cheat, but 2 player was too hard to beat. I was love to see a spinoff of the game in the future.


ZR also looks suprisingly good. I believe data east is in the credits but it doesnt matter. sega had already purchased data east by that time. data east is also in decatheletes credits.


I'm going with the other route for getting unlimited credits...

...getting the Naomi version :)

I bought the DC version way back when online stores weren't trying to make any money. I probably paid $10 for it when it came out...but with so many insane deals, I had stacks and stacks of games to play and thus never got good enough at it to beat it...

I have a weakness for beatemup games of any quality, to be honest...I just got the arcade version of Die Hard Arcade recently and I was surprised at how much fun it was after all these years, despite the clunky controls :)
Sho Nuff said:
Data East? That was all Sega AM3.


No it was not AM3 only. IT was Data East and Sega! because when I beat the game, Date East name was in the credits. so they did help with the game.


ZR also looks suprisingly good. I believe data east is in the credits but it doesnt matter. sega had already purchased data east by that time. data east is also in decatheletes credits.

I had no idea that Sega had absorbed/bought Data East!


LONG time ago. first data east pinball, then everything else. that was back during the days of next generation magazine.


The import version has the option for unlimited continues.

I love the game.

It still looks good and if the lighting were stronger, it could probably be re-released and graphic tarts wouldn't complain.


Whats this talk about not being unlimited continues? I thought completing all 3 different paths (or whatever those card things were in stage 1) of the game unlocked unlimited continues. Oh yes, and BOO-lets, indeed.
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