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dead HD help - data recovery possible?

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here's the deal:

hard drive is functional, but only just. i can get a listing of files, but i can't boot from it or copy any data over. i think it's mechanical failure, because i hear this *nnnt* *nnnt* sound coming from it whenever i try to access anything beyond the file listings. even then, i can only get a listing of C:\, and it takes a damn long time. is there ANY way i can recover the data on that drive, or am i outta luck?


There are companies that specialize in data recovery(even if the cause is mechanical), but it is going to cost ya. You would have to look for them yourself.


When I last lost a hard drive like that.. they were looking at hundreds or thousands of dollars to recover the data. Is the drive spinning up? If the arm touching the platter is messed up, that's pretty bad. If the motor turning the platters is messed up, you might be able to shake/hit/whap it during the speed up process to get it spinning and copy the data over.


not worth it if the data on it isn't worth way more than the drive. recover what you can and write off the rest. sorry dude, but in the future remember to back up the important stuff!


try knoppix. It saved me twice. Download it from their ftps, burn it, and check if you can salvage stuff. I salvaged a good 200gb+ total with it
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