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Dead Space 2 |OT| The Marker Is Not A Sharpie


I agree with everything in that except the coop part. I don't want multiplayer ruining my SP gameplay. Games aren't nearly as "scary" if you have a friend with you, they in fact become comical. For example RE5 was never scary having played it coop. In fact we both laughed most of the time.

Another thing I'd like is better lighting/shadows and texture work on the PC. some of that shit was just ugly as sin


I agree with 2,4, and 8. 3 is similar to 4, so that doesn't matter. 5 is just stupid and should have been replaced with something else. Co-op, I feel indifferent about, although if it gives me a reason to play it unlike the MP in DS2, then I welcome it with open arms provided it's done right and scary.
Visceral has to either avoid or get rid of the "never trust the voice on the other end of the phone" cliché for DS3. It sucks, it's not entertaining and people are going to get annoyed. I found that to be the worst offender across both games. Isaac still wasn't "calling the shots" which Visceral claimed claimed that he was. And I'm tired of the whole Nicole guilt crap; it's extremely annoying. They have to get rid of it for the next game. Oh and the regenerating necromorph came out of nowhere without a proper introduction which sucked.

Oh and this can't be said enough times
bring back the shooting range and the Zero-G Basketball mini game, or add some new ones in. I sorely missed them in DS2 as they were a nice diversion from the action.


Don't have anyone talk to you period. Have no communication with anyone. Every so often Issac says something to himself (to tell the player what he should do), and as time goes on he becomes more and more insane. Have him go alone, and any time he meets someone they all get murdered horribly, so he becomes more and more paranoid.

Something like that.
Hm... 5 is a silly complaint, they addressed it. Had OXM gone into the Options menu, they could have easily changed it. The others I mostly agree with. For the first one, I trust in Visceral to give us another location that'll be cool. I liked the ship and the space station, so whatever they come up with next will be awesome. I agree with the rest. I like the idea of a separate co-op campaign (I never want forced co-op in my SP). Otherwise, mostly good points.

I'd also love it if they experimented a bit more in terms of the atmosphere and fear. It's an example I've cited before, but I think Chapter 7 with the Solar Arrays would have been more moody and creepy if there wasn't a single enemy in it except the AI. The presence of Necros really worked against the atmosphere in that scene, I think.


Made it to chapter 9 last night, boy do they pour on the necros, huh? I think the game has been awesome but it seems at around maybe the end of chapter 7 they really seem to be throwing creatures at you left and right. I don't think I remember ever feeling overwhelmed with enemies in DS1 like I do in part 2.

I'm playing on normal and even on that difficulty the creatures called Stalkers (I think) have been a pain. You have to manage your stasis well, those things are fast as hell. I can't even imagine how tough the game is on zealot or hardcore difficulties.

I love how each section flows into one another, no loading between chapters. Very nice. I'm really digging Isaac's new suit too. But yeah, the main thing for me right now has been the number of enemies thrown at you. Seems a little heavy in some spots.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Gvaz said:
Another thing I'd like is better lighting/shadows and texture work on the PC. some of that shit was just ugly as sin
You have to admit the texture work was actually quite good in a lot of areas too though, like here:



I think it'd be pretty cool if the hallucinations weren't so obvious. For the most part, it was only Isaac who wondered what was real and what wasn't. For the player it was close to impossible to not tell the difference. If Isaac is going even more crazy for DS3, more phantoms enemies and maybe even environments/chapters (or parts thereof) could be fake? And in more subtle ways. Keep us guessing :D And not just regarding what enemy type we're gonna see next :)

However, I think it'd be pretty weird if a new enemy faction was revealed at this point. New necromorphs, I'm all for, but new species of creatures? I dunno :S
Minamu said:
I think it'd be pretty cool if the hallucinations weren't so obvious. For the most part, it was only Isaac who wondered what was real and what wasn't. For the player it was close to impossible to not tell the difference. If Isaac is going even more crazy for DS3, more phantoms enemies and maybe even environments/chapters (or parts thereof) could be fake? And in more subtle ways. Keep us guessing :D And not just regarding what enemy type we're gonna see next :)

However, I think it'd be pretty weird if a new enemy faction was revealed at this point. New necromorphs, I'm all for, but new species of creatures? I dunno :S

I just hope they don't pull some twist "OH NO, YOU'VE BEEN SHOOTING REGULAR FOLKS THIS WHOLE TIME" crap
NotTheGuyYouKill said:
I just hope they don't pull some twist "OH NO, YOU'VE BEEN SHOOTING REGULAR FOLKS THIS WHOLE TIME" crap

Didn't they hint towards exactly that in Extraction? The opening chapter if I 'm not


NotTheGuyYouKill said:
I just hope they don't pull some twist "OH NO, YOU'VE BEEN SHOOTING REGULAR FOLKS THIS WHOLE TIME" crap
Yeah. Done already like Speedmanic says. That was pretty neat though imo. Could work if on a smaller scale. As long as the series doesn't end with Isaac waking up in his regular bed on Earth and it was all a dream xD
I just finished the game yesterday as well, and I have to say... DS1 >>>> DS2

About halfway through, I realized I wasn't really playing because I was enjoying myself but rather to see it through to completion. If I had to find a similar parallel, I would equate it to RE5 to RE4. Others have already stated much of the same, but here are my complaints...

1. Throwing mass amounts of enemies at you in cheap ways. Yes, they give you a good balance of tools to deal with the situations, but it's still not fun.

2. The "hallucinations" were out of place and didn't really seem relative to anything.

3. Nicole. Fuck Nicole. That was just an awful trope to use,
particularly as an end boss.

4. Nothing but cheap scares. I'll be the first person to tell you that I do not enjoy scary/horror games, but I love the atmosphere. I actually appreciated the moments in the game when you THOUGHT something was going to happened...but that was so few and far between. There was no balance as there was in DS1.

5. The new necromorphs weren't really effective, as they basically were smaller versions of the others. I guess they were just visual variety?

6. The upgrade system seemed more like an afterthought in this game compared to DS1.

7. And the most damning: beyond one or two scenes in the beginning and end, nothing really INTERESTING happened throughout the entire game.
Oooh, betrayal x2...both of which you see coming a mile away.
All of the characters you come across might as well have not been in the game, as they served more as waypoints than anything else.

That said, it's not that I feel it was a bad game, just not a good followup to DS1.


Minamu said:
8 things we want in DS3


Can't help but agree with most of them. Especially 1-4. Not a fan of number six though. Separate co-op campaign? No thanks. Build it in, like Gears of War or don't bother at all. Uncharted 2 is not a good example of great co-op. Not saying that mode isn't fun, but being stand-alone is the same to me as pointless, especially from a story perspective. Make it worthwhile and integral! Make a good and scary co-op and you have a game of the generation candidate due to lack of competition.
Since this came out I decided to try combing through job postings for details again, but no luck.

EA does seem dedicated to hiring five million people for the next Army of Two game however.


Overall, Dead Space 2 is a fantastic game.

Game play, performance, graphics are all top notch. But I have a few gripes with the story:

1) The whole Daina vehicle was lame.
Isaac should have taken charge of the situation. It would have been much better if Isaac was aware of where he was and familiar with the station layout (though still captive), then when the necromorph outbreak occurs, he manages to escape and decides to destroy the marker. The story could proceed with him directing his actions, and his interactions with Stross and Ellie would help guide / move the story along.

2) I was not happy with the Ellie / Stross / Isaac situation.
When Isaac meets Ellie, she refuses to have Isaac come along, something about how others can't be trusted or are a liability. Then Ellie runs into Stross and even though he appears mentally unstable and delusional, she decides it is okay for him to tag along. REALLY? She seemed to be intelligent, then she chooses to have this nutcase come along with her but she tells the well-armed, heavily armored intelligent fellow to take a hike.
What gives?

On top of that, she seemed like a well-trained military type and she is overtaken by this little man and his screwdriver. What happened to all her hard talk? Or even her stupid side-arm? She could have been a great female character, a partner, not another damsel in distress who makes stupid decisions left and right.

3) The Nicole situation.
The hallucinations were much more effective when Nicole was real in appearance, not when we she was shooting light rays out of all orifices. The questioning of what is real and what is not was more compelling that the haunted house stuff. They could have done a better job here. I would have also liked it if Isaac was not so easily fooled, he's not a noob, yet he is treated as such. Everyone and their mom fools him.

I would like to thank Visceral for making such a great game. I have enjoyed it very much and feel happy to support your product. The above mentioned complaints are minor, and hope are addressed in future installments. Thanks for not cramming the multiplayer down our throats either (I would have HATED the existence of online trophies).


NotTheGuyYouKill said:
I just hope they don't pull some twist "OH NO, YOU'VE BEEN SHOOTING REGULAR FOLKS THIS WHOLE TIME" crap
I'd knock over a magazine rack if that were to happen. We all know that Isaac has the most untainted mind even after being exposed repeatedly to the marker(s). That's why everyone wants his brain because it's one that can still tell the difference between what's real and what's not. Especially in comparison to so many other characters who went nuts after being exposed to the marker for a few seconds (ie. Lexi's fiancee in the beginning of extraction and various other people in P-sec).

Plus after he destroyed the marker from his mind, I expect that he'd perform better than when he was under its influence.


There is way too much whispering going on in the background noise. Also, while I like DS, it was the same for both games...opening sequence is somewhat intense and with a great atmosphere and from this point it goes downwards till it just feels like a "normal" shooter...why? But ok, I'm failry in DS2, so I'll see if it changes again.


I just read that somebody wants a co-op main campaign...

Hell no.. just...no. A separate campaign would be great for co-op. But I dont want ANYBODY with me in the halls of Dead Space. It would just....take the scare out of it..


legacyzero said:
I just read that somebody wants a co-op main campaign...

Hell no.. just...no. A separate campaign would be great for co-op. But I dont want ANYBODY with me in the halls of Dead Space. It would just....take the scare out of it..

Which scare...it's almost more like an action shooter...


legacyzero said:
I just read that somebody wants a co-op main campaign...

Hell no.. just...no. A separate campaign would be great for co-op. But I dont want ANYBODY with me in the halls of Dead Space. It would just....take the scare out of it..
My clause was "if done right" :) Scary co-op can work. Left 4 Dead sort of proves it. Even Demon's Souls to some extent. And since the game have multiple characters interacting at the same time, isn't it almost a co-op game already, but with AI story characters that have no impact on player progression? I agree that a straight up copy of the Gears of War system would be bad. But there's nothing saying you couldn't have a player 2 play as Ellie, cut off from player 1. Or something like that :) Co-op is hard. It really does require some serious outside of the box thinking to get it good. Even more so with a horror game.


Stallion Free said:
You have to admit the texture work was actually quite good in a lot of areas too though, like here:

Yeah no I'm not arguing that image, more or less the first game and in places the second game (though less so).
Gvaz said:
I agree with everything in that except the coop part. I don't want multiplayer ruining my SP gameplay. Games aren't nearly as "scary" if you have a friend with you, they in fact become comical. For example RE5 was never scary having played it coop. In fact we both laughed most of the time.

Resident Evil 5 wasn't scary, period. It wasn't a good game, period.

I'd much rather see a standalone co-op campaign/side-story than more competitive multiplayer that no one cares about. That or a Horde/Zombies mode type of deal.


Finished last night. Had a great time with this game, but some frustrations as well. Chapter >14 + end game spoilers:
The regenerating necromorph felt like an afterthought. It wasn't properly introduced to the player and I found him more frustrating than terrifying. There wasn't a resolution either -- you don't kill him. He chases you all throughout the marker chamber and at its base, but once you confront your guild/Nicole, he just stops chasing you. I wasted a lot of precious linerack ammo to remove his legs so I would have enough time to simply run away. If you're going to make an enemy like that, please explain him (I get that he was part of the marker conversion event or whatever) and give the player some resolution or a chance to destroy him.

This game still needs a melee weapon capable of killing enemies. Make it risk/reward like the Combat Knife in RE games. Finding mops/brooms/spikes/nails/necro claws/etc. in the environment was a clumsy process. It felt cool, but in the heat of combat, I'd usually TK something other than the impaling object that I needed. A reliable melee weapon would really make ammo conservation runs less frustrating.

Also, was I the only one who found a lot of the dialogue hard to follow? I absolutely love the way the story is delivered through dialogue organically, in the environment and on the pop-up HUD screens. The trouble I found was I couldn't hear things clearly. I had to turn on subtitles and that kind of ruined the whole "nothing between the screen and the player" experience. I'd ask that the guys at Visceral really turn the environmental sounds down or turn the dialogue way up for DS3. To be honest, I had no idea what was happening half of the time because I couldn't hear properly. Sometimes I didn't even realize it was a video conversation because I had my weapon up, expecting danger.


soultron, no complaints about the ridiculous necro spawns in the latter half of the game? Shit really ruined the flow of the game for me and turn everything into a big demonstration of trial and error.

So I've been trying to do my Hardcore run for the past two days. I've died like maybe 5 times sometimes from cheap deaths, other times it was my own fault. The furthest I've made it was about halfway through Chapter 4. Anyone ever felt like they died a lot because they were trying to be too conservative? Sometimes I try to maximize my efficiency in terms of ammo and stasis that it ended up costing me. I've always played the game with that mindset and it's been tough for me to get over that.

Any recommended tips? When did most of you make your first save?

Edit: Just made my first save at the beginning of Chapter 6. Couldn't take the adrenaline rush any longer. lol

I plan on using my second save either at the end of Chapter 9
(Tripod Nest)
or the end of Chapter 12
(Drill Ride).

What'll probably end up happening is the end of Ch. 9 will be my second save and the end of Ch. 12 will be my 3rd save. hah

You guys think I could survive all the way to the
Drill Ride
from Chapter 6? :|
SamuraiX- said:
You guys think I could survive all the way to the
Drill Ride
from Chapter 6? :|

It's definitely doable. I did Chapter 7,
Drill Ride
, and right before
Eye Poke
for my three saves.

It's not really the enemies that are worrisome, it's the ticky tack instant death events like blowing out a window and not shooting the target in time that screw you. If you remember where those are you'll be fine.


It's definitely doable. I did Chapter 7,
Drill Ride
, and right before
Eye Poke
for my three saves.

It's not really the enemies that are worrisome, it's the ticky tack instant death events like blowing out a window and not shooting the target in time that screw you. If you remember where those are you'll be fine.

Wow. Nice!

For me, I'm different. It's not the cinematic type instant death segments that get me. It'll usually be shooting an Exploder when he's too close to me, yet he easily looked to be far enough. Or just believing I can take out that last necro or two in the room, even though they're getting really close and I'm under half health.

And I'm more than worried about the necro spawns from here on out. I'm already scared for my life when I hit Chapter 10 and they start coming at you with armies from in front, behind, above, etc. Those parts piss me off because I always want to try and be tactical and precise with my aim/ammo but those segments force me to play out of control and it's just too much.

Between Chapter 6 where I just saved and the
Drill Ride
, these are the sequences I'm already dreading:
Chapter 6 -
Leaper rape in the main lobby of the apartments
Chapter 7 -
Tripod elevator attack
Chapter 7 -
Just before Ch. 8. CEC lobby zero oxygen total necro rape
Chapter 9 -
Tripod nest
Chapter 10 -
Pretty much the entirety of this godforsaken place
Chapter 11 -
Changing the power unit in the cave-like area with necros of all kinds spawning everywhere
Chapter 11 -
Large elevator sequence with slashers constantly dropping out of Satan's anus

Although, I've just found a new walkthrough on YouTube of this guy named Wolfwood824 and holy shit is this guy legit. Makes most of the areas I listed as being concerned about above look like a total joke. :O
quick question regarding DLC and stuff

I just started playing this on PC and I just fond the first shop. There are a bunch of free weapons and suits. This wasn't intended, was it? wouldn't it break the game to have all this powerful gear right away?


I don't really need a tag, but I figured I'd get one to make people jealous. Is it working?
Linkzg said:
quick question regarding DLC and stuff

I just started playing this on PC and I just fond the first shop. There are a bunch of free weapons and suits. This wasn't intended, was it? wouldn't it break the game to have all this powerful gear right away?

Fairly sure it's intended. And yes, it does kinda ruin the satisfaction of buying and building your own loadout. I'd recommend "buying" it all and putting it in storage and then just playing as normal. Maybe you can switch out to the alternates as you unlock the base stuff in game; that's what I wish I had done, but I don't think it ruined the experience too much to start doing that a third of a way through the game.

Having that contact beam early on though. Whew. Necros did not know what hit them.
I might have a wee run at Hardcore mode again today.

I still can't decide whether DS1 > DS2 as a broad generalisation, I think more a long the lines of the following:-

DS1 >> DS2:-
1. Narrative - just felt much tighter, with more cohesion
2. End Game - possibly the biggest area that DS1 is noticeably better is the whole end game, where DS2 just spams necromorphs
3. Regenerator was much better handled, and had a resolution, where the Uber-morph in DS2 felt tacked on.
4. Twitchers

DS2 >> DS1
1. Gameplay mechanics, and Isaccs movement were superior, and controls just felt more solid
2. No annoying mini-games like the Asteroids or Slug boss in DS1
3. Much better game flow, chapters were handled better on the whole, although I still like DS1's approach I think DS2's is more immersive
4. Weapon balance felt better to me, and u were encouraged to experiment with the respec ability.

I think these are the main points for me - in terms of set-pieces and bosses it's pretty even, and most other areas it's close too.

For DS3, I'm just interested in where Visceral take things, after two such fantastic games I trust them to maintain the quality, and maybe even up the ante in other ways not even thought of yet.

Things I personally would like to see that I feel are the essence of Dead Space:-
1. In the main, I prefer harder battles with less Necros, where you actually have to think, rather than spamming. I think DS1 showed how a couple of set-pieces with huge amounts of necros can work effectively (Barracks, Marker transportation), but maintaining large sequences with too many Necros doesn't work for me. I think in DS2, a single Necro became much less of a threat than in DS1 (even though there were more of them), and by extension less scary. Maybe more Necro variants that are tougher, but less of them if you follow me.
2. Nicole's story seems done to me, and I agree that for DS3 Isaac needs to move on, and so does the main narrative.
3. Focus on strategic dismemberment - it's what Dead Space is all about to me; in many ways I think this was diluted in DS2 to a degree (due to Necro spam). I think I enjoyed my One Gun runs through Dead Space more than having other weapons - Plasma Cutter feels like Dead Space played right. I think weapon / enemy balance should be tweaked to keep this ingredient to the fore, and I think it's why the final levels in DS2 seemed a bit incongruos - unlike others I didn't think they were bad; challenging and enjoyable, but they didn't feel like Dead Space to me.
gollumsluvslave said:
1. Narrative - just felt much tighter, with more cohesion

I only played through the original once, but I am continually surprised at how good Dead Space 2's presentation is. As far as presentation goes, I think Dead Space 2 is one of the best this generation.
I only played through the original once, but I am continually surprised at how good Dead Space 2's presentation is. As far as presentation goes, I think Dead Space 2 is one of the best this generation.

In terms of overall polish and presentation, both games are fantastic, I just think that the story and how it was integrated into the game was better in Dead Space - maybe because it had more audio and video logs, it just came across more believable to me. Look at the Regenerator/Hunter vs Ubermorph in Dead Space 2 as a good example.
SamuraiX- said:
Wow. Nice!

For me, I'm different. It's not the cinematic type instant death segments that get me. It'll usually be shooting an Exploder when he's too close to me, yet he easily looked to be far enough. Or just believing I can take out that last necro or two in the room, even though they're getting really close and I'm under half health.

And I'm more than worried about the necro spawns from here on out. I'm already scared for my life when I hit Chapter 10 and they start coming at you with armies from in front, behind, above, etc. Those parts piss me off because I always want to try and be tactical and precise with my aim/ammo but those segments force me to play out of control and it's just too much.

Between Chapter 6 where I just saved and the
Drill Ride
, these are the sequences I'm already dreading:
Chapter 6 -
Leaper rape in the main lobby of the apartments
Chapter 7 -
Tripod elevator attack
Chapter 7 -
Just before Ch. 8. CEC lobby zero oxygen total necro rape
Chapter 9 -
Tripod nest
Chapter 10 -
Pretty much the entirety of this godforsaken place
Chapter 11 -
Changing the power unit in the cave-like area with necros of all kinds spawning everywhere
Chapter 11 -
Large elevator sequence with slashers constantly dropping out of Satan's anus

Although, I've just found a new walkthrough on YouTube of this guy named Wolfwood824 and holy shit is this guy legit. Makes most of the areas I listed as being concerned about above look like a total joke. :O

Ahh. Replicant's guide in here somewhere was really well done too.

I'm with you on the first Chapter 11 concern. That was really the only place where I was legitimately worried about the enemies.

For Chapter 7 -
Tripod elevator attack. You can stand next to the door to the elevator and you'll only have to worry about two windows, the ones immediately towards your right and left as Tripods in other windows can't reach you. It will save you quite a bit of ammo too

For Chapter 9 -
Tripod nest, just dismember the first Tripod but don't kill it. You can keep it Stasis-ed while you launch the exploding containers to clear the path. I usually only have to kill 1 or 2 of them here. Just keep your Stasis at full and you'll be fine.

Those are really the only help tips I can think of right now. I used the shit out of the Force Gun on my run. Walk into room, get enemies chasing me, move around corner with back against wall, wait for enemy to get close, Force Gun to the face, GG. Rinse and repeat. It really made Leapers a joke. Kept my Cutter for enemies that needed to be killed at a distance and those were pretty much all I used outside of Tanks.


Them game really is fantasic in many ways but man is it hard on "hard". It keeps the game intense, that's what I wanted, but I didn't think that hard really is OMG NO AM NO HEALTH ALL THE TIME hard. Any tips on the weapons? I'm at chapter 8 now...fuck me it's hard.


I think the problem is that they always throw so many enemies at you. I think it would me more fun to just have one, two or maybe three enemies at once. And not six to eight and all different sorts and stuff. o_O


Neo Member
I just started up DS2 on PC from the steam summer sale and I'm pretty amazed at the graphical upgrades especially lighting and AA. Just curious, does DS2 use FXAA?

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
mikespit1200 said:
I just started up DS2 on PC from the steam summer sale and I'm pretty amazed at the graphical upgrades especially lighting and AA. Just curious, does DS2 use FXAA?
No it uses some ghetto edge-detect shit, just like DS1.

You can force sparse grid super sampling though and it looks quite lovely with that.


I made it to chapter 14 yesterday and I want to get something off my chest. Who in their right mind thought it would be cool to smother you with necros just about everywhere you go in this chapter?

Seriously, it's too much. I'm playing on normal but even at that difficulty being overwhelmed with necros is a problem. It's like every room you enter, walk halfway into the room, cue music/necro crashing through air vent, then getting swarmed with creatures.

For me it's kind of ruining the last half of the game. Half the time I'm throwing my hands up in frustration at every room I enter. I wanted to throw my controller at the tv a couple of times.

I loved the first game, and for most of Dead Space 2 I've enjoyed it as well. The graphics are better, performance is better in 2, controls are tighter. I love how each chapter flows into another. More variety in the environments.

But the overflow of creatures in what I'm guessing is close to the end of the game is really pissing me off. :/ I thought DS1 on normal was a nice difficulty. I know some people found it a little on the easy side and it seemed like Visceral took that feedback and decided to up the creature encounters. But to me they made the encounters way more of a pain in DS2.

I'm hoping for the inevitable DS3, they go the "less is more" route when it comes to enemy encounters. I don't even feel that anxious playing through the later encounters. In the first game the more sporadic encounters kept things tense for me. But in this game I'm expecting a swarm of necros every room I enter so it kind of kills any sense of tension for me.

I love, love that DS2 exists. It's one of my favorite franchises this gen and I'm glad they continued the story from the first game. Gameplay feels great. The RE series could take a cue from Visceral when it comes to controls and tense atmoshpere.

I just hope in the next one you guys tone down the amount of necros you encounter. Maybe if there were one/two levels where you went an entire section without fighting one necro but you felt like you were being stalked the entire time. That would definitely keep you on your toes and on edge.
purple cobra said:
I just hope in the next one you guys tone down the amount of necros you encounter. Maybe if there were one/two levels where you went an entire section without fighting one necro but you felt like you were being stalked the entire time. That would definitely keep you on your toes and on edge.

I'm with you on this. It's the reason the
return to the Ishimura for the first 15 minutes
was so great. It was easily my favorite chapter of the game.

I'd also like to see enemies appear through some other way besides popping out of vents. It was fine in DS1, but after two games it's lost all its scare/jump factor. Every time I enter a new room I look for vents first. There's no more suspense.


Wiggum2007 said:
More text/audio/video logs in DS3 please! Were there even any video logs at all in DS2?
You know, you're right. Now that I think about it I haven't come across one video log. Oh yeah, I have to give props for the game making me cringe at
the needle in the eye insertion scene. I didn't realize at first I had to lower the needle down slowly to keep Isaac's heart rate down. First couple of times I just dropped the needle fast and ended up smashing poor Isaac's head!
Monkey Pants said:
That's funny, there are actually a few more vid logs in DS2 than DS1.

Excluding communication between Isaac, Daina, Stross, Ellie, and Teidmann, how many video logs are there? I recall the poor sap that taught us how to use TK to impale enemies and... that's all I got at the minute. Or does the communications count as Video Logs?

From the funny pics thread. I LOL-ed.


Hahaha, I love this.

Monkey Pants

Outpost Games Creative Director
NotTheGuyYouKill said:
Excluding communication between Isaac, Daina, Stross, Ellie, and Teidmann, how many video logs are there? I recall the poor sap that taught us how to use TK to impale enemies and... that's all I got at the minute. Or does the communications count as Video Logs?

We just look at them from a production standpoint, so any time Isaac's vid screen comes up and someone is seen, that's a VidLog. In DS1 there were 39 of those. In DS2 there were 42.

But it's true that by the nature of the story, the Video Logs in DS2 are more "current" story, and in DS1 it was more historical. But not by that much. And DS2 has MUCH more complicated and involved live events (where the other characters are in the room with you).


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Stallion Free said:
No it uses some ghetto edge-detect shit, just like DS1.

You can force sparse grid super sampling though and it looks quite lovely with that.

Agree, even though I settled for 4xMSAA it looked great nonetheless.


purple cobra said:
I made it to chapter 14 yesterday and I want to get something off my chest. Who in their right mind thought it would be cool to smother you with necros just about everywhere you go in this chapter?

Seriously, it's too much. I'm playing on normal but even at that difficulty being overwhelmed with necros is a problem. It's like every room you enter, walk halfway into the room, cue music/necro crashing through air vent, then getting swarmed with creatures.

yeah there are a lot necros but that's because of the story. They kind forgot to tell the player he needs to run and not trying to kill everything.


From the funny pics thread. I LOL-ed.

Haha, that's great!

Monkey Pants said:
We just look at them from a production standpoint, so any time Isaac's vid screen comes up and someone is seen, that's a VidLog. In DS1 there were 39 of those. In DS2 there were 42.

But it's true that by the nature of the story, the Video Logs in DS2 are more "current" story, and in DS1 it was more historical. But not by that much. And DS2 has MUCH more complicated and involved live events (where the other characters are in the room with you).
Ok, that's probably it. When I think of Video Logs, I think of them more in a historical sense. Like the one situation NotTheGuyYouKill mentioned with the one character that leaves the message telling you to use TK to impale the necros.

It_Hurts said:
yeah there are a lot necros but that's because of the story. They kind forgot to tell the player he needs to run and not trying to kill everything.
In the context of the story, especially at that point, yes the amount of necros would make sense. I guess I was conditioned to eliminate enemies in the room before advancing to the next one.

Then I realized that locks on the doors where glowing blue instead of orange and were already unlocked. The sprint button was my best friend after that. I still won't deny that the amount of necros you encounter in those later levels are frustrating though. At least to me.
purple cobra said:
Then I realized that locks on the doors where glowing blue instead of orange and were already unlocked. The sprint button was my best friend after that. I still won't deny that the amount of necros you encounter in those later levels are frustrating though. At least to me.

Play through on Hardcore to unlock the Hand Cannon. Those later levels become very cathartic on your next play through, lol.
purple cobra:-
I'm hoping for the inevitable DS3, they go the "less is more" route when it comes to enemy encounters. I don't even feel that anxious playing through the later encounters. In the first game the more sporadic encounters kept things tense for me. But in this game I'm expecting a swarm of necros every room I enter so it kind of kills any sense of tension for me.

Probably expressed a bit more eloquently than me, but we are on the same page:-

Things I personally would like to see that I feel are the essence of Dead Space:-
1. In the main, I prefer harder battles with less Necros, where you actually have to think, rather than spamming. I think DS1 showed how a couple of set-pieces with huge amounts of necros can work effectively (Barracks, Marker transportation), but maintaining large sequences with too many Necros doesn't work for me. I think in DS2, a single Necro became much less of a threat than in DS1 (even though there were more of them), and by extension less scary. Maybe more Necro variants that are tougher, but less of them if you follow me.

I think the frustration about the amount of Necros is it starts to feel less tense, and by extension, less like Dead Space, and that's the frustrating part.


Derp derp my router seems to have broken down over the summer break. I want to get the dlc so I can get started on hardcore...
As great as Dead Space 2 is, improved combat and all, I feel like the atmosphere isn't as strong compared to the first game. The first game tickled some of those space-fanatic fancies of mine. Dead Space 1 did an exceptional job at the 'YOU'RE IN SPACE' thing. Dead Space 2 didn't really use its setting well.
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