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Deal - Halo 5: Guardians $40 at Newegg


Saw this over on Slickdeals: Newegg has Halo 5 for $39.99 with a promo code. There is also an associated deal for Halo 5 and Master Chief controllers with a $20 Newegg gift card.


Direct link: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produ...=BESTMATCH&Description=halo+5&N=-1&isNodeId=1
Promo code: EMCKANV94

Not as good as the deal I got-but close-good find

Thanks, but credit goes to the poster on SD. I can't afford it right now, but I figured I would share it on here for those that can.
Got it, thanks! Had it paid off at GS but I'll just move that to SW or Fallout or something next year. Crazy its out for 6 hours and its already dropped 20$ with a coupon XD
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